SPESIFIKASI PRODUK - Raw Material :aging ayam - Berat per pack : 1 Kg/pack - Isi kemasan : 15 Pack/Karton - Masa simpan (self life) 1 tahun - Produced by Besuki Jaya KOMPOSISI / INGREDIENTS Daging Ayam, Minyak, Bumbu Abon Ayam Manis / Pedas SR Super, diproduksi dengan menggunakan daging ayam asli dan bumbu berkualitas. Melalui proses pembuatan ang higienis oleh ahli abon yang berpengalaman, menghasilkan abon ayam dengan kualitas yang sangat bagus. REKOMENDASI PENGGUNAAN Dengan keunggulan pada serat yang panjang dan tekstur yang sangat bagus serta rasa gurih dan bumbu yang pas, Abon ayam pedas, Abon ayam Super pedas Abon Ayam Pedas (SR Super) abon ayam SR Super ini sangat cocok untu digunakan sebagai toping roti. Sebagai lauk atau teman makan nasi, abon ayam ini juga sangat rekomended. Sebagai varian pilihan rasa, abon ayam sr super dibedakan dengan warna kemasan. Warna biru merupakan abon ayam dengan rasa manis. Sedangkan warna merah digunakan untuk abon ayam denga rasa pedas.
SPESIFIKASI PRODUK - Raw Material :Daging (Sapi) - Berat per pack : 1 Kg/pack - Isi kemasan : 10 Pack/Karton, - Masa simpan (self life) 1 tahun - Produced by UD Sumber Usaha Utama - Varian Rasa : Manis - Varian Jenis : Sapi KOMPOSISI / INGREDIENTS Daging sapi segar, gula, garam, bawang goreng, rempah-rempah, minyak nabati Fresh beef, sugar, salt, fried onion, spices, vegetable oil. REKOMENDASI PENGGUNAAN Abon sapi ini sangat cocok digunakan untuk industri bakery, pabrik roti, hotel, restoran,cafe atau industri lain yang menggunakan bahan abon secara rutin. Apabila anda atau bisnis anda mengutamakan kualitas, abon ini adalah pilhan yang tepat untuk di gunakan. Dengan rasa yang enak dan gurih, warna yang menarik, serat abon yang bagus merupakan jaminan kualitas bagi abon ini
Made by 100% High Quality Cassava & Brown Sugar Nett : 400 Gram
Made by 100% High Quality Cassava & Cane Sugar Nett : 400 Gram
Made by 100% High Quality Cassava. Nett : 400 Gram
Made by 100% High Quality Corn. Nett : 400 Gram
LC Koi Food Premium Growth is Koi Pellets High Protein (42%) in order to achieve bulk body conformation in a short period. It combines with color nutrition to maintain luster remain healthy and shine while growth accelerating.
Bamboe Spices made from fresh and quality natural spices that create a special spice flavor. This product do not use additional artificial colors, MSG and other harmful ingredients so they are safe for consumption. All of the spices are made only from natural ingredients. That is make this Bamboe Instants Spices is making a positve contribution in health. AVAILABLE SIZE(Quantity/Carton) *33gr - 100gr (24 Pcs x 8 Box) Variant: Fried Chicken, Curry, Opor, Kalasan Fried Chicken, Balado Spices, Nasi Kuning, Nasi Uduk, Nasi Liwet, Sop, Bali Spices, Mie Goreng, Rujak, Gule, Rendang, Sayur Asem, Krengsengan, Rawon, Sambal Goreng Ati, Lodeh, Fried Rice, Soto Ayam, Soto Madura, Spicy Fried Rice, Empal, Ayam Kecap, Tongseng, Tahu Campur, Rica-Rica, Semur, Soto Betawi Origin: Indonesia Text: Indonesia, English ======================== *Big Range More Than 1000 items, So You Can Mix The Product *FCL, Mix Container Load (Dry/Reefer) are welcome *Stickering and Shrink Wrapping are available *Payment terms FOB, CNF -Any Inquiry or need more details about product? feel free to contact us-
All of Bamboe Instant spices are made only from natural ingredients. This products do not use additional artificial colors, MSG and other harmful ingredients so they are safe for consumption. That is make this Bamboe Instants Spices is making a positve contribution in health. Variant: -Sop -Bali Spices
All of Bamboe Instant spices are made only from natural ingredients. This products do not use additional artificial colors, MSG and other harmful ingredients so they are safe for consumption. That is make this Bamboe Instants Spices is making a positve contribution in health. Variant: -Sop -Bali Spices
This product are made from fresh and quality natural spices that create a special spice flavor. In addition, this products do not use additional artificial colors, MSG and other harmful ingredients so they are safe for consumption. All of the spices are made only from natural ingredients. That is make this Bamboe Instants Spices is making a positve contribution in health. Variant: - Mie Goreng
This product are made from fresh and quality natural spices that create a special spice flavor. In addition, this products do not use additional artificial colors, MSG and other harmful ingredients so they are safe for consumption. All of the spices are made only from natural ingredients. That is make this Bamboe Instants Spices is making a positve contribution in health. Variant: - Sayur Asem - Krengesengan
This product are made from fresh and quality natural spices that create a special spice flavor. In addition, this products do not use additional artificial colors, MSG and other harmful ingredients so they are safe for consumption. All of the spices are made only from natural ingredients. That is make this Bamboe Instants Spices is making a positve contribution in health. Variant: - Sayur Asem - Krengesengan
This product are made from fresh and quality natural spices that create a special spice flavor. In addition, this products do not use additional artificial colors, MSG and other harmful ingredients so they are safe for consumption. All of the spices are made only from natural ingredients. That is make this Bamboe Instants Spices is making a positve contribution in health. Variant: - Curry - Opor
This product are made from fresh and quality natural spices that create a special spice flavor. In addition, this products do not use additional artificial colors, MSG and other harmful ingredients so they are safe for consumption. All of the spices are made only from natural ingredients. That is make this Bamboe Instants Spices is making a positve contribution in health. Variant: - Curry - Opor
All of Bamboe Instant spices are made only from natural ingredients. This products do not use additional artificial colors, MSG and other harmful ingredients so they are safe for consumption. That is make this Bamboe Instants Spices is making a positve contribution in health. Variant: -Gule -Rendang
All of Bamboe Instant spices are made only from natural ingredients. This products do not use additional artificial colors, MSG and other harmful ingredients so they are safe for consumption. That is make this Bamboe Instants Spices is making a positve contribution in health. Variant: -Gule -Rendang