Complete rolling mill equipment for bar mill, wire rod mill, section mill, structural mill, horizontal / vertical housingless mill stands, slit rolling, (from 50,000 tpa to 700,000 tpa) and also helical gear boxes, crank shears, crank leaver shears, cold shears, no twist block mills, high speed laying head, coil forming and handling equipment, tmt equipment, automatic rake type cooling bed etc..
Custom stainless steel machines.
Used plastic machinery.
RMS series products include MK677, MK2866, RAD140, GW501516, GW0742, LGD 4033, S4, S23, ACP105, LGD3303.R&D laboratory and factory production, transportation
Carton baling machines, pet bottles baling machines, metal baling machines, paper baling machines, compacting machines, recycling machinery..Recycling solutions, baling solutions, better waste managing solutions.
Large animal/pet and equine incinerator cremation unit.
Automatic wet sand molding machine.Shipping, FOB
Heat Transfer Machine.
Cover casting molding machine.
Pipe auto bundling & strapping equipment, end facing machine, straightener, threading machine, hydrostatic tester , zinc kettle, hot dip galvanizing line.
Greenmax EPS compactor & densifier.
Liquid filling machine.
Ge jenbacher gas engines.
SS scrubber making machine.Export
Industrial machinery..
Horizontal pressured bead mill.Shipping
Cansilling machine manufacturer..
Engineering equipment supplies.Engineering services
Automation equipment, vibratory feeder, vibratory linear feeder, vibratory bowl drive feeder, vibrating disk.Research, development, production and export