Hydraulic cylinders.
Hydraulic press.
Slip rings collectors, brushes and brusholders.
Basal construct U-shape high rigidity cast steel hammer framework Adjustable actinoid wide guide rails The hammer tup and hammer frame work will strike each other with equal energy . The weight of hammer framework is much heavier than hammer tup which ensure the working reliability. The hydraulic dynamic system is designed in separately side-set and centralized control It has man-machine conversation screen, automatically diagnosing the malfunction and showing in Chinese or English. Striking energy controlling and programmed striking controlling can be realized Performance and Feature High efficiency, energy saving. The usage of energy can up to 65% while the striking efficiency can up to 95%. U-shape hammer framework with high rigidity and high accuracy, adjustable actinoid wide guide rail structure as well as exactly controlling of striking energy are the preliminary condition of accurately forging. Less or no vibration. The hammer tup and hammer frame will strike each other with equal energy. When the hammer works, there is less or no vibration which is suitable for the requirement of environmental protection. Fewer investment. The hammer not only has a higher cost performance but also can reduce the investment of workshop and vibration insulation foundation. Lower using cost. Effectively controlling the striking energy can lessen the vibration, reduce the noise, improve the equipmentíªs reliability as well as extend the die-life. packed by wooden cases different hammer has different size
Basic structure: Highly integrated fully hydraulic driving system; Digital input, Chinese and English display, programmal control system; hydraulic coupling system (upper and lower tup counterblow in the midair with equal stroke and speed); striking system with precision guide for upper and lower tup; auxiliary hydraulic systems for guide rails automatic lubrication, hydraulic oil temperature automatic control and filtration; Compact construction with hydraulic driving systems on the top and damping vibration isolation system at the bottom; Two ejectors with overload protection in the lower tup Performance Characteristics: High accuracy. Striking energy and step can be controlled accurately; Automatic operation. It can be operated with robot to realize automation. Less or no vibration. Upper and lower tup counterblow in the midair with equal energy completely avoids impact to the foundation; High efficiency and energy saving. Energy utilization ratio can be up to 65% and striking efficiency can be up to 95%; Fewer investment. The cost of workshop and isolated foundation will fall a lot and it has a high cost performance ; Lower using cost. Effective control of the striking energy can improve forging hammerí»s reliability and improve die life. Packed by wooden cases Different hammer has different size.
Baixie hammers become more and more popular. The forging hammers are widely applied in producing automobile parts, motorcycle parts, hydraulic tubes, hardwares, surgical instruments, hand-tools, stainless steel tableware, spaceflight industry; they are also the ideal equipment of manufacturing abnormal parts, such as, connecting rods, bend axes, rockers, fork, stainless steel knives and forks to forge and form precisely, and at the same time the die forging hammers can be operated with robots to realize automation. Package by wooden cases Differnet hammer has different size.
Technical Feature: Fully hydraulic driving Striking controlled by programmable controller and digital inputting. U-shape integrated cast steel construct of hammer frame Actinoid wide guide rails construct Elastic thin hammer rod Man-machine conversation screen and automatically displaying malfunction The hydraulic knockout system and shock absorbers can be supplied according to the customeríªs requirement. Advantage of CHK High efficiency low energy cost high operating reliability and safety Firmness durability good rigidity and high accuracy The striking energy and striking sequence can be set optionally Quickly return speed without closing the die Simplified and flexible operation Application Suitable for the products with small batch. Suit to forge abnormity parts exactly. Suit to forge with several mold cavity and closed die forging. Suitable for powder forging alloy steel forging and non-ferrous metal forging. package by wooden cases different hammer have different size
It is obvious economically to innovate out-of-date steam hammer into hydraulic power tup, this is called model ctk plc fully-hydraulic die forging hammer, which can save much cost comparing to buying a new set fully-hydraulic die forging hammer. Basal construct It has high integrated fully hydraulic driving system, and no need of pump chamber and hydraulic station on the ground Striking can be controlled by programmable controller and digital inputting Long hammer tup construct can enhance the working accuracy Striking energy and striking sequence can be set optionally; no surplus striking energy which can avoid noise and increase the die life It has man-machine conversation screen, automatically diagnosing the malfunction and showing in chinese or english. Performance and feature High efficiency and energy saving Constant quality of forging parts Lower run cost Wide application Lower investment cost Easy maintenance and operation Package by wooden cases Different hammers has different size
Operating Pressure: 68.8 Mpa or 10,000 psi Output Force : 25 Ton Capacity: Busbar 160x13mm Locating clamp can insure the cutting angleof 90 can be used together with the punching guide plate front an back material feeding tumbling box V-type cutting edge can insure the cut surface not hollow to obtain the virtual contact area.
- Bending angle Indicator - Two interchangeable bending radius adaptors 8, 15mm - Allows bending degree 45íp ~ 120íp - Minimum bending step 45mm - U-Bend inner size 70mm - Z-bend depth 70mm - With stop device and cylinder.
P170 Spit-unit hydraulic cutter Specification - Power 30ton - Size 887í-270í-102mm - Weight 50kg - Wirking pressure 700bar Features - heavy load double-action hydraulic jack - qulity detachable head - cutting ability:
HYCC-050 Apply for underground copper stranded wire and telecom cable Cut head 180óX rotation Cutting capacity:
Hydraulic tools.
Hydraulic tools & hand crimping tools.
Gas spring liftline.
Hydraulic high-pressure filter. 5000 psi.
Model 4d-syú¿6.3 80mpa electric hydraulic test pump is the up-to-date series product designed by the joint design group for hydraulic test pump of the general machinery research institute under the ministry of machine-building industry. It features high level of í¦mechanization, electrification and automationí¦, long service life, stable performance, flexibility and lightweight that the previous products have, additionally, a drive unit and cross-like converter are added. Therefore, all the performance indicators of this series product have met the requirements; various performances become more stable and reliable with safe and easy operation and power efficiency. In its structure, an enclosed water tank is used, thereby reducing the height of the whole unit and making it more compact and attractive.
The product range comfortably dampens vibrations and impacts in households. Specifically, this product is mainly used in swinging doors in kitchen cabinets.
50 / 20 ton capacity c type deep drawing press Table dimensions ààààà.à 500 x 600 mm. Moving table dimensions à.... 480 x 600 mm. Strokeàààààààààààà..500 mm. (adjustable) Work capacity àààààà.à..600 mm. Main cylinder diameteràà....160 mm./ 250 bar Height of table from base .à950 mm. Advance speed ààààààà...150 mm/sec Pressing speed .ààààààà.32 mm/sec Return speed àààààààà.180 mm/sec Working pressure àà.ààà.250 bar (adjustable) Cushion capacityàààà..àà.20 ton (adjustable) Cushion cylinder diameterà.110 mm. Cushion stroke ààààààà.170 mm. (adjustable) Cushion dimensionsààà.àà390 x 460 mm. Motor powerààààààààà.11 kw 15 hp 1450 rpm/min. Pump ààààààààààà..àà.42 l/m. Hydraulic equipment àààààaron Electricity equipment à.àààsiemens Delivery period:stock Price :12.000 euro
For high efficiency, we use cold drawn seamless precision steel tubes (EN10305-1) made by TENARIS-ITALY Max. Pressure 190 Bar Special order is acceptable. We guarantee the replacement of defective parts at no cost up to 12 month after delivery.