Research suggests that organic apples reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Like many fruits, apples contain Vitamin C as well as a host of other antioxidant compounds, which may reduce the risk of cancer by preventing DNA damage. The fiber content, while less than in most other fruits, helps regulate bowel movements and may thus reduce the risk of colon cancer. They may also help with heart disease, weight loss and controlling cholesterol, as they do not have any cholesterol, have fiber, which reduces cholesterol by preventing reabsorption, and are bulky for their caloric content like most fruits and vegetables.
Delicious and nutritious green /yellow colour south indian origin banana. Avaliable in 3 to 7 inches.
They are packed properly to ensure the freshness till it reaches its destination. 4 to 8 hands per hard carton box depend on the choice of size and type of banana by the customer. Each hand separated by plastic liner in between each hand and layer. Carton sent in 14 degree positive Celsius temperature of 40 fcl reefer container.
Banana is one of the most popular fruits world over, it can be called the ideal anytime snack food because of the convenience it offers while eating it. No cutting, no mess, just peel and eat. The banana however can be called a champion fruit because of the infinite health benefits it brings to the diet across all age groups, gender and food cultures. Banana is a great resource for most of your nutrition needs. Here are some:
They contain vitamin A and C and a large number of vitamins from the B group, including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and B6, as well as traces of folic acid.
Potassium which is a vital ingredient in ensuring the proper functioning of muscles, including those in your heart!
Proteins as well as essential amino acids and Tryptophan.
Carbohydrates and fibers. A single banana is adequate to fulfill 16% of our daily fiber requirement.
Manganese and magnesium among other minerals that are part of our daily dietary requirement.
India is one of the largest producers of banana crop, accounting for 28 per cent of the produce in 2009. Major cultivation takes place in Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. We choose the very best of these for you.
Product Description
Aseptic Banana purees are obtained from selected Cavendish varieties of bananas. The fruits are harvested, quickly transported to fruit processing plant &inspected. Fully firm selected quality fruits go to the controlled ripening chambers and are allowed to ripen. The preparation is done under inert atmosphere and further it goes through a series of processes which includes peeling, mashing the ripe fruit, deseeding, extracting puree, de-aerating and thermally processing. The puree is sterilized and packed in pre-sterilized aseptic bags. The process ensures that the natural flavor & aroma of the fruit is retained in final product.
Uniform, homogeneous smooth, free from fibers and any foreign matter.
Aroma and Flavor
Characteristic prominent aroma of natural ripe Banana and free from any fermented & off flavor and scorched or caramelized flavor.
Sweet characteristic ripe Banana fruit taste.
Creamish white.
Physical Characteristics
Brix @ 20ºC: 20° Min
Acidity: 0.60 1.00(As % anhydrous citric acid W/W)
pH @ 20ºC: 4.20 4.80
Consistency@ 20° C: 4 -12 / 30 Sec (Bostwick)
Black Specks: 3 5 per 10 gms
Brown Specks: 10 per 10 gms.