Technicl mycorrhizae
CFU count = 2 x 10 ^ 9 / ml
CONTENT : Dr. Bacto's Azo is a selective strains of nitrogen-fixing beneficial bacteria of Azotobacter spp. This is available in liquid (2 x 10^8 bacterial cells/ml) formulation. MODE OF ACTION : Azotobacter spp. Is the free living nitrogen fixing aerobic bacterium. Azotobacter spp. fixes the atmospheric nitrogen through the process of biological nitrogen fixation and makes it available to plant in an easily assailable and utilizable form. Azotobacter releases ammonia into the soil and improves soil fertility. It also produces antifungal substances which inhibits the growth of harmful fungi and result in lowering the disease occurrences. BENEFITES : 1. It fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to crop. 2. It increases number & length of roots and shoots. 3. It also improves the fertility of soil and reduces the use of chemical fertilizers (Urea) Harmless, Eco-friendly and low cost agro-input. 4. Longer Shelf-life 5. Higher and perfect bacterial count 6. Add nutrients to the soil / make them available to the crop & secrete certain growth promoting substances. 7. Help the proliferation and survival of beneficial microorganisms in soil. 8. Permitted Organic Input by NOCA as Per NPOP standards of govt. Of India DOSE : Soil: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer Drip: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer
CONTENT : Herbal Extract product MODE OF ACTION : Leaf eating caterpillar and fruit borer, pod borer is feeding voraciously on leafy part along with developing pods and fruits by their strong chewing and biting type of mouth parts. These pest are mostly polyphagous feeding on different Vegetables and cereals crop also. It suppress the pest by disturbing normal metamorphosis process including cessation of feeding. The alkaloid present in this product leads to adverse effect on nervous system of pest. The fatty acids derived from natural oils are act as repellent for feeding, egg laying & habitat selection by polyphagous pest. BENEFITS : LARVA LOCK is unique combination of natural herb extract which have strong capacity to control larva. Due to its pure natural properties it is safe to the crop and human with no residue felt over. It has strong control over different larva. It makes plant healthier & protect them from every adverse condition or heavy larvae attack. It prepares plants for any climatic condition to sustain their yield and improve resistance power. Targeted Crops: It is effective for all fruit crops, vegetables, Floriculture crops, and cotton, soyabean & oil seeds. Targeted pests: Cotton Bollworm, Cater Pillar, Cabbage armyworm, Fruit borer, stem borer Features: 100 % organic Product Residue Free Can be used in export quality fruits and Vegetables. Certified organic product by NOCA as per NPOP standards. DOSE : For Foliar Spray only For Normal Attack ? 1.5 ml per liter of water For Heavy Attack ? 2.0 ml per liter of water
Among the client-centric manufacturers, exporters and suppliers, we are affianced in offering a wide range of Agro Products (Pesticides) such as Hind Super Neem, Hind Nimco, Hind Hume Plus and others. The offered products are processed under the stern guidance of our deft professionals using the finest quality chemical compounds and advanced processing techniques. The provided products are used to control organisms that are considered to be harmful. Further, we offer these Agro Products (Pesticides) to our clients in different packaging options at cost-effective prices. Features: Longer shelf life Excellent effectiveness Non-toxic and biodegradable Free from chemicals
With the support of our expert, our company is dedicated Manufacturer & Supplier of Organic And Herbal Pesticides in Vadodara, Gujarat, India. Pest Is To Be Used As A 100% Organic Pesticide, Insecticide And Fungicide. It Can Be Used For Foliar Application.It Acts As A Preventive Insecticide, Pesticide And Fungicide And Can Control All Types Of Thrips, Larvae, Gessids, White fly, Hoppers, Etc. It Is Very Effective For All Types Of Diseases On The Plants And Does not Harm The Plant friendly Insects.Because Of 16 Different Herbs After Several Uses Also Pest Resistance Problem Does not Occur.Two Sprays A Month Depending On Crop Condition Is Ideal. Doses: 2ml / Ltr Of Water For Foliar Application.
We are prominent organization involved in manufacturing and supplying Neem Repel Organic Pesticides to our clients in Vadodara, Gujarat, India. This is formulated using superior quality of compounds under the guidance of our adroit professionals at par with set industry standards. It is available at the most economical rates in the market. Purest Form Of Neem Oil, Karanj Oil And Other Oils Neem Repel Is An Oil-based Liquid Emulsion To Be Used As A Pesticide, Insecticide And Fungicide. It's 100% Organic. It Can Be Used For Foliar As Well As Soil Application. It Acts As A Preventive Insecticide, Pesticide And Fungicide And Can Control All Types Of Thrips, Larvae, Gessids, Whitefly, Hoppers, Etc. It Is Very Effective For All Types Of Diseases On The Plants And Doesn't Harm The Plant-friendly Insects. Two Sprays A Month Depending On Crop Condition Is Ideal. Doses: 2 Ml / Ltr Of Water For Foliar Application And Half Ltr Per Acre For Soil Application.
Category - insecticides, content - profenophos 50% ec, brand - perfect percron
Category - insecticides, content - imadaclopride 17.8% sl, brand- perfect permida
Category- insecticides, content- buprofezin 25% sc, brand - perfect buypro
Category- insecticides, content - lambda cyhalothrin 5% ec , brand - perfect lanz
Category- insecticides, content- triazophos 40% ec . Brand- perfect tropic
Category- Insecticides, Chemical Content - Emamectin Benzoater 5% SG, Brand - Perfect Benzo
Category - Insecticides, Chemical Content- Chlorpyriphos 20% EC, Brand - Perfect - Perfban
Category - Weedicides, Chemical Content- Glyphosate 41% SL, Brand - Perfect Glyup
Weedicides, also known as herbicides, are chemicals used to control or eliminate unwanted plants, commonly referred to as weeds. Weeds compete with crops or desirable plants for resources like water, nutrients, and light, making them a significant problem in agriculture, landscaping, and gardening. Weedicides help manage these weeds and improve the health and yield of crops or the aesthetic value of landscapes.
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Decomposer DECOMPOSER F & Decomposer B (Microbial formulation for compost production) Liquid Packaging : 250ml, 500ml, 1litr, 20litr Documents: MSDS / LABEL / COA Mode of Action : Decomposers, primarily fungi and bacteria are consumers that use waste materials and dead organism for food. Decomposers have the ability to break down dead organism into smaller particles and new compounds resulting in fertile soil that provides foods. Like herbivorous and predators, decomposers are heterotrophic, meaning that they use organic substances to get their energy, carbon and nutrients for growth and development. Fungi -The primary decomposer of raw organic matter which are unicellular saprotrophic fungi grow as a branching network of hyphae, fungi can use their hypahe to penetrate a larger piece of organic matter. Fungi decomposes organic matter by releasing enzymes to break down the decaying materials after which they absorbs the nutrients in the decaying material. Bacteria - are important decomposer, they break down just about any types of organic matter. One gram of soil typically contains 40 million bacterial cells, and the bacteria on earth form a biomass. Bacteria are vital in the recycling of nutrients. Benefits of premium decomposer Decomposer breaks down the remains of dead organism including animal waste into products into simpler substance to be used again by plants. Decomposers makes the process of composting fast Decomposer excrete the rest as nutrient into soil and gases such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide Play a crucial role in ecosystem Method of using premium decomposer Prepare a heap of cow dung, farm waste, crop residue etc. Dilute premium decomposer in sufficient quantity of water (10ml/lit. of water) Dosage = Fungal base 500 ml +Bacterial base 500 ml/ton raw material Spray the diluted premium decomposer on the heap and mix thoroughly After 8 -10 days turn the heap and again spray freshly the diluted premium decomposer on the heap. A well decompose manure will be ready within 45 – 60 days depending on the plant substrate used. Recommended doses 0.1 to 0.2% of the total weight of the substrate It can be used in decomposing crop stable/waste/straw in open field in case of Banana, Sugarcane, Grapes, Pomegranate, Paddy, Wheat etc Dosage – the amount of Premium Decomposer to be used is usually 0.1 to 0.2% of the total weight of the substrates. (1-2 lit. Premium Decomposer per 1000 kg substrate)
Bio-fertilizers PREMIUM AZOTO (Azotobacter) Liquid, Powder, Granule CFU - > 1 x 108 per ml & > 5 x 107 per gm Packaging : 250ml, 500ml, 1litr, 20litr, / 250gm, 500gm, 1kg, 3.5kg, 25kg Documents: MSDS / LABEL / FCO / COA / Trial reports Mode of Action : Azotobacter is the free living nitrogen fixing aerobic bacterium. Azotobacterreleased ammonia into the soil and improve soil fertility, Production of phyto hormones like IAA, Gibberillins and Cytokinins. Solublization of insoluble phosphate helpful in plant growth, production of some antifungal substances which inhibits the growth of soil fungi like Alternaria, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Selerotiacurvularia and Helminthosporium and resulted in lowering the disease incidence. Antagonism against phytopathogens by production of siderophore, antifungal compounds and induction of different enzymes. Target Crops: Wheat, Paddy, Maize, Cotton, Potato, Millets, Vegetables, Grapes, Banana, Pomegranate, Oranges, Plantation crops, Fiber and Oil producing crops. Benefits to the crop : Improve seed germination percentage Increase number & length of shoot and root Improved nitrogen in the soil Reduction in disease incidence More yield (25% to 30% in wheat, finger millets) Improved post-harvest seed quality in terms of germination Reduced 20% to 25 % Nitrogenous fertilizer requirements Method of application and dosage for Liquid formulation : Seed Treatment :Take PREMIUM AZOTO 4 - 5 ml per kg of seed Seedlings Treatment :Take PREMIUM AZOTO 4 - 5 ml per lit.of water. A solution of PREMIUM AZOTO prepared, seedlings are dipped in this solution for 30 minutes before transplanting. Soil Application : Take 500ml- 1.0 lit. PREMIUM AZOTO for one acre and mixed with 40-50 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast before sowing or broadcast up to 45 days after sowing in the standing crop and irrigate the field. Drip irrigation :Mix PREMIUM AZOTO 500 ml - 1.0 lit /acre in 100 lit.of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation. Compatibility : Incompatible to the chemical antibioticStreptocyclin and Validamycin with coated on the seed. To get a better result of bio-products, do not mix any chemical pesticides. Alternate spray of chemical pesticides after consulting the company officials.
Bio-fertilizers. PREMIUM AZOSPI (Azosprillium) Liquid CFU -1 x 108 per ml Packaging : 250ml, 500ml, 1litr, 20litr Documents: MSDS / LABEL / FCO / COA / Trial reports Mode of Action : The micro-organism fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to the plants in a symbiotic manner. Azospi culture also synthesize some amount of active substances like vitamins, IAA, Gibberellins and Nicotinic acid which helps in seed germination, early emergence and better root growth and development. Azosprillum colonization is mainly on the root surface, enhance mineral and water uptake. They also conserve water in field. Target Crops : Cereals (Wheat, Paddy, Maize, Barley etc.), Millets (Jowar, Bajra, etc.), Mono cot vegetables (Onion, Garlic), Fruit plants (Pineapple) Benefits to the crop : It fixes 20 -40 kg Nitrogen /Ha in non-leguminous plants. Increase ability by inducing abundant roots under upland condition, stimulates plant growth. Increase in numbers and length of lateral roots, root area. More plant growth, improvement in water and mineral uptake and water conservation in the field. Method of application and doses : Seed Treatment - Mix 4 - 5 ml PREMIUM AZOSPI in 50 -100 ml of water, mix thoroughly with the seed and shade drying for 1 hour before sowing the treated seed. Seedlings Treatment : Mix 4 - 5 ml PREMIUM AZOSPI per lit. of water. A solution of PREMIUM AZOSPI is prepared; seedlings are dipped in this solution for about 30 minutes before transplanting. Soil Application :Mix 500ml - 1.0 lit/acre of PREMIUM AZOSPI in 40-50 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast in the field before sowing or broadcast up to 45 days after sowing in standing crop and irrigate the field. Drip irrigation :Mix PREMIUM AZOSPI 500 ml - 1.0 lit /Acre in 100 lit.of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation. Incompatibility Incompatible to the chemical Bactericide (antibiotic) coated on the seed. To get better results of bio-products, do not mix with any chemical pesticides. Alternate spray of chemical pesticides after consulting the company officials.
Using fertilizer products, pesticides, and seeds is crucial in agriculture as quality input produces quality output, supports sustainable farming, and meets the ever-growing demand for quality food. This is because as the world looks for new and improved ways to boost agricultural production, farmers need to get their hands on good fertilizer manufacturers and pesticide suppliers for fertilizer products to continue growing quality produce. At, we assist buyers in getting in touch with verified agrochemical manufacturers and seed suppliers and help them get the right fertilizer products they require for their farming needs.
Let’s look at some of the different types of fertilizer products that are used in agriculture to promote crop growth and improve soil conditions:
Using high-quality agrochemicals provides several advantages:
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