We areleading manuf. Of limit gaugese.G. Plain pluggauge, masterring gauge, snap gauge, spl. Gauges as per drg. And also undertaakeforging and c.I. Casting jo.
We manufacture following range of industrial centrifuges.
(1) Three point suspended – manual top discharge (mtd) centrifuges.
(2) Three point suspended - lifting out filterbag (lb) centrifuges.
(3) Three point suspended – bottom discharge (bd) centrifuges.
(4) Horizontal basket, peeler type (h) centrifuges.
(5) Horizontal basket, pusher type (p) centrifuges.
(6) Top suspended, top driven, bottom discharge (tsb) sugar centrifuges.
(7) Decanter type (d) centrifuges.
(8) Reversing filterbag type (inv) centrifuges.
(9) Washing – in place type (wip-mtd) centrifuges.
(10) Nozzle type liquid separator (lsr) centrifuges.
The aim is to design & manufacture centrifuges to suit exact requirement of customer. Being precisely engineered and manufactured to exacting industrial standard, our centrifuges give long trouble free operating life.