Lime sulfur Calcium polysulfide (22% - 29%)
'Magic-gro Plus' is a consortium of biological agents which are naturally derived and safe. 'Magic-gro Plus' uses technology of ‘biosensors and bioactivators. This technology helps in efficient uptake and transport of micro nutrients such as minerals, enzymes, amino acids, growth hormones etc from the local environment into plant system. Advantages: Promotes effective conversion and absorption of soil elements such as phosphorus, into plant available forms Increases seed germination and viability Stimulates root growth, root respiration thus increases root density Revitalizes soil Increases plant resistance to diseases Faster flowering and fruiting resulting into high yield Increases photosynthetic activity Protects plant against environmental stress Shelf life – 2 years from the date of manufacturing Application procedure: Foliar spray application and Root application can be done with Magic-gro Plus. It is compatible with drip irrigation systems The product is most effective when applied before 10.00 am and after 4.00 pm. Avoid pesticide or insecticide application before and after 48 hours of Magic-gro application. Dosage: Apply 500 gm per acre per application Take 2 to 5 gm of Magic-Gro Plus per liter of water.
Specifications: 1. Decomposes organic sludge, reducing the need for water exchanges. 2. Reduces ammonia levels, and hence controls algae growth & prevents brown blood disease. 3. Stabilizes oxygen levels, so that the fish can breathe easier. 4. Reduces BOD and COD levels. 5. Reduces formation of Hydrogen Sulphide. 6. Prevents and treats floating clumps resulting from dead planktons. 7. Stabilizes bloom conditions and prevents over-blooming of algae. 8. Suppresses Coliform, Vibrio and Aeromonas Counts. 9. Promotes growth rate and hence production. Increases product weight. 10. Reduces off-flavoured product 11. Boosts immunity of animal, reduces mortality and improves survival rates. 12. Allows higher stocking rate. 13. Improves feed conversion ratio.
"Magic-Gro Plant care": "Magic-gro plant care"is a high tech, eco friendly product for home plants and gardensespecially in urban cities. It is 100% safe and very easy to use.Just open the pack, mix it with water and apply. One pack can treat up to 10 potted plants. The product is exported to more than 35 countries. Benefits of "Magic Gro Plant Care": -Significantly reduces frequency of soil change -Improves health leading to better growth of plant -Revitalizes plant and soil -Monthly application. Application of "Magic Gro Plant Care" : -Home plants -Potted plants and creepers -Plant Nurseries
Bioclean FOG is a customized natural microbial / enzymic product with maximum number of strains for effective degradation of hydrocarbons in soil and water. Bioclean FOG is the unique biological formulation that is chosen for 100% green technology for oil spillage in soil and water. Bioclean FOG is a mix of vigorous and specific microbes that are good at degrading liquid hydrocarbons in the spillage area completely. Uniqueness : Most economical and eco safe solution for oil bio remediation. All our products are In house formulated in DSIR certified R & D and Haffkine certified manufacturing unit. Benefits : Naturally restores biologic health near the oil spillage area Completely eliminates the foul odor Reduces the operational costs to a great extent Replaces the usage of any chemicals for oil spilling treatment Doesnot change the property of water that affects the aquatic life 100% safe to aquatics Best eco safe way to clean the oil spillage in sea / ocean/ pond/ lake Prevents the hazardous effect due to the usage of chemicals
"Magic-gro plant care" is a high tech , eco friendly product for home plants and gardens in urban cities. It is a consortia of robust microbes to improve the soil nutrient absorbing ability. Being an organic product it helps to increase the plant yield to more than 50 - 80 %. How to use : Just open the pack , mix it with water and apply. One pack can treat upto 10 potted plants. The product has been approved for use in Australia, Europe and US. Benefits of 'Magic Gro Plant Care' : -Improves the nutrition absorption from the soil -Maximizes the plant yield -Brightens the flowers -Significant reduction in the frequency of soil change -Improves the health and growth of the plant -A perfect revitalizer for plant and soil -Only one application every month Application of 'Magic Gro Plant Care' : -Home plants -Potted plants and creepers -Plant Nurseries -Terrace Plants -Garden beds -To all flowering and fruiting plants -Ornamental plants
An organic fungicide for the control of wilt, leaf spot, anthrecnoze, powdery mildew, downey mildew. 200 Lt
It is a broad spectrum bio stimulant cum plant growth regulator. 200 Lt
Specification Description Standard for В type 1. Nitrogen mass portion on dry base, %, not less than 46 2. Biuret mass portion, %, not more than 1, 0 3. Water mass portion, %, not more than - dry out method 0, 3 - fisher's method 0, 5 4. Friability, % 100 5. Particular size distribution, %: Mass portion of pills sized (mm): From 1 to 4, not less than 90 < 1, not more than 3 Seeve residue 6 mm 0 6. Pills static hardness kgf/pill, not less than 0, 7 50 kg bags
Its best for plant growth for grains, vegitables and flowers. We assure you, it can be remove bugs, fungicides and other agriculture related deases of plant. Packing size available in 50 ml. To 500ml.
Technical, 50 % wp, 77% wp. As per customer requirements
Termisolve wood preservative Termisolve is one of the best wood preservative for any type of wood /wood products or engineered wood. It is ideal for any species of wood and any type of application as interior or exterior. Termisolve protects wood from termites, wood borers, fungi, midew and other wood destroying insects and environmental factors. Termisolve greatly increases structural strength of wood and increases its life span. Termisolve is approved by many panel manufacturing units, builders, architects industries and is available in different packings. Termisolve is safe to human lives, cattles, and birds and is eco friendly. Mainly packed in 200 ltrs. M.S. Drums. Smaller packing as 5 ltr, 10 ltr, 20 ltr, 50 ltrs. Can be available. Minimum quantity 16000 ltrs. Our capacity 80000 ltrs. P.M.
A highly active innovative biotechnology research biologically derived plant care product for seed treatment to control seedborne diseases, for ressistance and protection against viral, fungal , bacterial and acts directly in plant roots and seeds simultaneously for disinfection and protection. It is prepared by using various extract of herbs, purely nontoxic and ecofriendly.
Innovative dynamic plant care product combines the best of nature and science are prepared by Bio-organic synthesis of endosperm and using various extract of herbs for better growth factor of plants body. It neutralize both acid and alkaline soils, regulate the PH value of plants. Improve and optimize the uptake of nutrients & water by plants. It acts in plant roots and shoots cell division simultaneously, vigorously and continuously. Enhance the uptake of Nitrogen by plants. Stimulate growth and proliferation of desirable micro organism in plants and soil. Most important aspect of this product is uplifting of inorganic or toxic materials are restrained by the plants not only save environment but also improve the genetically purity of the plants.
PLANTOZYME (BIO STIMULANT) Plantozyme is a bio stimulant manufactured by fermentation and blending process of Biomass and Herbs. It is biologically derived protein hydrolysate containing plant growth promoting substances microbes, Amino acids, enzyme precursors, activated micronutrients and energy stimulants. Plantozyme is flower dropping controller and growth regulator, Plantozyme is a biochemical developed to meet all the nutritional requirements of plants to ensure complete utilization of nutrients of improved growth, higher flowering, controlled flower dropping and crop tolerance to stress adverse seasonal conditions, pests and diseases. Plantozyme is recommended for cotton, chillies, paddy, grapes, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, sugarcane, citrus and other horticultural crops, vegetables, flower crops and plantation crops. Plantozyme -Biostimulant Liquid Biocontrol Organism: Amino Acids, Carbohydraes and Microbes Prescription: Flower dropping controller and growth regulator Crop: cotton, chillies, paddy, grapes, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, sugarcane, citrus and other horticultural crops, vegetables, flower crops and plantation crops Formulation:Liquid Application Method: Spray or through irrigation system Packing : 100m 2.GROMAX (BIO GRANUELS) Gromax a group of prokaryotic, photosynthetic microbes variously named as Myxophyceane, Cyanophyceae and Cyanobacteria. During the course of evolution, some of these organisms have continued to retain the primitive character of utilizing molecular nitrogen from air at the expense of solar energy. This process is known as Nitrogen fixation. Gromax - Biofertiliser Biocontrol Organism : Prokaryotic, Photosynthetic microbes such as Myxophyceane, Cyanophyceae and Cyanobacteria. Prescription : Nitrogen fixation alternate for UREA, Ideal for wet lands Application Method: Sprinkle by hand Packing : 5 kg Trilaminated Foil bags Gromax is an effective alternative for the high-cost and atmosphere polluting nitrogen fertilisers, inspite of heavy subsidy, and the widening gap between supply and demand makes imperative to use this input. Cyanobacterium increases the soilmicroflora to accelerate the process of mineralisation of gaseous nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus present in the soil. Gromax improves disease resistance in the crops simultaneously increasing the yield considerably. It gives excellent results on wetlands for paddy, sugarcane and wheat cultivation. It gives extra tillering and equal growth in paddy, sugarcane, wheat, cotton, chillies, grapes, vegetables, mango, citrus and Bengal gram, Gromax is a soil application, which can give Nitrogen, Phosphate, potash, calcium and other nutrients to crops. 3.VAMPLUS (ORGANIC FUNGICIDE POWDER) Vamplus (Organic Fungicide Powder) Vamplus is a bio-fungicide produced through fermentation of Blomass of sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta, Vamplus is an effective protection fom fungai and viral infection of crops. Vamplus is an effective solution for the prevention and cure of Rust, Blight, rot, Spot, Damping off, Anthracnose and Pythium on paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Grapes, Vegetables, Chillies, Plantation, Pulses, Flower and Ornamental crops. Vamplus - Myco-Fungicide Biocontrol Agent: Sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta Target Pathogen / Disease : Fungai and Viral infection of crops. Cure of Rust, Blight, rot, Spot, Damping Off, anthracnose and Pythium Crops : Paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Grapes, Vegetables, Chillies, Plantation, Pulses, Flower and Ornamental crops. Formulation : Powder Application:Mix 2.5Gm to 5Gm Vamplus Powder in 1 liter of water and spray over plants / trees Packing: 100gm, 250gm, 500gm and 1000gm. 4.WORMS (ORGANIC FUNGICIDE LIQUID) (NO IMAGE) Worms is a bio-fungicide produced through fermentation of Blomass of sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta, Worms is an effective protection fom fungai and viral infection of crops. Worms is an effective solution for the prevention and cure of Rust, Blight, rot, Spot, Damping off, Anthracnose and Pythium on paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Grapes, Vegetables, Chillies, Plantation, Pulses, Flower and Ornamental crops. Worms - Myco-Fungicide Biocontrol Agent: Sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta Target Pathogen / Disease : Fungai and Viral infection of crops. Cure of Rust, Blight, rot, Spot, Damping Off, anthracnose and Pythium Crops : Paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Grapes, Vegetables, Chillies, Plantation, Pulses, Flower and Ornamental crops. Formulation : Liquid Application:Mix 5ml to 10 ml Worms Liquid in water and spray over plants / trees Packing: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1000 ml HDPE bottle 5.ECOMITE(MITECIDE) Ecomite is a excellent Bio-Acaricide/Bio-Miticide made from herbal extracts. Ecomite is used to control sucking insects like aphides, jassid and mites on Cotton, Chillies, Vegetables, Tea, Grapes and Fruit crops. Ecomite – Bio – Acaricide Biocontrol Agent: Custard Apple Seeds Target Pathogen / Disease : Aphides, jassid and mites Crops: Paddy, Cotton, Chillies, Red gram, Groundnut, Bengal gram, Vegetables and other Orchid crops. Crops:Paddy, Cotton, Chillies, Red gram, Groundnut, Bengal gram, Vegetables and other Orchid crops. Formulation: Liquid Application: Mix 2.5 ml to 5 ml Ecomite in 1 liter of water and spray over plants / trees Packing : 250ml, 500ml, and 1000 ml pet bottle. 6.ECOTOX (ORGANIC PESTICIDE) Ecotox is a Bio-Pesticide made from fermented biomass of Strychna seeds and Neem seeds. Ecotox is an effective remedy against Bollworms, leaf roller and leafhoppers on paddy, cotton, chillies, Red gram, groundnut, Bengal gram, vegetables and other orchid crops. Ecotox is non-toxic and non hazardous to bees and other natural enemies of pests. BIOTOX(WSL) – Bio pesticide Biocontrol Agent : Strychna seeds and Neem seeds Target Pathogen / Disease : Bollworms, leaf roller and leafhoppers Crops: Paddy, Cotton, Chillies, Red gram, Groundnut, Bengal gram, Vegetables and other Orchid crops. Formulation: Liquid Application : Spray system Packing : 250 ml, 500ml, and 100 ml pet bottle Ecotox (WSL) – Bio pesticide Biocontrol Agent: Strychna seeds and Neem seeds Target Pathogen / Disease : Bollworms, leaf roller and leafhoppers Crops:Paddy, Cotton, Chillies, Red gram, Groundnut, Bengal gram, Vegetables and other Orchid crops. Formulation: Liquid Application: 1 ML/ 1 Liter of water. Packing : 100ml. 7.ECOMYCINE (ANTIBIOTIC POWDER) Ecomycine is an antibiotic feed supplement for Agri culture. Natural shield against pathogens. Ecomycine a well researched, non-chemical product with the goodness of nature’s antifungal and antibiotic properties to combat effectively against the wide range of gram +ve and gram -ve bacteria and fungi common in Aquatic eco systems. Ecomycine is made from fermented concentrates of Pongamia Pinnata and sacred Basil, it protects and prevents diseases in the natural way, it comes in powder form as fed supplement for fish and shrimp. Ecomycine Antibiotic Powder for Agri Biocontrol Agent:Pongamia Pinnata and sacred Basil Target Pathogen / Disease :Gra +ve & Gram -ve bacteria & Fungi Formulation Powder Application: 50g/acre 8.ORGOZEM(ORGANIC FERTILIZER)(NO IMAGE) Orgozem is a biofertiliser made from fermented biomass concentrates consisting of Herbal extracts and compounds with Ash as the medium of carrier. It is the best alternative for complex chemical fertilisers (NPK), wherein farmers can save upto 40% on fertilisers and gain 25% additional yield. Orgozem can be used on Paddy, cotton, grapes, vegetables, sugarcane, turmeric crops in addition to all flower and fruit crops. This product has excellent results in wet & dry land farming as well. The bio technological aspect of ORGAN makes it non-hazardous for animals as well as environment. Orgozem improves the percentage of Organic Carbon and soil fertility. ORGAN – Biofertiliser Biocontrol Organism: Biomass Concentrated and Fermented Prescription : Provides Natural N P K Ideal for Dry and wet lands Formulation: Oil Cake & Sugar Mud Application Method: 50 kgs / Acre, sprinkle by hand Packing : 50 kg HDPE bags 9. MAXSTIM (GROWTH S.P. POWDER) Maxstim is a bio stimulant manufactured by fermentation and blending process of Biomass and Herbs. It is biologically derived protein hydrolysate containing plant growth promoting substances microbes, Amino acids, enzyme precursors, activated micronutrients and energy stimulants. Maxstim is flower dropping controller and growth regulator, Maxstim is a biochemical developed to meet all the nutritional requirements of plants to ensure complete utilization of nutrients of improved growth, higher flowering, controlled flower dropping and crop tolerance to stress adverse seasonal conditions, pests and diseases. Maxstim is recommended for cotton, chillies, paddy, grapes, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, sugarcane, citrus and other horticultural crops, vegetables, flower crops and plantation crops. Maxstim –S.P. Powder Prescription : Flower dropping controller and growth regulator Crop: cotton, chillies, paddy, grapes, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, sugarcane, citrus and other horticultural crops, vegetables, flower crops and plantation crops. Formulation: Powder Application Method: Foliar Spray Packing : 150/acre 10. WAMP (SPECIAL RESEARCHED FUNGICIDE FOR MANGO CROP) Wamp is a specially researched fungicide and growth regulator for mango farmers. Wamp - Myco-Fungicide & Growth Regulator Biocontrol Agent: Sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta Target Pathogen / Disease : Fungai and mildew. Crops : Special Researched fungicide for mango crop. Formulation : Powder Application: 1 gr/1litre of Water We will supply as per your requirement/standards
N:2.85%,organic Carbon:25.89%, Organic Matter:45.89%,PH:7.81,PhosphoRous:(P2o5):1.47%, Potassium(k2o):2.11%, Sulphur:1.02%,Zinc: 258.93ppm. Min.20ft. Container (app.17/18mt)in 50Kgs HDPE bags.
It is organic biodegradable, free of toxins and leaves no residue on fruits, vegetables, cash crops and horticulture produce It is a major tool in integrated pest management It controls plant sucking pests, fungus and viral diseases It is safe ecofriendly cost effective and provides sustainable production 1 litre hdpe bottles, 20 litre cans, 210 litre drums
TG urea industrial. 50 kg.
Using fertilizer products, pesticides, and seeds is crucial in agriculture as quality input produces quality output, supports sustainable farming, and meets the ever-growing demand for quality food. This is because as the world looks for new and improved ways to boost agricultural production, farmers need to get their hands on good fertilizer manufacturers and pesticide suppliers for fertilizer products to continue growing quality produce. At, we assist buyers in getting in touch with verified agrochemical manufacturers and seed suppliers and help them get the right fertilizer products they require for their farming needs.
Let’s look at some of the different types of fertilizer products that are used in agriculture to promote crop growth and improve soil conditions:
Using high-quality agrochemicals provides several advantages:
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Take your farm to the next level by acquiring good quality fertilizer products, pesticides, and seeds and connect with reliable and trusted wholesale fertilizer suppliers only on Go through various available fertilizer products, compare them to find out which products suit your agricultural needs, and access the contact details of verified sellers.