Overview Adding essential oils to food and drinks creates entirely new and enhanced flavour profiles. Basil oil is an essential oil with very diverse possibilities. It can be added to both savoury and sweet dishes as well as drinks. Its bright green colour also visually enhances dishes. Common Uses Bright green basil oil is most commonly used in Italian cooking such as Caprese salads. It is also used to brighten up egg dishes such as scrambled eggs, fried eggs and omelettes. Baked potatoes are spruced up by adding basil oil to the dish just before serving. It is also a perfect addition to salad dressings, marinades, bread rubs, and one of the essential oils that replaces the real, fresh basil best. Recommended Storage The ideal storage of essential oils is to keep it refrigerated, as the fridge keeps the components that make up the oils at their optimal levels. If you don't have space in the fridge, you can keep it in a cool, dark place. Essential oils have a shelf life of one to five years. You should however replace essential oils after three years to gain the most benefits out of the essential oils.
Overview Guava is a very nutritional fruit. The dry leaves are also very beneficial as they contain antioxidants, they are antibacterial and have anti-inflammatory benefits. When steamed, it can be treated for stomach issues and even cancer. Common Uses Guava leaves have very high levels of anti-oxidants and those destroy free radicals that damage skin. A mixture of boiled guava leaves and yogurt applied to the skin improves skin complexion. The tea also brings quick relief from diarrhea, lowers cholesterol, encourages weight loss and assist with diabetic issues. Furthermore, studies have shown that a regular use of guava leaf tea flights cancer. Recommended Storage The most important point is that dried herbs and spices can never go bad if they are kept dry. Yes, the potency is lost, but it will still influence the flavor of your cooking. Seeds, roots, leaves and flowers last longer than crushed or ground herbs and spices. When you are preparing to store your dry herbs and spices it is vital that they are completely dry. A good indication is to rub it with your finger to check if it crumbles. As oxygen degrades dried herbs and spices over time, you should store them in airtight containers. Glass jars with sealable lids are perfect, and so are metal tins. Plastic wont do for long terms storage. Sunlight also degrades dried herbs and spices; therefore, it should be stored in a dark cabinet that is both cool and dry. If your spice rack is near the stove or cooker, steam will degrade your herbs and spices each time you open the container while cooking. When buying in bulk, you should always store only some of the dried herbs and spices in a glass or metal container. Each time you open it, it is exposed to the elements. When buying in bulk it is useful to label your containers with the purchase date and discard date.