Gouramis are a diverse family of medium- to large-sized fish. Most can be kept in community aquariums, but some species do not play well with others, while some are too timid to be kept with just any species of fish.
Barbs are lively, hardy, and colorful fish in the minnow family Cyprinidae. They are all schooling fish that do best if kept in groups of at least five or more, so keep that in mind when considering tank size for these fish. Most barbs prefer soft acidic water that is well aerated and a bit on the cooler side.
Angelfish are brightly colored tropical fish. There are dozens of different species, or types. One group of angelfish are marine, or ocean, fish. They are commonly seen around coral reefs. Another group of angelfish are freshwater fish. Freshwater angelfish are also known as scalars. They are popular aquarium pets.