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Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Cypermethrin 25% E.C. (Chetak) It is highly active synthetic pyrethroid insecticide based jon Cypermethrin technical. Its 25% w/w as its active ingredient and balance adjuvants. Product Name:- Cypermethrin 25% E.C. Model Name:- Chetak Product Category:- Insecticide Crops:- Brinjal, Bhindi Direction of Use: P.P. Equipment:- Knapsack sprayer, Knapsack, motorised knapsack sprayer cum duster, compression knapsack battery sprayer, Wheel barrow sprayer Precaution:- 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3. Avoid inhalation the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4 . Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying. Symptoms Of Poisoning Nervousness, anxiety, tremor, convulsions, skin allergies, sneezing, running nose and irritation may occur. Packing Size :- 100ML,250ML,500ML,1L,5L,10L
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC. (ROUNAK). It is highly effective synthetic pyrethroid compound which contains 0.4% Fenvalerate active ingredient w/w and balance adjuvants Product Name:- . Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC Model Name:- ROUNAK Product Category:- (Insecticide) Crops:- Red gram, Mango, Cotton, Chikpea, Tomato, Rice, Onion, Brinjal, Okra/Bhindi, Chilli, Ground Nut Direction of Use : Plant Protection Equipment :- Bucket sprayer, Rocking sprayer, Stirrup pump sprayer(Single and double barrel) Knapsack sprayer, foot sprayer, wheel barrow sprayer, compression Knapsack sprayer, compression Knapsack battery or ASPEE-HTP powder sprayer. Precaution:- 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals feed. 2. Aviod contact with eyes, mouth and skin. 3. Aviod inhalation the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4. Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and part of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying. Packing Size :- 100mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1L, 5L, 10L
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Fenvalerate 0.4 % DP (FIGHTER). It is highly effective synthetic pyrethroid compound which contains 0.4% Fenvalerate active ingredient w/w and balance adjuvants Product Name:- Fenvalerate 0.4 % DP Model Name:- FIGHTER Product Category:- (Systemic Insecticide) Crops:- Cotton Direction of Use P.P. Equipment:- Knapsack below duster, manually operated rotary duster,motorised knapsack sprayer cum duster Precaution:- 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3. Avoid inhalation the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4 . Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying. Packing Size :- 1kg,5kg,10kg,25kg,50kg
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Cartap Hydrochloride 4% GR (Suntop) is a granule formulation insecticide which contains 4% cartap hydrochloride a.i. and balance adjuvants Product Name:- Cartap Hydrochloride 4% GR Model Name:- Suntop Product Category:- Insecticide Crops:- Rice Direction of Use:- Hand operated granules applicator, by mechanical disperser, or by hand-bearing rubber gloves. Precaution:- 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2.. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3. Avoid inhalation while using. 4. Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after broadcasting. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while broadcasting. 6. Wear full protective clothing while broadcasting. Packing Size :- 100gm,250gm,500gm,1kg,5kg,10kg
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Fipronil 0.3% G.R (SUNGENT). It is highly effective synthetic pyrethroid compound which contains 0.4% Fenvalerate active ingredient w/w and balance adjuvants Product Name:- Fipronil 0.3% G.R Model Name:-SUNGENT Product Category:- (Insecticide) Crops:- Sugarcane, Rice Direction of Use : Method of Application and Equipment for use : Recommended dosage for granule should be broadcasted using operated granule applicator or mechanical dispenser application in Paddy, 2-3 cm standing water should be in the field and keep water impounded for 2-3 days after application. Precaution:- 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3. Avoid inhalation while in using. 4. Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after broadcasting. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while broadcasting. 6. Wear full protective clothing while broadcasting Packing Size :- 100mg, 250mg, 500mg, 1kg, 5kg, 10kg
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Malathion 50% E.C (Suthion). It is highly effective synthetic pyrethroid compound which contains 0.4% Fenvalerate active ingredient w/w and balance adjuvants Product Name:- Malathion 50% E.C Model Name:- SUTHION Product Category:- (Contact Insecticide) Crops:- Apple, Bhindi, Brinjal, Cabbage, Raddish, Castor, Cauliflower, CEREALS, FRUIT TREES, Grape, Mango, Paddy, Sorghum, Soyabean, Sunflower, Tomato, Turnip, VEGETABLE Direction of Use : P.P. Equipment:-Knapsack sprayer, foot sprayer, compression knapsack sprayer, compression knapsack battery sprayer and ASPEE-HTP power sprayer. Precaution:- 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3. Avoid inhalation the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4 . Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying. Packing Size :- 100mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1L, 5L, 10L
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Mancozeb 75% WP. (SUN M 45). Based on Mancozeb Tech, it is a Co-ordination product of Zinc & Magnaneses ethylene bisdithiocarbamate and contact fungicide. containing 75% w/w active ingredient and balance adjuvants. Product Name:- Mancozeb 75% WP Model Name:-SUN M 45 Product Category:- (Contact, Fungicide) Crops:- Grapes, Guava, Potato, Banana, Wheat, Cumin, Blight, Tomato, Leaf spot Direction of Use : Ground nut: to treat the seed, first make slurry with required quantity of test fungicide with 10 ml of water per 1 kg of seed and swirl it in a closed container to make uniform coating on the seeds. Then shade dry and sown. Precaution:- Precautions: 1) keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals feed. 2) Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3) Avoid inhalation of the spary mist. spray in the direction of wind. 4) Wash throughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5) Do not smoke, drink eat and chew anything while spraying. 6) Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying. Packing Size :- 100mg, 250mg, 500mg, 1kg, 5kg, 10kg
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Dimethoate 30% E.C (SUNGOR). It is highly effective synthetic pyrethroid compound which contains 0.4% Fenvalerate active ingredient w/w and balance adjuvants Product Name:- Dimethoate 30% E.C Model Name:- SUNGOR Product Category:- (Insecticide) Crops:- Fig, Mango, Potato, Banana, Apricot, Rose, Cabbage & Cauliflower, Tomato, Citrus, Onion, Brinjal, Bhindi, Chillies, Apple. Direction of Use P.P. Equipment :-Knapsack sprayer, foot sprayer, compression knapsack sprayer, compression knapsack battery sprayer and ASPEE-HTP power sprayer Precaution:- 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2.. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3.. Avoid inhalation the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4 . Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying. Packing Size :- 100ML, 250ML, 500ML, 1L, 5L, 10L Manufactured By: Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd G-195 Sarna Dungar Industrial Area Jhotwara Jaipur Rajasthan 302012
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Glyphosate 41% S.L. (GLYCEL). It is highly effective synthetic pyrethroid compound which contains 0.4% Fenvalerate active ingredient w/w and balance adjuvants Product Name:- Glyphosate 41% S.L. Model Name:- GLYCEL Product Category:- (Herbicide) Crops:- TEA, Non cropped areas Direction of Use : Plant Protection Equipment : Knapsack sprayer fitted with a flat fan or flood jet nozzle is to be used while applying the weedicide Gator rocking sprayer & Knapsack weedicide sprayer can also be used. Prepararation of Spray Solution : Add slowly the required quantity of weedicides to water & stir well, with a stick or rod. While preparing large quantity of spray solution & weedicide to a bucket of half filled with water. Stir & then empty the pre-solution into the bulk of water. Caution :- (1) Herbicide should be sprayed from ground and care should be taken to drift hazard to the adjoining crop field. Time of Application : Tea & non crop area:- Apply as directed spray when the weeds are young and actively growing Precaution:- 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3. Avoid inhalation the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4 . Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying. Packing Size :- 100mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1L, 5L, 10L
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product CHLORPYRIPHOS 50% + CYPERMETHRIN 5% EC(Suntox) is emulsifiable concentration containing active ingredient Chlorpyriphos 50% w/w cypermethrin 5% w/w balance emulsifiers and solvent. It effectively controls pest complex on cotton. *Caution : Toxic to aquatic organisms hence should not be used near water bodies, aquaculture or pisciculture. It is toxic to honeybees, spray application should be avoided during foraging period of bees. Product is highly toxic to birds hence avoid use near bird habitat. Product Name:- Chlorpyriphos 20%E.C Model Name:- Suntox Product Category:- Systemic and Contact Insecticide Crops:- Cotton, Paddy, rice Direction of Use: Depending upon the stage of the crop increase or decrease the quantity of water. Plant Protection Equipment: Knapsack sprayer, foot sprayer, compression knapsack sprayer, compression knapsack battery sprayer, and ASPEE-HTP power sprayer fitted with hollow cone nozzle. Precaution:- 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2.. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3.. Avoid inhalation the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4 . Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying. Symptoms Of Poisoning Headache, giddiness, vertigo,nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, diarrhoea, convulsions, excessive sweating, lacrimation and salivation allergic manifestation may occur. Packing Size :- 100ML,250ML,500ML,1L,5L,10L
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Mancozeb 75 % WP (SUN M 45). It is highly effective synthetic pyrethroid compound which contains 0.4% Fenvalerate active ingredient w/w and balance adjuvants Product Name:- Mancozeb 75 % WP Model Name:- SUN M 45 Product Category:- (Contact Insecticide) Crops:- Grapes, Guava, Potato, Banana, Wheat, Cumin, Jowar, Tomato, Paddy, Cauliflower, Maize, Chillies, Groundnut, Apple Direction of Use : Ground nut: to treat the seed, first make slurry with required quantity of test fungicide with 10 ml of water per 1 kg of seed and swirl it in a closed container to make uniform coating on the seeds. Then shade dry and sown. Time of Application : Mainly foliar spray and also soil drench. Knapsack sprayer, foot sprayer, compression knapsack sprayer, compression knapsack battery sprayer, ASPEE-HIP power sprayer. Precaution:- 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3. Avoid inhalation the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4 . Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying. Packing Size :- 100mg, 250mg, 500mg, 1kg, 5kg, 10kg
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Pendimethalin 30 % EC (PENDISUR) is a emulsifiable pre-emergence selective herbicide containing Pendimethalin 30% w/w and balance other relevant ingredients. Product Name:- Pendimethalin 30 % EC Model Name:- PENDISUR Product Category:- (Herbicide) Crops:- Cotton, Wheat, Rice (Transplanted & direct sown upland), Soybean, Direction of Use : Plant Protection Equipments ion use : Knapsack sprayer, foot sprayer, fitted with flat fan/food jet nozzle. Time of Application : Wheat:- Pre-emergence of weeds, immediately after sowing of wheat. Cotton:- Pre- plant incorporation upto 7 days before planting or pre-emergence with in 2 days of sowing. Soybean:- Pre emergence with in 24hours of planting or pre -plant incorporation in top 2-5 cm emergence soil with a suitable farm equipment. Rice:- ( transplanted or direct sowing) Pre-emergence of weeds Application: Ensure uniform level of puddled field.Maintain 5-10 cm of standing water form atleast of week after the application. Precaution:- 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals feed. 2. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3. Avoid inhalation the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4. Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying. 7. It should not be used in the areas where pisciculture/aquaculture is practiced alongwith rice cultivation. Packing Size :- 100mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1L, 5L, 10L
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