After a decade long scientific study, investigation and research undertaken on various substitutes, a suitable alternative to peat for the formulation of substrates or part thereof for production of plant application was derived and we named it BASALGROW. The plant nutrient status in Basalgrow remains uniform when compared to cowdung manure and ordinary composts. Basalgrow remains wed and pathogen free hen compared to Cowdung manure and Town compost which carry weed seeds to farm lands. Except Basalgrow,No other organic manures, provide stable plant nutrient source of natural origin. Almost all of the processed manure named and sold as organic manures in the market are mixture of many of the traditional organic manures fortified with synthetic fertilizers.
(MOP) Muriate Of Potash
Compostable Straws , Spoons , Glasses , Cups , Plates Etc
Pure natural Weight
The Nature and Science are in complete harmony now. This innovative cream color system blend 21st century technology with the purest pigments and most beneficial botanicals grown in the Himalayas. Discover everything you need to silken and shade your hair with healthy-looking color and shine.
The Nature and Science are in complete harmony now. This innovative cream color system blend 21st century technology with the purest pigments and most beneficial botanicals grown in the Himalayas. Discover everything you need to silken and shade your hair with healthy-looking color and shine.
1532135 - Nammalvar organic fertilizer is a decomposed biomass of plant origin enriched with microbial inoculants such as nitrogen fixing, Phosphorous Solubilizing and Potash moblising (Mycorhiza) microorganisms. which was recently certified by the IMO, Institute for Marketecology. IMO is one of the first and most renowned international agencies for inspection, certification and quality assurance of eco-friendly products to be used in organic farming. Nammalvar Organic Fertilizer salient Features Improves the physical structure of the soil. Improves soil fertility. Improves the biological properties of the soil. Makes the soil loose. Porosity of soil improves. Eco friendly and healthy. Water holding capacity is enhanced. Aeration of the soil improves. Plant becomes healthy and disease resistant. Facilitates root growth. No cause to worry about soil contaminants; No disease; no nematode damage. No heavy metal & pesticide toxicity and residue free. Fit for organic farming and conventional farming. Fertilizer use efficiency increases. Dosage For Field & Plantation Crops:5 tones per Acre. For Palm:500 gm per tree for 1-2 year old trees, 1000 gm/tree for trees more than 3 years. Method of Application Nammalvar organic fertilizer can be applied directly to the soil or in combination with Jungle soil or with own estate crop residue manure. Profuse irrigation immediately after application is a must. When should be applied? Nammalvar organic fertilizer should be applied during last ploughing and it should be incorporated with soil. It can also applied before sowing of seeds or planting of seedlings. Product Specification Physical Characteristics Moisture Content:15 - 25% w/w Bulk Desity:0.7 - 0.9 g/cm3 Inerts and Sand Particles :10% (maximum) Particle size:More than 90% pass through 4 mm sieve Odour:Absence of foul odor Colour:Black to dark brown colour Properties Organic Carbon:Mninimum 16% Nitrogen:Minumum 01.5% To 2.00% C:N Ration :Maximum 20:1 Phosphorous:0.5% to 0.8% Potassium:1.0% to 2.0% pH:6.5 - 7.5 Biological Characteristics Pathogen:Free from disease causing pathogens (bacteria, virus etc), insects and insect eggs and heavy metals. Weed:Free from weeds. FREE FROM HEAVY METALS AND PESTICIDES RESIDUE. Shell Life: Two years Packing : 10 kg, 40 kg
most concentrated solid nitrogenous fertilizer, containing 46 per cent nitrogen. It is a white crystalline substance readily soluble in water. It absorbs moisture from the atmosphere and has to be kept in moisture proof containers.
Muriate of potash (MOP) (potassium chloride). As sold, it usually contains 60% K2O. It is the most common source of potash for farm use and is also the main potash ingredient for compound fertilisers containing potassium.
Encouraging strong root growth to produce healthy plants, Superphosphate is a quick acting fertiliser which can deliver higher yields and improved ripening. Used to help support fruit, root and seed crops, Superphosphate is ideal for transplanting cuttings, flowers, trees and shrubs.
Potash is used primarily in fertilizers (approximately 95%) to support plant growth, increase crop yield and disease resistance, and enhance water preservation. Small quantities are used in manufacturing potassium-bearing chemicals such as: detergents. ceramics.
Panchagavya fertilizer.
Fertilizers products like organic manure, vam, neem cake, pongam cake.
Banana fiber, agarwood, fertilizers.
Organic manure, granules liquids.
Cow dungs, cow dungs cakes, cow urine (purified), cow organics fertilizers.
Baby weeder, micro weeder, power weeder, master weeder, rice trainsplanter, rotovator.