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Supplier From Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Acarida-Caps are eco-friendly biological insecticide contains spores of Verticillum.lecani and derivatives of actinomycetes which is highly effective on all types of sucking mites when the spores get attached to the cuticle of the mites or by ingestion the action mode of verticillium start and kill them.

SRT and Siesto Green is a Manufacturer and Pramoter of various bio fertilizers and plant growth regulators and formulate various products for getting different results like root formation, stem formation, healthy growth of leaves, excellent flowering etc along with Bio pesticides, non-poisonous biological plant extracts, chelated and PGR based products for controlling different types of Pests and insects and making crop and trees healthy.

It is eco-friendly biological insecticide contains spores of Verticillum.lecani and derivatives of actinomycetes which is highly effective on all types of sucking mites when the spores get attached to the cuticle of the mites or by ingestion the action mode of verticillium start and kill them.

You can Apply Caps once Every Month, just make sure that you donâ??t use any chemical fertilizer or pesticides 7 days before or after using product.

Quantity Required Per Acre: - 1 or 2 Capsule

Features: - Easy to use, easy to transport, 16 months rack life, 10 times more powerful compared to regular powder or liquid, cost effective,

How to Use: - 1) Add 1 capsule to 1 ltr of boiled -cooled Water in Bottle, close the cap, shake the bottle well till capsule get totally dissolved in water and leave the solution for 15 minutes.

2.a) Add this solution to required quantity of water and spray (foliar spray) it directly on the plants.

2.b) ADD this solution to required water & mix with FYM or 40-50 kg sand and then broadcast into the soil at the time of sowing or at the time of irrigation in standing crop for Root Mealy Bugs.

2.c) ADD this solution to 200 ltr of water and apply per acre through drip it to plants for Root mealy bugs, Termites etc.
Supplier From Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
TRAPS-CAPS are encapsulated capsules contain an entomopathogenic fungus known as Beauveria bassiana. When spores comes in contact with the target insect or by taking nutrients from the insect it attaches then germinates and grows directly through spiracle into the inner body of the host creating disease known as White muscardine disease. The infected insects eventually die.

SRT and Siesto Green is a Manufacturer and Promoter of various bio fertilizers and plant growth regulators and formulate various products for getting different results like root formation, stem formation, healthy growth of leaves, excellent flowering etc along with Bio pesticides, non-poisonous biological plant extracts, chelated and PGR based products for controlling different types of Pests and insects and making crop and trees healthy.

It is a biological fungicide containing the conidial spore of the selective strain of antagonistic fungus, Trichoderma, viride. It can control pathogens by creating the competition for substrate & nutrients.

You can Apply Caps once Every Month, just make sure that you donâ??t use any chemical fertilizer or pesticides 7 days before or after using product.

Quantity Required Per Acre: - 1 or 2 Capsule

Features: - Easy to use, easy to transport, 16 months rack life, 10 times more powerful compared to regular powder or liquid, cost effective,

How to use: - 1) Add 1 capsule to 1 ltr of boiled -cooled Water in Bottle, close the cap, shake the bottle well till capsule get totally dissolved in water and leave the solution for 15 minutes.

2.a) Add this solution to required quantity of water and spray (foliar spray ) it directly on the plants for different borers, helicoverpa, cutworms etc.

2.b) ADD this solution to required water & mix with FYM or 40-50 kg sand and then broadcast into the soil at the time of sowing or at the time of irrigation in standing crop for Root Grubs.

2.c) ADD this solution to 200 ltr of water and apply per acre through drip it to plants for Root Grubs.

Temephos 50% Ec

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Mosquitoes, a part from causing nuisance to mankind, play a major role in the transmission of more human diseases,
than any other arthropods. These include Malaria, Filariasis, Dengue, Encephalitis etc causing high morbidity and
Since mosquitoes undergo a complete metamorphosis during their life cycle, there are two completely separate
environments in which the pest problem can be controlled, mainly

Imidacloprid 30.5% Sc

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Termites, also popularly known as white ants are pale brown to white, have no constriction between thorax and
abdomen and have beaded antennae. A termite colony consists of the termite queen, soldiers and workers. On the basis
of their habitat, termites are divided into two types, namely subterranean and non subterranean termites. It is the
subterranean termites (generally ground-dwelling or requiring contact with the soil or some constant source of
moisture) which are a major cause of concern for humans.

Organic Miticides

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Organic-Miticide: SJ NINJA: Controls White fly, Thrips, Mites, Aphides, Jassides, Red mites.
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Organic Nematicide

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Organic-Nematicide: VKâ??S Nemo: Effective on root knot nematodes, rhabitida. Controls nematode attack.

Barrix Catch Fruit Fly Trap

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Pheromone trap with gel coated lure that lasts 90 days in all kinds of field conditions. We use 99% pure pheromones.
Effective against bactrocera dorsalis & subspecies. Use only 2 traps per acre/ 5 traps per hectare

64cm x 40cm x 45.5cm per carton box. 45 sets of traps per case

Super Saaf Fungi

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From New Delhi, Delhi, India
Super Saaf Fungi Plant Care 3 in 1 is a multi-purpose
product with Tri-Action formula proven blend for fungicide,
miticide, insecticide.

Formulated with natural ingredients and eco-friendly
formula which are safe for all types of plants at all growth
levels. It-s ready-to-use liquid formulation best to control
rust, spider mites, black spot, powdery mildew, aphids,
whiteflies, anthracnose, and other insect pests.
Give your plants a touch of Plantic Total Plant Care fungicide,
insecticide, and miticide effective to kill insects at all stages
from eggs, larvae up to adults and can be used on
houseplants, ornamental trees & shrubs, vegetables, fruits,
flowers, and organic gardening, etc. Its periodic use protects
your plants from diseases and prevents them from further

Tri-Action Formula: super Saaf fungi Plant Care 3 in 1 solution
obtained with potent natural ingredients proven for its multiple
benefits on plants health. It is a combination of fungicide,
miticide, and insecticide that controls fungal disease in plants
while controlling mites and other insects.

Effective At All Stages: Give your plants weekly care of
fungicide, miticide, an insecticide that works with all types of
plants and prevent them from anthracnose, powdery mildew,
downy mildew, hornworms, leafhoppers, bagworms,
leafminers, psyllids, budworms, aphids, fruit flies, beetles,
armyworms, whiteflies, mealy bugs, scab, black spots and
more. And support plants at all growth stages.

Support All Plants: The super blend has carefully chosen
natural ingredients which are safe for all types of plants and
can be used on flowers, ornamental trees, and shrubs, nuts,
fruits are grown in and around home and garden. Plus, its
easy-to-use formula allows you to provide plants with overall
care for their healthy growth.

Total Care Formula: Super Saaf Fungi Plant Care 3 in 1
(fungicide, insecticide, and miticide) solution has naturally
derived formulation, which directly works with your plants
and prevents them from diseases and pests.

It has proven results of killing insects at all stages- Eggs,
larvae, and adult stages and gives your plants better support
for bigger and better growth

Prevent Future Attack: Just with a little care of super fungi is
Total Plant Care 3 in 1 power blend keeps insects, fungus, and
mites away from plants and prevents them from coming
back. Its ready-to-use liquid formulation (fungicide, miticide,
insecticide) provides total care to your beloved plants and
aids in better growth. For the heavy insect population, apply
on a 7-day schedule.

Safe For Plants: Our 3 in 1 solution - fungicide, miticide,
insecticide infused with harmless ingredients coupled with
super faungi advance care science which are safe for all types
of crops and don-t affect their health. With its fast-acting
framing, it protects your plants and supports them for better

Rooter Plus

MOQ: Not Specified
Rooter plus contains plant hormones which are useful to increase the size, weight and quality of fruits and cut flowers (total dissolved solids equals to 22.5%)

Yuno Biopesticide

MOQ: Not Specified
Biopesticide to control the thrips, jussids, some of mites and white fly
Supplier From Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Category- fungicides, content- thiophanate methyl 70% wp, brand - perfect thioper
Supplier From Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Dr. Bacto's Nitrous: is a selective strains of nitrogen-fixing beneficial bacteria of Azospirillum spp.
CFU : Minimum 2 x 10^8 per ml

This micro-organism fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to the crop. Azospirillum colonization is mainly on the root surface it enhances mineral and water uptake.

1. It fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to plant.
2. It increases number and length of lateral roots as well as root area.
3. Along with more plant growth, it improves water and mineral uptake.
4. Harmless, Eco-friendly and low cost agro-input.
5. Longer Shelf-life
6. Higher and perfect bacterial count
7. Add nutrients to the soil / make them available to the crop & secrete certain growth promoting substances.
8. Help the proliferation and survival of beneficial microorganisms in soil.
9. Permitted Organic Input by NOCA as Per NPOP standards of govt. Of India

Soil: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer
Drip: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer

Tough Fight (Plant Protectant )

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Tough Fight liquid contains high quality Phosphorus along with active potash.

It is plant nourishing, healthy food which helps for fast growth of plants. It also helps plants to strengthen in sudden climate change like low trap, heavy rain. It protects plants from natural calamities.

1. Useful against Downy Mildew.
2. Free from residue of any chemical product.
3. Help to increase resistance against disease
4. Helps in early flower and fruit setting.
5. Helps to increase fruit size, weight and natural luster.

2 ml per liter water

Plant Protectant

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Detective is a advanced new generation eco friendly & residue free product. Which is prepared from naturally occurred plant metabolite. It is result oriented product useful for organic farming & Pest Management. Useful in all crops.

After the application of unique formulation of this product, reacts with the body wall of the insects and dissolve the protective wax layer, which help to minimize of insects attack. It also effects on the metamorphosis of insect after exposing to spray fluid. It prevents normal functioning of insect body. The fatty acids derived from natural oils are act as repellent for feeding, egg laying & habitat selection by polyphagous pest.

Detective has strong control over Mealy bug and other soft bodied insects. Due to its pure and natural properties it is safe to crops and humans with no residue felt over. It makes plant healthier & protect them from every adverse condition or heavy insect attack. It improves plant resistance to sustain in any biotic and abiotic stress.

2 - 3 ml per Liter of water

Nutrient Solutions

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Control TRM is an exceptional blend of extracts from herbs and plants with alkaloids which has biological and toxicological properties

It will control Thrips, Red Mites, Mealy Bug in all types of fruits, vegetable and range of crops. It can also be used in control of American Cotton Bollworm, Tomato Grub, Tobacco Budworm, Corn Earwormand most of the sucking pest.

1. 100 % organic Product
2. Residue Free
3. Can be used in export quality fruits and Vegetables

2 - 3 ml per liter of water with 0.1 ml of Anand Wet.

Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Technicl mycorrhizae

Azotobacter Spp.

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Nashik, Maharashtra, India
CFU count = 2 x 10 ^ 9 / ml

Azotobacter Spp.

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Dr. Bacto's Azo is a selective strains of nitrogen-fixing beneficial bacteria of Azotobacter spp. This is available in liquid (2 x 10^8 bacterial cells/ml) formulation.

Azotobacter spp. Is the free living nitrogen fixing aerobic bacterium. Azotobacter spp. fixes the atmospheric nitrogen through the process of biological nitrogen fixation and makes it available to plant in an easily assailable and utilizable form. Azotobacter releases ammonia into the soil and improves soil fertility. It also produces antifungal substances which inhibits the growth of harmful fungi and result in lowering the disease occurrences.

1. It fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to crop.
2. It increases number & length of roots and shoots.
3. It also improves the fertility of soil and reduces the use of chemical fertilizers (Urea) Harmless, Eco-friendly and low cost agro-input.
4. Longer Shelf-life
5. Higher and perfect bacterial count
6. Add nutrients to the soil / make them available to the crop & secrete certain growth promoting substances.
7. Help the proliferation and survival of beneficial microorganisms in soil.
8. Permitted Organic Input by NOCA as Per NPOP standards of govt. Of India

Soil: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer
Drip: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer

Plant Protectant

MOQ: Not Specified
Supplier From Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Herbal Extract product

Leaf eating caterpillar and fruit borer, pod borer is feeding voraciously on leafy part along with developing pods and fruits by their strong chewing and biting type of mouth parts. These pest are mostly polyphagous feeding on different Vegetables and cereals crop also. It suppress the pest by disturbing normal metamorphosis process including cessation of feeding. The alkaloid present in this product leads to adverse effect on nervous system of pest. The fatty acids derived from natural oils are act as repellent for feeding, egg laying & habitat selection by polyphagous pest.

LARVA LOCK is unique combination of natural herb extract which have strong capacity to control larva. Due to its pure natural properties it is safe to the crop and human with no residue felt over. It has strong control over different larva. It makes plant healthier & protect them from every adverse condition or heavy larvae attack. It prepares plants for any climatic condition to sustain their yield and improve resistance power.
Targeted Crops:
It is effective for all fruit crops, vegetables, Floriculture crops, and cotton, soyabean & oil seeds.
Targeted pests: Cotton Bollworm, Cater Pillar, Cabbage armyworm, Fruit borer, stem borer
100 % organic Product
Residue Free
Can be used in export quality fruits and Vegetables.
Certified organic product by NOCA as per NPOP standards.

For Foliar Spray only
For Normal Attack ? 1.5 ml per liter of water
For Heavy Attack ? 2.0 ml per liter of water
Supplier From Chandausi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Among the client-centric manufacturers, exporters and suppliers, we are affianced in offering a wide range of Agro Products (Pesticides) such as Hind Super Neem, Hind Nimco, Hind Hume Plus and others. The offered products are processed under the stern guidance of our deft professionals using the finest quality chemical compounds and advanced processing techniques. The provided products are used to control organisms that are considered to be harmful. Further, we offer these Agro Products (Pesticides) to our clients in different packaging options at cost-effective prices.

Longer shelf life
Excellent effectiveness
Non-toxic and biodegradable
Free from chemicals
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