Handicraft articles
Horn products Horn is non toxic, eco-friendly, natural prodcuts absolutely devoid of envoirnmental damaging element like plastic. It is possibe to create fine design, shapes.Customised prodcuts. All products are manufactured as per international standard and despatcehd under approval of wildlife authority as per existing rule. Standard lot sizes and dimensions are different as per size of the articles, there are over 1000 range.
Jasmine craft Wall hanging paintings, scenery, natural scenery, Oil paintings, canvas framed.. Etc.. And sculpture
Innovative hangings
Textile handicrafts High quality workmanship on beading and embroidery of handbags, garments, accessories and jewelry
Candle stand for five candles
Myanmar Tapestries Tapestry is one type of handicrafts in myanmar. It is also known as gold embroidery work. The figures of tapestries are depicting jatakas, stories relating ten of the previous lives of the gautama buddha, copies of wall paintings and life style of ancient myanmar people, etc. Generally, black, red and brown back ground color and colorful figures such as nat, sakka, giant, king, queen, forests, animals etc are typical symbol of myanamr tapestries. Dimensions are ranging from normally 12 in. X 12 in. To 48 in. X 48 in. Any bigger dimension can be arranged Dimensions are ranging from normally 12 in. X 12 in. To 48 in. X 48 in. Any bigger dimension can be arranged.
Candle ware
Coconut handicraft We have got the widest range of varieties in the world in coconut handicraft. The size of the item varies depending on the size of the coconut. Keychains are 50 pieces packed in one box rest of the products are packed separately in single box.
Wooden handicrafts
The portraits are of many types-gods and goddeses of hindus, budhist, jains, sikhs, muslims and christians like: Jesus meditating at night, lords - ganesha, shiva, krishna, buddha, guru nanak, godesses-laxmi, saraswati, events like-the last supper-this is one of the most appreciated painting of our craftsmen.Thereare many scenic paintings of nature and of some type of messege, event, monument,
Light weight hanging Santa, Angel, Xmas tree, Easter eggs, Star, sun, Moon Ideal for Xmas tree decoration. Hand painted and varnished
Tea light votive Features: -Wooden, handmade and hand painted only -Made out of country wood only. -Eco friendly. -Only colours confirming euro and american standard used.
Napkin ring Features: -Made out of country wood. -Hand painted and varnished -Only water based non - toxic colours used. -Colours confirming to euro standard and american standard. -In all shapes and sizes.
Candle stand Brass handicraft item
Wooden handicraft Made of treeted wood
Incence sticks
All category of handcrafted manufacturer & supplier horn, wooden, brass, & resin items i.e., cutlery, kitchenware, tailoring buttons, jewelry, gifts and home decor products..
We are leading manufacturer & Exporter of decoration & Handicrafts products