We have available following Ships spareparts for Sale: Product-liquid level metar Maker-Yamatake Honeywell Type-kfp 102z
We have available following ships spareparts for Sale: Product-Power supply Maker-ICOM Type-PS 80 Sr no.08416 Made in Japan
We have available following ships spares for Sale: Product-Controller pressure meter Maker-Sauter Model no:DFC17878 F001
* Used Cummins KTA 50 1620 KVA Generator #01 used Hours: 690 Hrs #02 used Hours 780 Hrs Duel fuel: Diesel OR Glycerine GROSS WEIGHT: 30,480 KGS ALLOW STACK WT. 1.8G: 192,000KG RACKING TEST LOAD VALUE: 15240 KG. TARE WEIGHT: 4,150 KGS PAYLOAD: 21,850 KGS
Features: Extensible and non-extensible range Flexible arrangements of functions, providing the exact solution 1 to 4 functions in a single SF6 - insulated stainless steel enclosure Hermitically sealed stainless steel switching chamber No on-site SF6 gas handling for installation Intuitive single-line mimic diagram Vacuum interrupter technology for circuit breakers Suitable for indoor and outdoor applications Circuit breaker protection using a wide range of self-powered and auxiliary relays Motorisation for remote control Easy integration with SCADA networks Front access cable terminations, with DIN 400 Type C bushings Cable earth & test facility Applications: Energy: Generation: wind power, solar power Distribution: compact substations, distribution networks Infrastructure: Tunnels, airports, ports, metro railway stations Building: Commercial buildings: hospitals, shopping centers, hotels, office buildings, data centers, warehouses, schools Residential buildings: houses, apartments Industries: Water and waste water management, mining,
PRODUCT FEATURE:- Rain Proof 100% Full load Built-in Test Forced air cooling by Built-in DC ball bearing fan 1 year Warranty LED Indicator for Power On
We have a wide range of Fresh Water Generators of many brands & models: Alfa Laval: JWP-16-C40 JWSP-26-C80 JWP-36-C100 JWP-26-C80 JWSP-26-C100 DPU-36-C125 JWP-26-C100 JWSP-26-C80/100 DPU-36-C100 Sondex: SFD 3 SFD 7 SFD 23 SFD 45 SFD 5 SFD 13 SFD 35 SFD 245 Sasakura: KE 15 KE 25 KE 35 KE 50 KE 20 KE 30 KE 40 APV: H20 CE H25 CE H30 CE H35 CE Contact Goyam Marine for further information
Three Phase AC Voltage Regulator - BRAND - VIJAYANTA, INDIA 1. Study of Three Phase AC Voltage Regulator, Model: TPACâ??408A
Insulation Resin Impregnated Paper/ Synthetic Rated Voltage 24kV 245 kV Rated Current Up to 6300 A Standards IEC-60137:2017 Connection Draw lead/Draw rod/Stem type Housing Silicon/Hollow Composite
Rated Voltage 24kV 170 kV Rated Current Up to 4000 A Standards IEC-60137:2017/ANSI/IEEE Connection Draw lead/Draw rod/Stem type Housing Porcelain/Composite
Single Phase Variable Inductive Load - MODEL - VIJAYANTA, INDIA 1. Single Phase Variable Inductive Load, Capacity : 8 Amp, Capacity : 10, Amp
Digital Gauss Meter various types - BRAND - VIJAYANTA, INDIA 1. Digital Gauss Meter (Range : 0 - 2 K Gauss , 0 - 20 K Gauss), Model: DGM 100 2. Digital Gauss Meter (Range : 2 KG to 20 KG), Model: DGM 100A 3. Digital Gauss Meter (Range : 2 KG & 20 KG, Interchangeable Hall Probe), Model: DGM 202 4. Digital Gauss Meter (Range : 2 KG, 20 KG & 40 KG, with differential mode facility), Model: DGM 103 5. Digital Gauss Meter (Range : 0.2 KG, 2 KG, 20 KG & 40 KG, Interchangeable Hall Probe), Model: DGM 204
VARIOUS DC POWER SUPPLIES AS UNDER : Brand Vijayanta , India 1. Solid State Power Supply - 0 - 300 Volt at 1, Amp. Model : S 277 2. Multi-Output Power Supply - 0- 30, Volts at 2, Amps. , 0 to +/-15 Volt at 1,Amp., 4 to 6 Volts at 5, Amps. Model : LV 35 - 3 3. Multi-Output Power Supply - 0 -30, Volts at 2, Amps. , 0 to 15 Volt at 1Amp. 4 Volt to 6 Volts at 2, Amps. Model : LV 35 - 2 4. Dual Power Supply - Dual tracking or 2 independent outputs of 0 to 30 Volts at 0 to 2 Amps. 4 Digital Meters for V & A measurements of both outputs. Model : LV 30 B/2 5. Solid State Power Supply, - 0 30 Volt at 1, Amp. Model ; LV 30/1 6. Solid State Power Supply, - Output : 0- 5, Volt at 0- 10, Amp. Model : LV 05 7. E.H.T. Power Supply - Output : 0- 1500 Volts at 1, mAmp. Model : HV- 20 8. Regulated Power Supply - +/- 12, Volt and +/- 5 Volt at 500, mAmp. Model : D 12 9. 3 Phase S.C. R. Based D.C. Power supply (Rectifier type) - Note : Also available in 30A, 60A ,200A on request Model : TPRU-100 10. 1 Phase S.C. R. Based D.C. Power supply (Rectifier type) - Note : Also available in 15A, 25A ,50A Model : SPRU-100 If you still any enquiry please feel free and contact us.
Designed to measure the winding resistance of transformers, Inductors, generators, motor windings, Tap Changers, Bus bar contacts Etc. Features - Built-in carry case for convenient portability - available in current capacity 10AuP, 25AuP (additional cost) and 50AuP (additional cost) - Simultaneous measurements of voltage & current - Protection against inductive kickback & discharge
4 Terminal measuring device suitable for Resistance measurement of Copper conductors winding wires, Cables etc. Features - 1 micro Ohm to 199.99 Ohm measuring range - 1 micro Ohm (at lowest range) resolution - 3 1/2 digit LED display
The unit is low cost, easy-to-use, individual and multifunctional that enables to measure all the basic parameters required in an electrical installation and monitors electricity over and above basic metering. The entire range is very rugged and cost-effective. All these products are field proven and more than 100,000 units are active in service.
84Watt 12V-7Amp With Battery Backup Power Supply
12Watt 12V-1Amp Power Supply
18Watt 12V-1.5Amp Power Supply
24Watt 12V-2Amp Power Supply