Each 1KG pouch covers up to 1 Hectare of land. It contains trillions of Supersoil microbes and a powerful growth booster that is the equivalent of 20 tons of organic compost.
Suitable for, but not limited to, farmers, lawns, gardeners, growers, greenhouses, greenkeepers, pitches and stadiums.
Supersoil is very fast acting - many notice visible results within weeks provided their soil is in good growing conditions ( eg plenty of rain, plenty of sunshine ). During poorer growing conditions ( eg colder winter weather, exceptional rainfall, droughts, or soil chronically low in organic matter ) results will obviously be slower.
1 KG of Supersoil can be diluted up to a maximum of 250 litres of water. No special nozzles are required to spray Supersoil - standard nozzles are perfect.
One annual application is usually enough for most growers although intense farmers may require additional applications. You can reapply Supersoil as often as you like & you cannot overdose the product. Unlike chemical fertilisers, Supersoil is completely harmless to animals and there is no time delay after application - the land can be used immediately.