Price And Quantity Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range340.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms Product Specifications UsageFor Home and HotelsProduct TypeGoat Meat Cooked Processing TypeSteamed, Roasted, FriedPartBody FeatureVitamins, Nutritious, Effective Product Description Distribution : The breed is found in Jhakrana and few surrounding village near Behror, of Alwar district of Rajasthan. The breed is large and also a good dairy type. Breed Characteristics Size (Average) Adult Male Adult Female Body weight (kg) 55 45 Body length (cm) 84 77 Chest girth (cm) 86 79 Conformation Animals are large and predominantly black with white spots on ears and muzzle. The breed is very similar to Beetal, the main contrast is that Jhakrana is comparatively longer. I has highly developed udder. Forehead is slightly bulging. Performance Milk: These goats are used mainly for milk production. Average daily milk yield varies from 2.0-3.0 kg for a lactation length of about 180-200 days. Kidding: These are prolific. Kidding is mostly single but in 40% cases twins are given birth. Triplets are not uncommon. Skin: The goats are also useful meat producers, and their skins are popular with the tanning industry. Trade Information Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia Main Domestic MarketAll India
Price And Quantity Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range360.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms Product Specifications UsageFor Home and HotelsProduct TypeGoat Meat Cooked Processing TypeSteamed, Roasted, FriedPartBody FeatureVitamins, Nutritious, Effective Product Description The Barbari goat is one of 20 classified breeds in India and is most commonly found in the north-western arid and semi-arid regions. [2] It basically originated in Berbera, Somalia of east Africa. In India its breeding tract is Agra, Etah and Etawah The Barbari goat is a dual purpose breed and well adapted for Indian conditions. It is seasonal breeder and is used for intensive farming Breed characteristics are unique: medium size with a compact body; alert & attractive; bulging eyes; short,erect ears; short, straight horns, (with curly horns expressed occasionally); well set udder with conical teats; adapted to stall feed. Trade Information Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia Main Domestic MarketAll India
Price And Quantity Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range355.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms Product Specifications UsageFor Home and HotelsProduct TypeGoat Meat Cooked Processing TypeSteamed, Roasted, FriedPartBody FeatureVitamins, Nutritious, Effective Product Description Milk: Average daily yield varies from 1.5 to 2.0 kg per day with a total lactation yield of about 200 kg. Kidding: Usually doe kids once a year, giving birth to single in 57% while twins in 43% cases, They kid once a year. Trade Information Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia Main Domestic MarketAll India
Price And Quantity Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range300.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms Product Specifications UsageFor Home and HotelsProduct TypeGoat Meat StylePreservedCooked Processing TypeSteamed, Roasted, Fried PartBodyFeatureVitamins, Nutritious Shelf Life1-7 Days Product Description Compact medium-sized animals. Coat color predominantly brown with light or dark brown patches' a very few individuals are completely white. The body is covered fairly densely with hair which is short and coarse. The hair grows at the rate of about 2 cm annually. Ears are flat and leaf like, medium sized and drooping. Both sexes have small horns, curved upward and backward. On average, the birth weight is about 2.0 kg. The age at first kidding is 19-20 months and the litter size is one kid per birth. The breed is wel suited to stall feeding. Performance The breed is used mainly for meat. The milk yield is relatively small, about 0.5 kg per day, with an average milk yield of 65 kg over a 120 day lactation period. Kidding : Usually doe kids twice a year, giving birth to single in 40% while twins in 60% cases, They kid twice a year. Trade Information Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia Main Domestic MarketAll India
Price And Quantity Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range315.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms Product Specifications UsageFor Home and HotelsProduct TypeGoat Meat Cooked Processing TypeSteamed, Roasted, FriedPartBody FeatureVitamins, Nutritious, Effective Product Description Boer goats commonly have white bodies and distinctive brown heads. Like the Nubian goat, they possess long, pendulous ears. They are noted for being docile, fast growing, and having high fertility rates. Does are reported to have superior mothering skills as compared to other goats. Mature Boer bucks weigh between 110â??135 kg (240-300 lb), and mature does between 90â??100 kg (200-220 lb). Meat goats are minimal care animals that are browsers by nature, preferring brush, shrubs, and broadleaf weeds rather than grass. Boer goats raised for meat production are typically raised on pastures. The main reasons for this are twofold: pastured goats are on average healthier animals than pen-raised goats; secondly, it costs far less to raise Boer goats on a diet of brush and weeds, than on bags of commercial feed. The ideal option is adequate year-round grazing with only mineral supplementation. Boer goats can be raised effectively in combination with cattle or sheep due to their preference for browse and the resulting limited impact on the grass cover. They do compete with other browsers, such as deer. Trace minerals, especially copper, are particularly important to good goat health. Feed and mineral blocks marked "for sheep and goats" should be avoided. Copper in quantities suitable for goats is toxic to sheep, so dual sheep/goat feeds will almost always lack sufficient copper for goats. Copper deficiency is known to cause anemia, diarrhea, infertility, spontaneous abortions, and lethargy. The most critical part of any meat goat operation is the selection of a herd sire (breeding buck). A high quality buck can produce high quality offspring even when mated with an average doe. Boer goats tend to gain weight at about the same rate as their sire, so a buck from a proven fast growing bloodline will command the highest price, as its offspring will tend to also be fast growers. The primary market for slaughter goats is a 15 36 kg (35-80 lb) kid; kids should reach marketable size at weaning age. The kid of a proven fast-growing sire might weigh 36 kg (80 lb) at 90 days, while the kid of a poor quality sire might weigh only 15 kg (35 lb) at 90 days. An average quality buck will initially be less expensive to purchase; however, they can significantly undermine an operation's long-term profitability. Trade Information Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia Main Domestic MarketAll India
Price And Quantity Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range350.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms Product Specifications UsageFor Home and HotelsProduct TypeGoat Meat Cooked Processing TypeRoasted, FriedPartBody FeatureVitamins, Nutritious, Effective Product Description Conformation There is a great variation in coat color but they are generally white or light yellowish tan with light brown spots on the neck and face, and occasionally patches of tan or black are found on the body. The typical character of the breed is a highly convex nose line with a tuft of hair known as 'Roman nose' or parrot mouth appearance. The ears are very long, flat and drooping. Both sexes are horned with short and thin tail. A thick growth of hair is present on the buttocks, known as feathers. The breed has well developed udder round in shape with large conical teats. Performance Milk: Average daily yield varies from 1.5 to 2.0 kg per day with a total lactation yield of about 200 kg. Kidding: Usually doe kids once a year, giving birth to single in 57% while twins in 43% cases, They kid once a year. Trade Information Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia Main Domestic MarketAll India
Price And Quantity Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range320.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms Product Specifications UsageFor Home and HotelsProduct TypeGoat Meat Cooked Processing TypeSteamed, Roasted, FriedPartBody FeatureVitamins, Nutritious, Effective Product Description Beetal Distribution : The Beetal is found throughout the state of Punjab and Haryana. True-bred animals are however found in the districts of Gurdaspur, Amritsar and Ferozepur in Punjab. The breed is a good dairy type, second to Jamunapari in size but is superior to it in respect to proliferation and adaptability to various agro climatic zones and also to stall feeding. Breed Characteristics Size (Average) Adult Male Adult Female Body weight (kg) 50-62 35-40 Body length (cm) 86.0 70.5 Chest girth (cm) 86.0 73.5 Conformation The breed is large but slightly smaller than Jamunapari and good dairy type. Coat color is variable, predominantly black (about 90%) or brown (10%) having spots of different sizes. The ears are long and flat, curled and drooping. Both sexes have thick, medium-sizes. The ears are long and flat, curled and drooping. Both sexes have thick, medium-sized horns, carried horizontally with a slight twist directed backward and upward. Roman nose. Male possesses marked beard while females are beardless. The tail is small and thin. The udder is large and developed having big conical teats. Performance Milk & Kidding: Yield per lactation varies from 150-190 kg, averaging daily yield 2.0 kg. The litter size single 41%, twins 53% and triplets 6%. Trade Information Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia Main Domestic MarketAll India
Price And Quantity Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range325.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms Product Specifications UsageFor Home and HotelsProduct TypeGoat Meat Cooked Processing TypeSteamed, Roasted, FriedPartBody FeatureVitamins, Nutritious, Effective Product Description Country of Origin: Originated in the Alps, probably from crossing Swiss Alpine breeds with British goats. Height at withers (males & females) (cm.) : 75 to 85 Average Daily Milk Yield in the Tropics (kg.) : 0.9 to 1.3 with 3.6% fat. Color and Horn Character of Alpine Goats : Color varies from black to white to black. They may be horned or polled, when present are of the scimitar (curved) type. Other Characteristics : The Alpine Goat breed is valued first for its milk production. In tropic yield is about 0.9-1.3 kg. per day with 3.6% fat. It has erect ears and straight nose. The breed is more adapted to mountainous areas and in tropical environment. Average live weight is 60-65 kg. The breed is not suited in areas of high humidity . There are usually 2 kids in a litter. Trade Information Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia Main Domestic MarketAll India
Price And Quantity Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range350.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms Product Specifications UsageFor Home and HotelsProduct TypeGoat Meat Cooked Processing TypeSteamed, Roasted, FriedPartBody FeatureVitamins, Nutritious, Effective Product Description Country of Origin: Originated in West and North-West Switzerland. Height at withers (males & females) (cm.) : 75 to 90 Average Daily Milk Yield in the Tropics (kg.) : 1.0 to 3.0 with a fat % of 3.5. Color and Horn Character : White to biscuit in color with black spots on the nose, ears, and udder. The breed is polled. Other Characteristics : The goats are large in size with straight nose and erect ears pointed forward and upward. The body has a good dairy conformation and the udder is well developed. It is known as milk queen of the goat world. There appears to be a tendency for them to be sensitive to strong sunlight and thus it needed to shade them and provide indoor management. Average live weight 55-70 kg. Trade Information Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia Main Domestic MarketAll India
Price And Quantity Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range345.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms Product Specifications UsageFor Home and HotelsProduct TypeGoat Meat Cooked Processing TypeSteamed, Roasted, FriedPartBody FeatureVitamins, Nutritious, Effective Product Description Distribution : The goats are mainly distributed at Latur, Tuljapur and Udgir taluks of Osmanabad district of Maharashtra. Breed Characteristics Size (Average) Adult Male Adult Female Body Wt. (Kg.) 34 32 Body Length (cm.) 68 66 Chest Girth (cm.) 72 71 Conformation The goats are large in size. Coat color varies, but mostly it is black (73%) and the rest are white, brown or spotted. Ninety per cent males are horned; females may be horned or poled. Performance The breed is considered useful both for meat and milk. Average daily yield varies from 0.5 to 1.5 kg for a lactation length of about 4 months. The dressing percentage varies from 45 to 50. In favorable conditions the does will breed regularly twice a year and twinning is common Trade Information Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia Main Domestic MarketAll India
Price And Quantity Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range360.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms Product Specifications UsageFor Home and HotelsProduct TypeGoat Meat Cooked Processing TypeSteamed, Roasted, FriedPartBody FeatureVitamins, Nutritious, Effective Product Description The Barbari goat is one of 20 classified breeds in India and is most commonly found in the north-western arid and semi-arid regions. [2] It basically originated in Berbera, Somalia of east Africa. In India its breeding tract is Agra, Etah and Etawah The Barbari goat is a dual purpose breed and well adapted for Indian conditions. It is seasonal breeder and is used for intensive farming Breed characteristics are unique: medium size with a compact body; alert & attractive; bulging eyes; short,erect ears; short, straight horns, (with curly horns expressed occasionally); well set udder with conical teats; adapted to stall feed. Trade Information Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia Main Domestic MarketAll India
Price And Quantity Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range355.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms Product Specifications UsageFor Home and HotelsProduct TypeGoat Meat Cooked Processing TypeSteamed, Roasted, FriedPartBody FeatureVitamins, Nutritious, Effective Product Description Milk: Average daily yield varies from 1.5 to 2.0 kg per day with a total lactation yield of about 200 kg. Kidding: Usually doe kids once a year, giving birth to single in 57% while twins in 43% cases, They kid once a year. Trade Information Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia Main Domestic MarketAll India
Broiler hen, gavran hen, tandoor hen .Export
High milking goats saanen and boer goats.
Live Goat.
Live pig .
Live goat & sheep.
Goat livestock.
Frozen chicken frozen mutton frozen buffalo meat. and frozen vegetables also. frozen sweet corns. frozen strawberries..Transportation with shipping
Goats, meat, agriculture products like rice.