Acacia Honey is collected by the bees that feed on the nectar of the blooms from the beautiful orchards of Kashmir. The colour of Acacia Honey depends on whether it has been collected from white acacia flowers (Robinia pseudoacacia L) or yellow acacia flowers (Caragana arborescens Lam), as yellow acacia honey is light yellow , whereas that coming from white acacia flowers is lighter and almost translucent. The Acacia flowers bloom in the month of May for just a period of 10-15 days and hence the scarcity and rarity of the availability, due to which this is one of the most expensive honey
We provide best quality honey
Natural Honey Contains A Range Of Compounds That Act As Antioxidants Including Phytochemicals Flavonoids And Ascorbic Acid.
Natural Essential Oil
Manufacturer for Honey.
pure natural honey from indian forest
Honey that is labeled asHoney organic according to the USDA was made from a bee farm that follows the organic livestock standards. These standards state that the hives must be free of chemicals or located far away from any present. Also, the flowers that the bees will be getting nectar from cannot be sprayed with chemicals and the bees cannot be given antibiotics. Organic honey is also strained and not heated beyond pasteurization. Naturally, honey has some serious benefits. Rich in vitamins such as Vitamin C, B6, and thiamin and minerals like calcium, iron, and copper, honey is a nutritious addition to your food. Raw and organic honey are both rich in antioxidants and have antibacterial properties as well. Raw honey specifically becomes alkaline in the digestive system and helps counteract acid indigestion. Honey has a lower glycemic index than table sugar, making it a sweet substitute, especially if its raw or organic.
Acacia honey is one of most popular types of honey in the world. Produced from the nectar of the acacia flower,this delight is known for its pleasant and mild taste. Accompanied by its brilliant flavour, Acacia honey exhibits many health benefits, making it the perfect addition to your daily routine. There are a number of impressive acacia honey health benefits, including its ability to boost skin health, prevent chronic diseases, support the immune system, increase energy and speed weight loss, among others. Skin Care The rich supply of minerals found in every type of honey, including iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, and copper, as well as vitamin C and other antioxidants, can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, soothe inflammation, and decrease the appearance of scars, blemishes, and burns when topically applied. Lowers Blood Sugar Although most people worry about their blood sugar being too high, acacia honey can help lower the blood sugar. Also, hypoglycemia is a dangerous condition, and eating acacia honey can deliver a concentrated burst of carbohydrates to your system that will balance your blood sugar levels. Prevents Chronic Diseases The antioxidants found in all types of honey are particularly good at seeking out free radicals throughout the body and reducing the negative impacts of oxidative stress. This can lower cellular mutation and reduce your risk of chronic diseases, such as arthritis.
Multi flower Honey is sourced from regions where different varieties of flowers flourish. It is light in color and has a pleasant sweet taste. It is 100% organic certified honey and is derived from nature, packed carefully with its untouched therapeutic benefit. Free of pesticides, preservatives, artificial ingredients and other chemicals. Key Ingredients: Organic Honey Key Benefits: Lower the risk of heart disease and prevents acid reflux Enhances the functioning of the immune system and fights infections Honey helps in aiding treatment of coughs, digestion, insomnia and respiratory diseases Honey helps in beautifying the skin and hair It has health boosting benefits that may lower the risk of developing diseases It helps to replace the added sugar from the diet
Pure Honey in its purest form as found in nature, straight from the hive to your home !! Sourced from the Western Ghats region in Karnataka, DYU - Pure Raw Honey is multifloral Apis Cerana Indica honey. Extracted straight form the honeycomb, strained & bottled to ensure all the original nutrient value found in raw honey are intact. With pure honey, no additional ingredients such as sugar, corn syrup, or artificial or natural flavoringappear on the label. Pure honey may also be labeled as clover or raspberry honey, depending on which plant the bees derived their nectar from. (Beekeepers typically keep their bees near certain plants exclusively, to ensure that the bees get nectar from only those plants.)
Sidr(Berry) Wild Honey is from nectars collected by Giant Rock Bees (Apis Dorsata) from a variety of wildflowers blooming.we are working with the tribals people who live around the forests to procure the wild honey.This honey is known as one of the most beneficial as the wide range of medicinal herbs,and plants visited by the bees providing all their goodness to the Wild Honey It is rich source of antibacterial properties.You can use it as a remedy for sore throat or for treating minor wounds and infections.
Rosewood Honey is obtained when the dominant nectar source is from Rosewood flowers, also known as Sheesham. Our Rosewood Honey is Pure Natural,Unprocessed,Unpasteurized,Unheated and minimally filtered retaining its natural properties. Due to the crude filtration process, some batches/bottles may have some pollen traces suspended in the honey. No need to refrigerate. Nitya Rosewood honey is rich in vital amino acids that support a healthy lifestyle. Give yourself a natural energy boost with enzymes, propolis, and antioxidants - not to mention delicious flavor.
Cinnamon Honey is the purest honey infused with the finest Cinnamon; thereby providing the perfect blend of taste and appeal. The rich appeal and the light color of the honey symbolizes its purity. Its subtle flavours and its mouth-watering smooth texture makes it a go to ingredient on a cold rainy evening. Add to make your desserts, muesli or coffee extra tasty or simply sip with warm water.
Brought to you from lush floral orchards located across India. This honey is filtered and refined to enjoy a nutritional, wholesome and healthy product. Thrill your taste buds with the pure flavour of nectar and let nature's goodness lead you to better healthy habits. · Ingredients: 100% POLYFLORA honey. Honey produced by bees from a wide variety of flowers, in which no particular species of flower predominates. Its colour and flavour can vary: from amber to darker tones, and from sweeter to more intense flavours. Slow to crystallize in small crystals.
Organic Eucalyptus HonHoneyey comprises of nectar collected from flowers of Eucalyptus. It has a mild flavour of Eucalyptus. It is 100% organic certified honey and is derived from nature, packed carefully with its untouched therapeutic benefit. Free of pesticides, preservatives, artificial ingredients and other chemicals. Key Ingredients: Organic Honey Key Benefits: Lower the risk of heart disease and prevents acid reflux Enhances the functioning of the immune system and fights infections Honey helps in aiding treatment of coughs, digestion, insomnia and respiratory diseases Honey helps in beautifying the skin and hair It has health boosting benefits that may lower the risk of developing diseases It helps to replace the added sugar from the diet
NUTS & HONEY Each jar is filled to the brim with nuts. Warm honey is drizzled into the jar, soaking and preserving the nuts. Use as a topping for ice cream, on toast, or straight out of the jar.
Made only from the nectar of Mustard flowers by our tiny little Asiatic (Indian) bees.Honey is usually prepared around by 15th day from the day they start but we wait till the 24th day to extract the honey which helps to increase the enzyme action, therefore, making it healthier, more medicinal and tastier! We then just filter it through a humongous sieve to remove pollens and our RAW honey is ready!
Litchi Honey. Direct from the litchi orchards of Muzzafarpur's terai lands, this 100% raw honey is light and buttery with a melt-in-the-mouth flavour that is pure litchi fruit. Its light creamy and distinctive flavour makes it a great addition to buttered toast, light tea and breakfast cereal.
This premium quality jamun honey is collected by the honey bees from the flowers of the jamun (Indian blackberry) Blossom with unique health gHoneyiving properties. Jamun honey contains the essence of jamun in its divine form,it comparatively less sweet than other honeys,therefore Traditionally known to have benefits for diabetics and rich in pollen,minerals,or is good with your morning breakfast, in warm milk or used instead of sugar in rich homemade cakes. According to ancient Ayurveda,raw honey is used to treat high blood pressure,diabetes,skin conditions, periodontal infections, throat infections and's contains an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide which makes it antibacterial and anti-fungal.Called as natures natural antibiotic, it is known to possess antibacterial & anti-inflammatory properties.
Bee pollen granules organic is one of nature's unique and most powerful nourishing super foods. Bees collect pollen from flowers & mix bee saliva &plant nector with that. this mixture forms bee pollen. Bee pollen offers a treasure trove of special plant can be used for nutritional makeup. It works wonders in a weight-control or Contains nearly all nutrient for optimal health