Zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, zeolite, zircon flour, zircon sand.Manufacturer
Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) is synthetic calcium carbonate. It is white ultra-fine crystalline powder having consistent Particle Size Distribution and Excellent dispersibility. Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC): High Purity lime stone is calcined in Lime Kiln to produce quick lime which is slaked and further carbonated to produce PCC slurry, which is filtered and dried to produce pure white PCC Powder. Activated Calcium Carbonate (ACC): Activated Calcium Carbonate is produced by surface coating the Precipitated Calcium Carbonate slurry with Fatty Acids (Stearic Acid) and Titanate Coupling Agent. Filtering and drying of the coated PCC slurry to produce ACC Powder. The particle size, as well as the crystal form, is controlled by temperature, concentration of reactants and time. Price: INR 5,000/- to 20,000/-
Zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, dicalcium phosphate, zircon flour.
Coating material in the form of single wire, cord or powder is melted in an oxy-fuel gas flame and molten material is atomised by compressed air and accelerates towards specially prepared substrate to form dense strongly adherent coating. Box
Botanical Name - Bacopa monnieri Category - Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Whole Plant General Information - Bacopa monnieri (BM), a medicinal Ayurvedic herb. BM is traditionally used for various ailments, but is best known as a neural tonic and memory enhancer. Numerous animal and in vitro studies have been conducted, with many evidencing potential medicinal properties. There is also evidence for potential attenuation of dementia, Parkinson's disease, and epilepsy. Phytochemicals - The main nootropic constituents of BM are believed to be dammarane types of triterpenoid saponins known as bacosides, with jujubogenin or pseudo-jujubogenin moieties as aglycone units. Bacosides comprise a family of 12 known analogs. Novel saponins called bacopasides Iâ??XII have been identified more recently. The alkaloids brahmine, nicotine, and herpestine have been catalogued, along with d-mannitol, apigenin, hersaponin, monnierasides IIII, cucurbitacins and plantainoside B. The constituent most studied has been bacoside A, which was found to be a blend of bacoside A3, bacopacide II, bacopasaponin C, and a jujubogenin isomer of bacosaponin C. These assays have been conducted using whole plant extract, and bacoside concentrations may vary depending upon the part from which they are extracted.
Botanical Name - Syzygium aromaticum Category - Aromatic/Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Flower Buds General Information - Syzygium aromaticum (S. aromaticum) (synonym: Eugenia cariophylata) commonly known as clove, is an median size tree (8-12 m) from the Mirtaceae family native from the Maluku islands in east Indonesia. For centuries the trade of clove and the search of this valuable spice stimulated the economic development of this Asiatic region. The antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of clove is higher than many fruits, vegetables and other spices and should deserve special attention. Clove (S. aromaticum) is one of the most valuable spices that have been used for centuries as food preservative and for many medicinal purposes. Phytochemicals - Syzygium aromaticum plant represents one of the richest source of phenolic compounds such as eugenol, eugenol acetate and gallic acid and posses great potential for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and agricultural applications. Clove represents one of the major vegetal sources of phenolic compounds as flavonoids, hidroxibenzoic acids, hidroxicinamic acids and hidroxiphenyl propens. Eugenol is the main bioactive compound of clove, which is found in concentrations ranging from 9 - 381.70 to 14 - 650.00 mg per 100 g of fresh plant material
Botanical Name - Mucuna prurita/Mucuna pruriens Category - Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Seeds General Information - The genus Mucuna, belonging to the Fabaceae family, sub family Papilionaceae, includes approximately 150 species of annual and perennial legumes. Among the various under-utilized wild legumes, the velvet bean Mucuna pruriens is widespread in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. Mucuna pruriens (Fabaceae) is an established herbal drug used for the management of male infertility, nervous disorders, and also as an aphrodisiac. It has been shown that its seeds are potentially of substantial medicinal importance. The ancient Indian medical system, Ayurveda, traditionally used M. pruriens, even to treat such things as Parkinson's disease. M. pruriens has been shown to have anti-parkinson and neuroprotective effects, which may be related to its anti-oxidant activity. Phytochemicals - "Mucuna spp. have been reported to contain the toxic compounds L-dopa and hallucinogenic tryptamines, and anti-nutritional factors such as phenols and tannins . Due to the high concentrations of L-dopa (4 - 7%), velvet bean is a commercial source of this substance, used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. The toxicity of unprocessed velvet bean may explain why the plant exhibits low susceptibility to insect pests. Velvet bean is well known for its nematicidic effects; it also reportedly possesses notable allelopathic activity, which may function to suppress competing plants. Despite its toxic properties, various species of Mucuna are grown as a minor food crop. Raw velvet bean seeds contain approximately 27% protein and are rich in minerals. During the 18th and 19th centuries, Mucuna was grown widely as a green vegetable in the foothills and lower hills of the eastern Himalayas and in Mauritius. Both the green pods and the mature beans were boiled and eaten. In Guatemala and Mexico, M. pruriens has for at least several decades been roasted and ground to make a coffee substitute; the seeds are widely known in the region as Nescafe in recognition of this use."
Botanical Name - Rock Salt(Sendha Namak) Category - Spices/Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Salt General Information - Rock salt is a form of coarsely ground sodium chloride. Sodium chloride, or salt, is employed in many industries, as well as used in cooking. It helps set dyes in fabrics and is used in the process of producing detergent and soap as well as being used as grit on roads. Rock salt has a crystalline structure, is used as a desiccant and can also be used as an extinguishing agent. Phytochemicals - Rock salt is a sedimentary rock, which is classified as an evaporate. Naturally occurring rock salt is formed from the evaporation of inland seas. The rock salt contains the minerals found in that particular body of water; mostly sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sulfate. These are the major elements found in rock salt. All of these substances are highly soluble in water. Shale is also a sedimentary rock: however, it is classified as a clastic rock layer. Clastic sedimentary rocks are composed predominantly of broken pieces of older weathered and eroded rocks and are classified based on grain size, clastic and cementing material (matrix) composition, and texture. Shale is a fine-grained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of mud that is a mix of flakes of clay minerals and tiny fragments (silt-sized particles) of other minerals, especially quartz and calcite. Many of the minerals that make up shale are insoluble in water. Marcellus Shale is black shale, which is dark, thinly laminated carbonaceous shale, exceptionally rich in organic matter and sulfide and often containing unusual concentrations of certain trace elements such as uranium, vanadium, copper, and nickel.
Botanical Name - Rock Salt(Sendha Namak) Category - Spices/Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Salt General Information - Rock salt is a form of coarsely ground sodium chloride. Sodium chloride, or salt, is employed in many industries, as well as used in cooking. It helps set dyes in fabrics and is used in the process of producing detergent and soap as well as being used as grit on roads. Rock salt has a crystalline structure, is used as a desiccant and can also be used as an extinguishing agent. Phytochemicals - Rock salt is a sedimentary rock, which is classified as an evaporate. Naturally occurring rock salt is formed from the evaporation of inland seas. The rock salt contains the minerals found in that particular body of water; mostly sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sulfate. These are the major elements found in rock salt. All of these substances are highly soluble in water. Shale is also a sedimentary rock: however, it is classified as a clastic rock layer. Clastic sedimentary rocks are composed predominantly of broken pieces of older weathered and eroded rocks and are classified based on grain size, clastic and cementing material (matrix) composition, and texture. Shale is a fine-grained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of mud that is a mix of flakes of clay minerals and tiny fragments (silt-sized particles) of other minerals, especially quartz and calcite. Many of the minerals that make up shale are insoluble in water. Marcellus Shale is black shale, which is dark, thinly laminated carbonaceous shale, exceptionally rich in organic matter and sulfide and often containing unusual concentrations of certain trace elements such as uranium, vanadium, copper, and nickel.
Botanical Name - Andrographis paniculata Category - Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Whole Plant General Information - The whole herb is bitter in taste and is source of several diterpenoids of which a bitter water soluble lactone andrographolide is important. The plant is acrid, cooling, laxative, antipyretic, antiperiodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, sudorific, anthelmintic, digestive and stomachic. It is useful in burning sensation, chronic fever, malaria and intermittent fever, inflammation, cough, bronchitis, skin diseases, intestinal worm, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, haemorrhoids and vitiated condition of pitta. The plant is often used as a substitute for Chirayita (Swertia chirayita). Phytochemicals - A number of diterpenoids and diterpenoid glycosides of similar carbon skeleton have been isolated from Andrographis, mainly the most bitter compounds among them are andrographolide, neoandrographolide, deoxyandrographolide. Other such phytochemicals amassed by the plant are 14-deoxyandro -grapholide, 14-deoxy-11,12-didehydroandrographolide, andrographiside, deoxyandrographiside, homoandrogra-pholide, andrographan, andrographon, andro-graphosterin and stigmasterol. The leaves of Andrographis contain the highest amount of andrographolide (2.39%), the most medicinally active phytochemical in the plant, while the seeds contain the lowest. Andrographolide has highly bitter taste, is colorless crystalline in appearance, and possess a "lactone function". Both growing region and seasonal changes have a strong impact on formation of the diterpene lactones. The highest concentration of the active components is found just before the plant blooms, making early fall the best time to harvest.
Botanical Name - Coriandrum sativum Category - Spices Form - Dry Part Used - Leaves General Information - Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is a glabrous, aromatic, herbaceous annual herb belonging to the family Apiaceae1. It is commonly known as Dhaniya in Hindi, Dhanya in Sanskrit and Kotthamalli in Tamil. Coriander is one of the oldest spices mentioned in recorded history, with evidence of its use more than 5000 years ago. Its use was mentioned in Egyptian, Sanskrit and Roman literature. Egyptians called this herb the spice of happiness2. The coriander seeds are one of the most important spices in the world and are regularly used in the Indian Kitchen. The herb as young plants is used to prepare curry, soups, salads, and sauces, whereas the fruit is mainly used as a seasoning for pickles, cold meats, confectionery products and seasoning mixtures3,4. It is the most widely consumed popular ingredient in the world as a domestic spice, a traditional medicine, and a flavoring agent5. Coriander is available throughout the year providing a fragrant flavor that is reminiscent of both citrus peel and sage. Its essential oil is used in pharmaceutical recipes and as a fragrance in cosmetics6,7. In addition to culinary value, coriander is known for its wide range of healing properties. It is generally used in gastrointestinal complaints such as anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhea, griping pain and vomiting. Coriander fruit is also reputed as refrigerant, tonic, diuretic, and aphrodisiac, while, its essential oil is considered useful in flatulent colic, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. Coriander is also used as antiedemic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, emmenagogue, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, lipolytic and myorelaxant, and possess nerve- soothing property8. Coriander is used to flavour several alcoholic beverages like gin9 Phytochemicals - The chemical composition of coriander revealed that the linalool was 72.3 and 77.7 %, while �±-pinene was 5.9 and 4.4 %, �³-terpinene 4.7 and 5.6 %, camphor 4.6 and 2.4 %, limonene 2.0 and 0.9 %, in Argentinean and European coriander, respectively44. The essential oil from New Zealand contained linalool, �±-pinene, �³-terpinene, camphor and limonene in the concentration of 65.8, 6.8, 6.1, 5.1, and 2.7 %, respectively45. In Russian coriander seed essential oil, linalool constitutes about 68.0 % of oil46. Hence we can conclude that linalool was the main compound in the coriander seed essential oil.
Botanical Name - Coriandrum sativum Category - Spices Form - Dry Part Used - Seeds General Information - Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is a glabrous, aromatic, herbaceous annual herb belonging to the family Apiaceae1. It is commonly known as Dhaniya in Hindi, Dhanya in Sanskrit and Kotthamalli in Tamil. Coriander is one of the oldest spices mentioned in recorded history, with evidence of its use more than 5000 years ago. Its use was mentioned in Egyptian, Sanskrit and Roman literature. Egyptians called this herb the spice of happiness2. The coriander seeds are one of the most important spices in the world and are regularly used in the Indian Kitchen. The herb as young plants is used to prepare curry, soups, salads, and sauces, whereas the fruit is mainly used as a seasoning for pickles, cold meats, confectionery products and seasoning mixtures3,4. It is the most widely consumed popular ingredient in the world as a domestic spice, a traditional medicine, and a flavoring agent5. Coriander is available throughout the year providing a fragrant flavor that is reminiscent of both citrus peel and sage. Its essential oil is used in pharmaceutical recipes and as a fragrance in cosmetics6,7. In addition to culinary value, coriander is known for its wide range of healing properties. It is generally used in gastrointestinal complaints such as anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhea, griping pain and vomiting. Coriander fruit is also reputed as refrigerant, tonic, diuretic, and aphrodisiac, while, its essential oil is considered useful in flatulent colic, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. Coriander is also used as antiedemic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, emmenagogue, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, lipolytic and myorelaxant, and possess nerve- soothing property8. Coriander is used to flavour several alcoholic beverages like gin9 Phytochemicals - The chemical composition of coriander revealed that the linalool was 72.3 and 77.7 %, while �±-pinene was 5.9 and 4.4 %, �³-terpinene 4.7 and 5.6 %, camphor 4.6 and 2.4 %, limonene 2.0 and 0.9 %, in Argentinean and European coriander, respectively44. The essential oil from New Zealand contained linalool, I±-pinene, I-terpinene, camphor and limonene in the concentration of 65.8, 6.8, 6.1, 5.1, and 2.7 %, respectively45. In Russian coriander seed essential oil, linalool constitutes about 68.0 % of oil46. Hence we can conclude that linalool was the main compound in the coriander seed essential oil.
Food Ingredients, Organic Foods, Agricultural Commodities, Fruit And Vegetable Based Food Ingredients Including Fruit Pulp, Puree, Concentrate And Frozen Fruits And Vegetables And Agro Commodities Like Spices, Beans, Pulses, Grains, Nuts And Oil Seeds.
It is a multi-purpose fiber derived from the guar seed and is used for many industrial applications. From Food Industry, bakery, beverages, ice cream, Pharmaceuticals, Textile, Paper manufacture, Construction, Paints, Oil fracking, Gas facturing etc. It is obtained after the endosperm of the guar gum/split is milled and further refined. It is also soluble in hot and cold water but insoluble in other organic solvents. Guar Gum is a natural high molecular weight hydrocolloidal polysaccharide composed of galactan and mannan units combined through glycosidic linkages, which may be described chemically as galactomannan. Dissolved in cold or hot water, guar gum forms a slime of high viscosity. Guar's viscosity is a function of temperature, time, and concentration.
We are pleased to introduce ourselves, we are manufacturers and exporters of food grade guar gum with five decades of experience and expertise on this product. Being pioneer and well reputed manufacturers of textile/fabric printing thickener gum and are now started producing food grade guar gum of 200 mesh with 5500 cps viscosity continuously. Our allarco gum is dissolved in cold or hot water and forms a slime of high viscosity. Guar gum viscosity depends on function of temperature, time and concentration. Minimum specifications for good quality guar gum defined by usfcc and eu e-412 as follows: Galactomannan min 75% ash: 1.5% acid insoluble residue: max.4% Protein max. 7% moisture max 14% arsenic max. 3ppm, zinc max 25ppm, lead max10ppm Copper max 50ppm Our allarco gum find application in bakery, dairy, meat, sauces, ice cream, beverages and water treatment besides several other applications in different fields. We earnestly hope, you are using the above and shall feel thankful to you if we are advised of your requirements. 25 kgs 4 ply paper bags 50 kgs hdpe bags packing 500 kgs/1 ton jumbo bags
Aloe Vera Juice The concentrated Organic Aloe Vera Juice is made from premium-quality Aloe Vera Plant. Herbal Aloe Vera Juice contains essential enzymes, amino acids and vitamins. Aloe Vera juice includes the soothing benefits of the Chamomile Plant. Aloe Vera Juice helps soothe the digestive system. The juice assists the self-cleansing action of your body. Aloe Vera Juice reduces the risk of lung cancer. Promotes weight loss and supplies a boost of energy. Supports heart functioning when used on a regular basis.
Senna leaves and pods Senna leaves: the botanical name of this product is cassia angustifolia.It is a small perennial under shrub below 1.2 mtrs in hight with ascendig branches. .The leaves are large, compound and pinnate about +/- 5 cms long on tops and bear 5-8 sets of leaves each on a very small stalk. The flowers are bright yellow in color arranged in auxilliary / sub-terminal effect. The pods are slightly curved 3.5-6.5 cms long and 1.5 cms wide(broad).It contains alkaloid called sennocides which 2.5 to 3.0 %. Application: perhaps , you are aware, plant based drug production has become an important segment of pharmaceutical industries and phytochemicals are extensively used in the production of the many a modern drugs. The laxative principles of sennocides extracted from senna leaves/pods are important ingredients. It acts by increasing peristaltic movements by the colon. Its tincture, concentrate and powder have wide usage in pharmaceuticals industries as laxative stimulant, verimfuge, cathartic and specially suitable for habitual constipation. +/- 100/180 kgs bale packing
Available for domestic & export markets Our products 1. Asbestos / asbestine 18. Heena 2. Aluminium silicate 19. Kaynite 3. Activated calcium carbonate 20. Lime stone 4. Activated bleaching earch 21. Precipitated calcium carbonate 5. Bentonite (sodium) 22. Precipitated silica 6. Bentonite (calcium) 23. Plaster of paris 7. Barium sulphate 24. Potas feldspar 8. Calcite 25. Rock poshphate 9. China clay 26. Soda feldspar 10. Calcind china clay 27. Seena (harble indiuse) 11. Calcind dolomite 28. Silica sand 12. Dolomite 29. Silicons earth (ditomatislous earth) 13. Dolomite clay 30. Vermiculate 14. Fullers earth 31. Wallostonite 15. Gypsum (marin) 32. Whiting p 16. Gypsum (rock) s s white 33. Zinc oxide 17. Hydrated lime 34. Zeolighte Calcium fluorite (caf2)30% to 98% rock phosphate +30% Interior decorated pables & colour stones Old and new hdpe & jambo bag
Cake premix and concentrate, rice, handicrafts.Transportation, shipping
Sandblasting is a way of smoothing and cleaning a hard surface by forcing solid particles on the surface of the workpiece at high speeds by using compressed air from the air compressor. With aggressive blasting, the sand moved against a surface. With shot blasting, on the other hand, small metal balls or beads are propelled or moved against a texture. The beads are often made of stainless steel, copper, aluminum, or zinc. In this case, all of these metals are harder than sand, making shot blasting even more effective than its aggressive blasting equivalent.