Seer Fish
Cod Fish
Product Description : Skipjack Tuna Whole SIZE : 1/2,2/3,3/5,5 KG/UP Packing : 30 KG Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 3000-5000 PER MT Product origin : India (maharashtra, Goa, Gujrat, Kerala,andhra Pradesh,tamil Nadu) Key Specifications/Special Features : Port Of Loading: ANY PORT IN INDIA Payment Term : LC OR TT Delivery Time Shipment 07-10 DAY AFTER CONFIRMATION
Product Description : Baracuda Whole Fish SIZE: 200/300,300/500,500/1000gm, Packing : 10 KG Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 1500-2500 PER MT Product orIgin : India ( Maharashtra, Goa, Gujrat, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu) Key Specifications/Special Features : Port Of Loading: ANY PORT IN INDIA Payment Term : LC OR TT Delivery Time Shipment 05- 07 DAY AFTER CONFIRMATION
Product Description : Ribbon Fish Whole SIZE ; 100/200,200/300,300/400,400/700 Packing : 10 KG Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 1500-3500 PER MT Product Origin : India (Maharashtra, Goa, Gujrat, Kerala, Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu) Key Specifications/Special Features : "Port Of Loading: ANY PORT IN INDIA Payment Term : LC OR TT Delivery Time Shipment 05- 07 DAY AFTER CONFIRMATION "
Product Description : Queen Fish Whole Size : 1/2,2/3,3/5,5/7 KG Packing : 20 KG Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 1500-2500 PER MT Product origin : India (Maharashtra, Goa, Gujrat, Kerala, Andhrapradesh,tamilnadu) Key Specifications/Special Features : "Port Of Loading: ANY PORT IN INDIA Payment Term : LC OR TT Delivery Time Shipment 05- 07 DAY AFTER CONFIRMATION "
Product Description : Bombay Duck Fish Size : U/5,u/7,u/10,10/20,20/30 Packing : 10 Kg Price of Product ( Usd Price or Fob Price) : Usd 1000-2000 Per Mt Product Origin : India (Maharashtra, Goa, Gujrat,kerala, Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu) Key Specifications/special Features : "Port of Loading: Any Port in India Payment Term : Lc or Tt Delivery Time Shipment 05- 07 Day After Confirmation "
Product Description : Leather Skin Fish Whole SIZE ; 100/200,200/300,300/400,400/700 Packing : 10 KG Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 1000-2000 PER MT Product origin : India (Maharashtra, Goa, Gujrat, Kerala, Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu) Key Specifications/Special Features : Port Of Loading: Any Port In India Payment Term : LC OR TT Delivery Time Shipment 05- 07 DAY After Confirmation
Product Description : Reefcod Fish Whole SIZE: 100/200,200/300,300/500,500/700, 700/1000GMS PACKING ; 10 KG Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 2000- 3500 PER MT Product origin : India (maharashtra, Goa, Gujrat, Kerala, Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu) Key Specifications/Special Features : Port Of Loading: ANY PORT IN INDIA Payment Term : LC OR TT Delivery Time Shipment 05- 07 DAY AFTER CONFIRMATION
Product Description : Sole Fish Whole SIZE: 50/100,100/200,200/300,300/UP PACKING : 10 KG Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 1000- 2500 PER MT Product origin : INDIA (MAHARASHTRA,GOA,GUJRAT,KERALA,ANDHRAPRADESH,TAMILNADU) Key Specifications/Special Features : Port Of Loading: ANY PORT IN INDIA Payment Term : LC OR TT Delivery Time Shipment 05- 07 DAY AFTER CONFIRMATION
The GloFish is a patented and trademarked brand of genetically engineered fluorescent fish. They have been created from several different species of fish: Zebrafish (Danio rerio) were the first GloFish available in pet stores, and recently tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi), tiger barbs (Puntius tetrazona),[1] Rainbow Shark (Epalzeorhynchos frenatum), and most recently betta[2] have been added to the lineup. They are sold in many colors, trademarked as "Starfire Red", "Moonrise Pink", "Sunburst Orange", "Electric Green", "Cosmic Blue", and "Galactic Purple", although not all species are available in all colors.
The genus mollie or mollienesia, as it was originally classified, has some of the most beautiful and unusual varieties of live-bearer fish. The sailfin mollie is arguably one of the most exotic fish available of any genus. However, mollies are perhaps the most difficult of all of the common live-bearers to keep as they are the most delicate of the live-bearers.
The common goldfish is a breed of goldfish with no other differences from its living ancestor, the Prussian carp, other than its color and shape. Goldfish are a form of domesticated wild carp and are a close relative of koi. Most varieties of fancy goldfish were derived from this simple breed.Common goldfish come in a variety of colors including red, orange, red/white, white/black, yellow/white, blue, grey/brown/, olive green, yellow, white, and black, with the most common variation being orange, hence the name.
These Southeast Asian fish are not true sharks, but their shark-like appearance and size make them quite an intriguing pet. Due to their peaceful nature, juvenile bala sharks do well in a community aquarium
Betta fish, commonly referred to as Siamese fighting fish, are one of the most popular fish breeds. With its jewel-toned coloring and flowing fins, betta fish are a great addition to any fish-lover's home. Not all betta fish fight only the males. Female bettas can be kept together.
The Convict Cichlid is an aggressive Central American cichlid. Named for their striking black bars down their body, these freshwater fish are good for intermediate hobbyists with an established background in cichlids. Due to their aggressive nature, they are not suited for community tanks.
The pearly iridescent Texas cichlid fish can grow to a large size in your aquarium, so you'll need a large freshwater tank. This sparkly and beautifully speckled fish, however, is also known for its aggression. Specimens grow very large, requiring large habitats and tolerant tankmates.
Severum Cichlids is a freshwater fish also known as Severums, Banded Cichlids, and Poor Mans Discus. In the aquarium trade, Severum Cichlid widely refers to fish in the genus Heros. Therefore, Heros severus, Heros efasciatus, and Heros liberifer are all considered Severus Cichlids.
Australian Rainbowfish are hugely popular due to their beautiful colors, peaceful nature, and suitability to community tanks. New species are regularly being discovered and offered for sale in the aquarium trade.
Like many South American cichlids, the Oscar originates from the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. They are common in the aquarium hobby with most individuals being captive bred.