otanical name: Matricaria Chamomilla Chamomile or camomile is a common name for several daisy-like plants of the family Asteraceae. These plants are best known for their ability to be made into an infusion which is commonly used to help with sleep and is often served with honey or lemon, or both. Benefits and uses: Major chemical compounds present within chamomile include apigenin and alpha-bisabolol. Apigenin has demonstrated strong chemopreventive effects, while alpha-bisabolol has been shown to have antiseptic properties, anti-inflammatory properties, and has also been demonstrated to reduce pepsin secretion without altering secretion of stomach acid.
Botanical name: Rosa damascus A rose is a woody perennial of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae. They form a group of plants that can be erect shrubs, climbing or trailing with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles. Benefits and uses: The majority of roses are used to decorate gardens as well as for various ornamental purposes owing to their aesthetic grandeur and breath taking visual appeal. Roses have diuretic effects as they contain Vitamin C, pectin, malic and citric acids bearing the quality of both an aphrodisiac and an antidote to warfare drunkenness. Its effect in medicinal science proves that it clears toxins and heat from the body resulting in the cooling effect on the body.
only flower from india based from shankerpura and anagluru
Makhmali guldasta flower tree ( flower durability 1year)
Indian roses standard bud size will be 3 to 5cms and stem length will be 45+cms, in all the colors except red.Taj mahal red 45+cms with bigger bud like kenyan roses, grand gala red 50, 60, 70, 80cms stem available, first red in 50cms and all other color roses in 50cms only. 100 x 40 x 20cms and 360 to 400 stems per box.
We are the exporter of fresh cut flowers from India.Roses, Gerbera, Carnation, Lilly, Orchid, Chrysanthimum, etc. Pooja flowers like Jasmine, Mullai, Mums,Lilly, Lotus, Button Roses, Marigold, Arali etc.
Estoma Cream
Gladiolus Red
Green Button Chrysanthemum
Pink Estoma
Red Anthurium
Red Gerbera
White Anthurium
White Orchid
White Ball Chrysanthemum
Yellow Ball Chrysantthemum