It helps in concentration, focus, memory, and alertness.
It helps in premature hair falls due to stress.
It might also prevent blood clots and improve blood circulation.
It also reduces swelling in people with poor blood circulation in the legs.
Amla powder has a lot of health benefits. Take it daily with or between meals by adding it to a shake or smoothie, and see what the most nutrient-dense food on the planet is all about.
Take it naturally in powder for higher concentration, quicker absorption, easier on the stomach, and more ways to have fun.
Amla powder has a high concentration of vitamin C and contains other potent antioxidants
Vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C as well as many B-complex vitamins like thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and niacin particularly are concentrated in these seeds.
Fennel seed has been recognized as one of nine Anglo-Saxon sacred herbs for its health benefits.
Raw Whole Seeds
Our SVM Exports Phyllanthus Amarus blocks DNA polymerase, an enzyme required by Hepatitis B virus for growth
and replication.
2. It inhibits lipid peroxidation, and scavenges hydroxyl and superoxide in vitro.
3. It show inhibiting properties on both COX-2 and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS).
4. It plays important role in disruption of HbsAg mRNA transcription and post-transcription which is beneficial
against viral carcinogenesis.
5. It shows antagonistic effect on calcium channel and blocks voltage dependent Ca currents.
6. It significantly reduces the plasma activities of alanine and aspartate transaminases and total bilirubin
1. It is diuretic, hypotensive and hypoglcycaemic in nature.
2. It is very useful against chronic and acute Hepatitis B.
3. It is used to cure jaundice, gonorrhea and diabetes.
4. It is used in sores, swelling and itchiness.
5. It is also used in frequent menstruation.
6. It is useful in ophthalmia and chronic dysentery.
7. It promotes liver functions and helpful to cure liver related problems