We are proud to say we have shared meals with the farmers who grow our Moringa. Lush green Moringa farms in monsoons are a place to be at. An integrated supply chain ensures fresh Moringa to you. Rich in minerals like calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron, and copper. Vitamins like beta-carotene of vitamin A, vitamin B such as folic acid, pyridoxine, and nicotinic acid, vitamin C, D, and E. Rich Antioxidants with numerous benefits.
Supplier of Moringa leaf/ leaves
Supplier of India Goosberry / Amla
Supplier of Curry Leaves, Moringa Leaves, Moringa oil, Gymnema leaves, Senna leaves, Cassia alata leaves, Phyllanthusniruri leaves, Gloriosa superba, Tulasi Minimum Order Quantity - 300kgs
We are suplier of Cordyceps Herbal Extract. We can provide as Export quality only, It is use for medicine for Cancer, Sugar, And many medicine.
1kg - 540Rs) Benefits of Amla it is an excellent source of Vitamin C, hence it helps boost your immunity, metabolism and prevents viral and bacterial ailments, including cold and cough. Its nutritional profile also comes studded with a range of polyphenols that are known to fight against the development of cancer cells. reasons to eat amla every day It helps fight the common cold. The vitamin C in amla is absorbed more easily by the body compared to store-bought supplements. ... It improves eyesight. ... It burns fat. ... It builds immunity. ... Amla beautifies hair. ... It improves skin. ... It helps manage chronic conditions. ... It relieves pain.
(500gm - Rs 390 Benefits of moringa include : Protecting and nourishing skin and hair. Treating edema. . Protecting the liver. Preventing and treating cancer.. Treating stomach complaints. ... Fighting against bacterial diseases.. Making bones healthier. . Treating mood disorders.
(500gm - â?? 574Rs) Benifites of Reetha Reetha (Sapindus Mukorossi), also known as soapnut, soapberry, and washnut, is a dried fruit that comes from a tea bearing the same name. It originates in the tropical areas of India, China and Nepal. Antiallergic and antibacterial in nature, Reetha is a versatile Ayurvedic herb. Its skin is highly valued in the rural areas as natural shampoo and is now being increasingly used in shampoos, face washes, etc. It is also mildly antiseptic and has detoxifying effects. Read further to know about the herbâ??s benefits and uses. Please ensure consulting a practitioner before using it in any of the below-mentioned manners. BENEFITS OF REETHA 1. Intestinal Worms Reetha helps to control intestinal worms. According to Ayurveda, worms are called as Krimi. The growth of worms is encouraged by low Agni (weak digestive fire). Taking Reetha helps to improve the digestive fire and destroy the ideal condition for the growth of worms. It helps to remove worms because of its Tikta (bitter)and Tikshna (sharp) properties. 2. Asthma Reetha helps to control the symptoms of asthma and gives relief in case of breathlessness. According to Ayurveda, the main doshas involved in asthma are Vata and Kapha. The vitiated â??Vataâ?? combines with deranged â??Kapha doshaâ?? in the lungs causing obstruction in the respiratory passage. This results in difficulty in breathing. This condition is known as Swas Roga (Asthma). Reetha helps to balance Tridosha and remove excess mucus from the lungs due to its Ushna (hot) nature. 3. Obesity An increase in weight is due to unhealthy food habits and lifestyle which leads to a weak digestive fire. This increases accumulation of Ama causing an imbalance in Meda dhatu and thus resulting in obesity. Reetha helps to control weight due to its Ushna (hot) and Tikshna (sharp) properties. It also improves metabolism and clears blockage in the circulatory system which helps to remove extra fluid and toxins from the body. 4. Flatulence Flatulence is caused due to an imbalance of Vata and Pitta dosha. Low Pitta dosha and aggravated Vata dosha results in low digestive fire, thus impairing digestion. Impaired digestion leads to gas formation or flatulence. Reetha helps to correct impaired digestion. It improves Agni (digestive fire) due to Ushna (hot) potency and removes excessive gas because of its Vata balancing property. PRECAUTIONS WHEN USING REETHA Advice from Experts AYURVEDIC VIEW 1. Take Reetha in recommended dose and duration, as a high dose can lead to a burning sensation in the stomach due to its hot potency. 2. Avoid Reetha or take under medical supervision if you have excessive Pitta in the body. Breastfeeding AYURVEDIC VIEW Avoid Reetha or use under medical supervision during lactation due to its Ushna virya (hot potency). Pregnancy AYURVEDIC VIEW Avoid Reetha or use under medical supervision during pregnancy due to its Ushna virya (hot potency). Reetha benefits : Hair Health. The natural surfactant saponin in reetha plant offers foaming properties and soapy texture which helps in clearing dirt, dust and oil in the hair. . Promotes Skin Health. Heals Snake Bites. Respiratory Health..Potent Anti-Inflammatory Effects.
(500gm - 799Rs) Benefits of Holi Besils Boosts Cardiovascular Health. Treats Respiratory Illnesses. Lowers Cortisol Levels. Beats Cancer. Soothes Indigestion. Controls Blood Glucose Levels. Improves Liver Function. Helps with Weight Loss. Health Benefits Holy basil is used to treat many conditions, including H1N1 (swine) flu, diabetes, the common cold, headache, fever, stress, upset stomach, earache and more. It has also been used as a mosquito repellant and topically (on the skin) to treat ringworm. Studies have shown that holy basil has a wide range of health-promoting properties including: Antimicrobial (including antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and more) Antidiarrheal Antioxidant Anti-inflammatory Liver, brain and heart protective Anti-diabetic Anti-pyretic (prevents itching) Antitussive (treats cough) Anti-arthritic Anti-coagulant Adaptogenic
500gm - 240Rs) Benefits of Ginger : Reduces Cold and Flu: Good for Your Heart: Treats Inflammation: Prevents Cancer: Ginger Improves Brain Functionality: Treats Muscle Pain: Treats Severe Indigestion: Prevents Nausea
500gm - 990 Rs) Stevia Benefits. ... Stevia May Help Control Blood Sugar And Insulin Levels. ... Stevia May Lower Blood Pressure. ... Xylitol: A Sweetener That & #39;s Good For Your Teeth. ... Xylitol Fights Cavities. ... Xylitol Benefits� Diabetes And Metabolic Syndrome. ... Xylitol Helps Prevent Ear And Upper Respiratory Infections. Xylitol Strengthens Bone.
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Organic Sweet Leaf: Organic Green Leaf Stevia Brands | Green Leaf Stevia Powder Organic Sunrise Natural Sweet Leaf is a natural, convenient and healthy sweetener. green leaf stevia contains no calories, carbohydrates & has no after taste with diabetic friendly properties. Sweet Leaf is highly acknowledged for its diverse features.Now you can add sweet flavor to any snack, drink or food with a pinch of our Stevia Leaf and satisfy your craving for sweets without the additional calories in sugar or the harmful side effects of artificial sweeteners.....Green Leaf Stevia Brands.....
Organic Stevia Liquid: Organic Sunrise Natural Stevia Liquid is a natural, convenient and health Sweetener. It contains no calories or carbohydrates and may be used in tea, coffee, smoothies. Protein shakes or any recipe. Stevia Liquid is delicious, has no aftertaste, and is diabetic friendly. It contains many vitamins and minerals. Daily use of this liquid helps control blood pressure maintains sugar metabolism and prevent obesity.
We are jubilant to present you with our 100% Vegan, Pure, Natural, Organic, Non-GMO and Fresh ASHWAGANDHA POWDER, which is produced using superlative quality raw Withania Somnifera Roots procured from the specific geographical regions of India considered ideal for their cultivation or natural occurrence. We have prepared this herbal product through combination of Ancient Ayurvedic principles and latest modern scientific technologies in order to get a finished product that is rich in principle medicinal essence, and is absolutely free from any synthetic additives, artificial coloring agents, pesticides or other harmful chemical substances. We recommend you to try our Ashwagandha Powder just once because we are sure that you will be completely satisfied with its quality and results!
We are jubilant to present you with our 100% Vegan, Pure, Natural, Organic, Non-GMO and Fresh MORINGA LEAF POWDER, which is produced using superlative quality raw Moringa Oleifera Leaves procured from the specific geographical regions of India considered ideal for their cultivation or natural occurrence. We have prepared this herbal product through combination of Ancient Ayurvedic principles and latest modern scientific technologies in order to get a finished product that is rich in principle medicinal essence, and is absolutely free from any synthetic additives, artificial coloring agents, pesticides or other harmful chemical substances. We recommend you to try our Moringa Leaf Powder just once because we are sure that you will be completely satisfied with its quality and results!
Neem Root in Shade dried , Pulverized for Medicinal, Dental -Medicinal, Medicinal and Medicinal of Pharmaceutical
SHIKAKAI POWDER : It also Dan draft, Hair falls INGREDIANTS : Hibiscus, Soap nut, Neem leaves, Amla, Rose Pettals, Brahmi, Bhringaroj, Shekakai, Menthi seeds, and more herbals.
Curcumin is a bright yellow chemical produced by Curcuma longa plants. It is the principal curcuminoid of turmeric (Curcuma longa), a member of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. It is sold as an herbal supplement, cosmetics ingredient, food flavoring, and food coloring. Chemically, curcumin is a diarylheptanoid, belonging to the group of curcuminoids, which are natural phenols responsible for turmericâ??s yellow color. It is a tautomeric compound existing in enolic form in organic solvents and in keto form in water. Method of Analysis - HPLC Solvent Used - Hydroalcohol, Ethanol Specifications - Curcuminoids - 95% Upto 98% Grade - Herbal Product, Cosmetic Grade, Food Grade
We could provide good quality,Asperagous racemosus white shatavari roots & powder