Bio Fertilizers
Bio Fertilizers
Bio Fertilizers
Bio Fertilizers
Content : EDTA Chelated Zinc 12 % Mode Of Action : Cheated Micro Nutrient Fertilizers are important for physiological & biochemical processes of the plants. Due to zinc deficiency poor root growth observed and Zinc deficiency tends to result in stunted growth and small leaves. BENEFITS : 1. Zinc is involved in plant carbon metabolism. 2. Zinc is a necessary component of several enzyme systems that regulate metabolic activities within plant. 3. Zinc stimulates the synthesis of Tryptophan and I.A.A. 4. Zinc is part of an enzyme that regulates the equilibrium among carbon dioxide, water and carbonic acid. 5. Zinc is a part enzyme that plays a role in protein metabolism DOSE : 0.5 to 1 gm per Litter
Content : EDTA Chelate Ca 10 % Mode Of Action : Many soils are deficient in their Calcium being an essential element of the plant,crops Grown on these soils suffer heavily resulting in low yields. Foilar sprays of Chelated Calcium 10%helps the farmers to over come this problem easily. BENEFITS : 1. Calcium works for root development during early growth stage of plant 2. Calcium is essential for apical growth of plant. 3. Calcium is needed for transportation of other minerals within plant. 4. Calcium is a part of cell wall and hence related to cell division, cell elongation process. DOSE : 0.5 to 1 gm per Litter
CONTENT : EDTA Chelate Mg 6 % MODE OF ACTION : Cheated Micro Nutrient Fertilizers are important for physiological & biochemical processes of the plants. Magnesium is part of certain enzyme systems in plant. It also increases the chlorophyll synthesis which results in higher yield. BENEFITS : 1. It restricts different types if diseases 2. It provides all essential Proteins, carbohydrate, fats & vitamins to crop 3. It avoids dryness and improves texture of leaf. DOSE : 0.5 to 1 gm per Litter
CONTENT : EDDHA Fe 6 % MODE OF ACTION : EDDHA Fe 6 % Cheated Micro Nutrient Fertilizers are important for physiological & biochemical processes of the plants. Feerous deficient leaves show interveinal chlorosis and with the leaf appears to be yellowish. In severe deficiency leaves turn whitish, while veins remain green. BENEFITS : 1. Iron catalyzes the production of chlorophyll. 2. Iron is involved in some respiratory and photosynthetic, enzyme systems. 3. Iron is found to be involved in the reduction of nitrates and sulfates. 4. Iron is required in proper functioning of symbiotic Nitrogen fixing Microorganisms. 5. Iron is also helpful in absorption of other minerals DOSE : 0.5 to 1 gm per Litter
CONTENT : Amino Chelated Mg 12 % MODE OF ACTION : Instaprocheal Mg 12 % Amino Chelate Cheated Micro Nutrient Fertilizers are important for physiological & biochemical processes of the plants. Magnesium is part of certain enzyme systems in plant. It also increases the chlorophyll synthesis which results in higher yield. BENEFITS : 1. It restricts different types if diseases. 2. It provides all essential Proteins, carbohydrate, fats & vitamins to crop. 3. It avoids dryness and improves texture of leaf. DOSE : 0.5 - 1 gm per Liter water
CONTENT : Amino Chelated Mn 12 % MODE OF ACTION : Cheated Micro Nutrient Fertilizers are important for physiological & biochemical processes of the plants. Manganese is an essential nutrient of plant and requires for healthy and faster growth of plant/crop. Manganese is part of certain enzyme systems in plant, it also increases the chlorophyll synthesis which results in higher yield. It also increases the availability of P and CA. BENEFITS : 1. Functions as a part of certain enzyme systems. 2. Aids in chlorophyll synthesis. 3. Increases the availability of P and CA. DOSE : 0.5 - 1 gm per Liter water
CONTENT : Control TRM is an exceptional blend of extracts from herbs and plants with alkaloids which has biological and toxicological properties MODE OF ACTION : It will control Thrips, Red Mites, Mealy Bug in all types of fruits, vegetable and range of crops. It can also be used in control of American Cotton Bollworm, Tomato Grub, Tobacco Budworm, Corn Earwormand most of the sucking pest. BENEFITS : 1. 100 % organic Product 2. Residue Free 3. Can be used in export quality fruits and Vegetables DOSE : 2 - 3 ml per liter of water with 0.1 ml of Anand Wet.
CONTENT : NANO Shield is a synergy of Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) stabilized with Nano silver (AgNo2) particles, in presence of a catalyst for use as a multipurpose and highly effective disinfectant. MODE OF ACTION : Silver stabilized hydrogen peroxide which is corrosive on the cell walls, and silver acts on the DNA of targeted organism. These non-mutagenic properties renders the microbes incapable of reproducing new colony. BENEFITS : • Effective on large range of harmful microorganisms. • It is an efficient Fungicide, Antibiotics (Bactericide), Virucide & Nematicide. • Effective to control Powdery mildew, Downey mildew, Leaf spot, Anthracnose, Blight and Botrytis in Horticultural Crops. • Non carcinogenic, non-mutagenic in nature hence no chances of microbial resistance. • Can be used as fumigant and disinfectant under protected cultivation. • Work over wide range of pH and temperature in crop ecology. • It can used for the cleaning of drip irrigation system. • 100% Residue Free product. • Eco-friendly and bio degradable product. Effective on Powdery Mildew, Downey Mildew, Leaf Spot, Anthracnose, Blight and Botrytis. Recommended for: All Crops DOSE : • For Foliar Spray 2 ml per Liter water • For Drip irrigation: 5ml. per Liter water. • For cleaning drip: Use 5 ml per Liter water and allow it to flow for 10 min through drip systems.
CONTENT : Dr. Bacto's RhizoN is the selective strains of nitrogen-fixing beneficial bacteria of Rhizobium spp. CFU : 2 x 10^8 per ml MODE OF ACTION : Rhizobium spp. infects the legume root and form root nodules within which they reduce molecular nitrogen in to ammonia which is readily converted into nitrogen containing compounds. The site of symbiosis is within the root nodules. It produces nodules and multiplies in it. By remaining inside the nodules it fixes atmospheric nitrogen. BENEFITS : 1. It fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to crop. 2. It increases number & length of roots and shoots. 3. Helps to increase the crop yield. 4. It improves the plant vigour and health. 5. Help to improve the soil health. 6. Harmless, Eco-friendly and low cost agro-input. 7. Longer Shelf-life 8. Higher and perfect bacterial count 9. Add nutrients to the soil / make them available to the crop & secret certain growth promoting substances. 10. Help the proliferation and survival of beneficial microorganisms in soil. 11.Permitted Organic Input by NOCA as Per NPOP standards of govt. Of India DOSE : Dosage: Soil: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer Drip: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer
CONTENT : Dr. Bacto's PSB is the selective strains of Phosphate Solubilising beneficial bacteria of Bacillus and Pseudomonas spp. CFU: Minimum 2 x 10^8 per ml MODE OF ACTION : Phosphate solubilizers Bacillus and Pseudomonas dissolve fixed phosphate into plant utilizable form. Phosphate solubilizer's bacterium produces organic acids (viz, citric acid, lactic acid, etc.), and enzymes (viz, phytase, nuclease, etc.) that help, in solubilisation of insoluble phosphates and makes it available to plant in utilizable form. BENEFITS : 1. In addition to Phosphates it increases micro nutrients availability to plant from the soil. 2. Encourages faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake 3. Helps to increase the crop yield. 4. It improves the plant vigour and health. 5. Help to improve the soil health. 6. Harmless, Eco-friendly and low cost agro-input. 7. Longer Shelf-life 8. Higher and perfect bacterial count 9. Permitted Organic Input by NOCA as Per NPOP standards of govt. Of India DOSE : Dosage: Soil: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer Drip: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer
CONTENT : Dr. Bacto's KMB is the selective strains of Frateuria spp. CFU: Minimum 2 x 10^8 per ml MODE OF ACTION : The microbe, Frateuria spp. is a beneficial bacterium capable of mobilizing available Potash into near the roots of the plants. It works well in all types of soil especially, low K content soil. Use of such bacteria in powder form can increase the availability of more potash in usable form to the plants. BENEFITS : 1. Improves resistance of crop against disease and stress conditions. 2. Secretes growth hormones to increase crop productivity. 3. Enhances soil health and soil fertility. 4. In addition to P it increases micro nutrients availability to plant from the soil. 5. Encourages faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake 6. Helps to increase the crop yield. 7. Help to improve the soil health. 8. Harmless, Eco-friendly and low cost agro-input. 9. Longer Shelf-life 10. Higher and perfect bacterial count 11. Permitted Organic Input by NOCA as Per NPOP standards of govt. Of India DOSE : Dosage: Soil: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer Drip: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer
CONTENT : Dr. Bacto’s COMBO (NPK Microbial consortia) is a microbial formulation of selective strains of multiple bacteria which are able to synthesize / assimilate atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize phosphate and mobilize potash into available form, thereby supplementing balanced nutrition to the crops. It converts non-available forms of some complex bonded micro nutrients into available form. MODE OF ACTION : Azotobacter Spp. in this formulation increase nitrogen uptake, produce plant growth hormones (IAA, GA), vitamins enhancement in uptake NO3, NH4, H2PO4, K and Fe. Azospirillum is an associative micro aerobic nitrogen fixer. This bacterium induce the plant foods to secrete and mucilase which aerate low oxygen environment and helps to fix atmospheric nitrogen. PSB possess the activity to solubilize the Phosphorous by secreting organic acids (Gluconic acid, formic acid, Glutomic acid, Lactic acid, Citrate, Malic acid) lower soil pH and turns unavailable forms of soil phosphate to available form. KMB to mobilize potash available in soil of the plant activates the numerous enzymes system involved in formation of organic substances and protein compounds. BENEFITS : • Increase utilization of atmospheric nitrogen. • Solubilizes the unavailable form of phosphate and make it available to the plants. • Mobilize the fix and left potash in the soil and make it available to the plants. • It will increases plant drought tolerance under drought condition. • Increase 20 – 30% yield and quality of the produce • Improve physical and chemical properties of soil and improves the nutrient and water holding capacity. • Reduces disease infestation up to some extent. • Cost saving and reduces the dosage of N.P.K fertilizers. • Improves the colour, appearance and shelf life of perishable fruits & vegetables DOSE : Mix or dilute 500 gm – 1 Kg or 1 – 2 litre Dr. Bacto’s COMBO per acre in 200 litre of water and apply in the field through drip irrigation.
Bio Fertilizers
Bio Fertilizers
Mode Of Action : Dr.Rich Is Very Innovative Product From Anand Agro Care Which Helps Not Only To Maintain Ph Of Spray Solution But Also It Stabilizes Their Ph For Longer Period Of Time. Benefits : By the use of Dr. Rich, activity of pesticides, weedicides and other nutrients etc. will increased than normal. It helps to reduce salt (Minerals), T.D.S. and E.C of water which also helps to make the nutrients available to plants easily. It never retains any stains over applied area of plant. It helps to maintain pH of tank mix solution during spray. It is compatible with all type of chemical and organic inputs uses in agriculture. This product can be used for the commercial industries to reduce pH, TDS and EC in waste water. It is 100 % Eco-friendly product. Dose : 0.5 ml per Liter water
CONTENT : EDTA Chelated Ferrour 12% MODE OF ACTION : Cheated Micro Nutrient Fertilizers are important for physiological & biochemical processes of the plants. Ferrous deficient leaves show interveinal chlorosis and with the leaf appears to be yellowish. In severe deficiency leaves turn whitish, while veins remain green. BENEFITS: 1. Iron catalyzes the production of chlorophyll. 2. Iron is also helpful in absorption of other minerals. 3. Iron is required in proper functioning of symbiotic Nitrogen fixing Microorganisms. DOSE : 0.5 to 1 gm per Litter
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