We are amongst the renowned manufacturer, supplier, distributor, exporter and wholesaler of premium quality range of Dry Fodder. These dry fodders we are offering are highly demanded by our clientele as excellent feed for its premium quality and excellent nutrition contents for growing farm animals. Our dry fodders are carefully processed using best quality materials mixed with essential nutrients for healthy livestock.� Our dry fodders are very easy to use, store and feed to the animals which they will surely enjoy.
Feed Application:� Dry Animal Fodder is formulated to cater the routine dry matter requirement of Dairy Livestock, Equine, Camel, Pig, Goat, Sheep, Horse, Cattle etc.
Feeding Pattern:� Dry Animal Fodder has to be given in ad libitum quantity and itâ??s recommended to be given in free choice feeding.
Ingredients:� Wheat Straw, Grain Husk, Paddy Shell, Essential Amino Acids, Vitamins, Minerals with Micotoxin, Aflatoxin and Mold Binders
Processed Dry Fodder (AFDF-010306)
In general parlance the Dry Fodder or Dry Forage constitutes of Agricultural Hay, Husk, Straw and Pulp. The stated constituents are highly Volumetric Cargo from Transit Perspective, resulting to which the pricing inclines to the higher side. After extensive research activities, HAF has derived a new methodology of production to reduce the volume of the dry forages to a significant level.
How the Dry Fodder is Produced?
Stage-1: Different types of Agro Hay and Straws are passed through High Temperature Thermal Cooking. Wherein the dry forage is Moisturized and Cooked.
Stage-2: Then after its powdered to smaller particle size.
Stage-3: The Powdered Forage is Re-cooked at a comparatively lower temperature and finishing of the cooked forage is done.
Stage-4: At post finishing stage, the forage is passed through High Compression Dryers to reduce the moisture level at below 10%
Stage-5: After De-humidification, the material is passed through Surface Tension sewers to make the final material homogenous
Stage-6: The homogenous material is packed in 39 Kgs PP Packing
Benefits of Processed Dry Fodder
Due to Complex Production Process, the availability of toxic contents in the forage is NIL.
Absolutely Transit Friendly Cargo. In 20 FCL 550 Bags of 39 Kgs (21450Kgs) and 40 FCL 720 Bags of 39 Kgs (28080 Kgs) can be stuffed.
The Processed Dry Fodder look like Bran, so feed wastage can be controlled.
A quality forage in a Standard PP Packing. So no more Bales are required.
Needs very less storage Area.
Available Round the Year in whatever quantity required.
Suitable For Cattle, Camel, Goat, Sheep, Horse and Pig.
Thank you for contacting us. We can offer best quality Alfalfa Pellets. Further, this is a 100% Natural Product grown and cultivated in Gujarat State of India, the nutritional specifications are subject to vary as no additions of foreign matters are made to increase/control the nutritional specification of the same.
Available In : 8 x 25 mm
We produce widest range of Alfalfa Pellets for Animal Feeding Objective. We produce 8� mm Alfalfa Pellet and 10� mm Alfalfa Pellet for Animal Feed Forage Industry
Alfalfa Pelleting Process
Generally its grown during the period of November to April Months of the year in India and the cutting process begins from the 45th� day of the plantation.
The field cut green alfalfa is spread on the agriculture land for sun drying process (which is generally called sun curing process). This is the most important phase of administration, wherein during the sun curing process the alfalfa leaves and stem has to be dried in such a manner that the leaves should not turn yellow or loose green pigments.
After 7 days of meticulous administration, the green alfalfa is converted in to hay.
The hay is loaded in trucks and transported to production side, where the first stage is to sieve (clean) the entire hay, so minor or major dust articles are removed from the same.
After cleaning process the hard stem particles are removed through a mechanical machining process and the available residue is absolutely clean and dehydrated soft leaves and soft steam.
The dehydrated alfalfa particles (leaves & steam) are grinded to a finer particles size. The overall texture of hay is now converted to Powder Form.
The powdered alfalfa is then passed through 100 degree Celsius stream for about 8 minutes, which detoxifies the alfalfa from any toxic elements and also gets cooked at a very digestible ratio.
The highly cooked alfalfa meal is then pelleted through feed extrusion methodology, during the process of pelleting again the cooked meal reaches to an extremely high temperature of 123 Degree Celsius, due mechanical thrust of the extruder in its 22 ft long barrel
The extremely hot pellets are then cooled down to a room temperature level, enabling the moisture level below 12%.
The above process produces the most advance format of Alfalfa Hay Pellet in 8 x 25 mm� and 6 x 25 mm size absolutely hygienic for Animal and Poultry feeding Purpose
Facts of Indian Alfalfa
The pricing of the alfalfa hay / pellet is totally dependent of the physical hay recovery after sun curing process, which varies 10% to 15%, which means when 100 Kgs of green alfalfa is sun dried, the hay recovery varies between 10Kgs to 15 Kgs.
The recoveries are totally dependent on the environmental factor and the water content within the stems of the alfalfa.
Countries like Canada, Northern US, New Zealand and Northern European Countries donâ??t get direct sun light (rather they get inclined sun lig
Coriander effectively supports healthy digestion. Coriander evokes the digestive fire and simultaneously soothes and removes excess heat in the body, making useful it for cooling pitta-related in imbalances associated with menopause.
Cumin is bitter, pungent and astringent. It evokes the digestive fire promotes healthy absorption and brelieves flatulence. In addition cumin eliminates natural toxins enhances immunity and supports good sleep.
Tumeric is a golden spice that gives curry its yellow color, It has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb. Recently science has started to back up what Indians have Known for a long time. It contains compounds with medicinal properties. These compounds are called curcurninoids, the most important of which is curcuminoids. curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. tt has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant.