Honey, sweet, viscous liquid food, dark golden in colour, produced in the honey sacs of various bees from the nectar of flowers. Flavour and colour are determined by the flowers from which the nectar is gathered. Some of the most commercially desirable honeys are produced from clover by the domestic honeybee.Depending on its nectar source, honey can be floral, fruity, smoky, woody, spicy, nutty or earthy. It can smell fresh as grass or pungent like aged cheese. It can look nearly clear as water or dark as molasses.Honey is the only natural edible product that consists of all the substances necessary to sustain life, including vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and water. It's also the only natural edible product that contains pinocembrin that improves brain functioning. Honey stored in airtight containers never spoils.Pure honey is dense and trickles only into a stream. It has a soft texture, will never separate into layers and offers a distinct sweet aroma. Raw honey, which is honey in its purest form, often leaves a slight tingling feeling or a mild burning sensation in your throat when consumed.
Acacia honey is clear yellow in colour, has a mild aroma and a delicate sweet taste, therefore it is very suitable for children. It crystallizes very slowly. Acacia honey is known for its beneficial effects on the liver and kidney function, it should also help with stress. Because of its bright colour it is also known as the honey.
Synectic Acacia honey, specialized organic honey from Apis Mellifera bee, is derived purely from the nectar of the black locust acacia tree flowers, bearing a mildly sweet flavor, It is a pure, organic form of honey that hasnâ??t been processed, heated, or pasteurized in any way. Eating acacia honey on a regular basis is an extremely healthy habit, but only if the honey is high-quality, organic and unprocessed. We offer honey originating from proven producers of honey exclusively from Wild Rain Forest Riau Archipelago and Rembang Mangrove Forest IndonesiaWe also make sure that our beekeepers only use natural ways to collect the honey. Each jar contains exceptional quality unfiltered honey with unique character produced from the wild wanderings of Mellifera bees. . Synectic Acacia honey differs from conventional supermarket honey in the way that our honey is not produced by a large apiary, but by many small private apiaries.
The benefits and properties of Apis mellifera bee honey for human health have been known since ancient times. The natural chemistry of Acacia honey from bees, Apis mellifera, makes it an alchemical, nutritious, healthy, and rich product. This type of honey is very good for culinary applications, and can also be used for several medicinal purposes, due to the rich nutrients and antioxidants that it contains. There are many impressive acacia honey health benefits. In beauty industries, Acacia honey can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, soothe inflammation, and decrease the appearance of scars, blemishes, and burns when topically applied. Antioxidants are particularly good at seeking out free radicals throughout the body and reducing the negative impacts of oxidative stress. This can lower cellular mutation and reduce your risk of chronic diseases, such as arthritis. Acacia honey possesses hydrogen peroxide naturally, this is a powerful antibacterial component. It can help prevent infections throughout the body and relieve strain on your immune system. Moreover, its strong antiseptic properties and low moisture but sticky consistency that allows it to adhere to mucous membranes makes it great for a sore throat, calming irritation, improving cough and reducing bacterial load in case of respiratory tract infections located in the throat. Acacia honey can make a great face mask, illuminating skin and making it soft and clear. Also, sterile bandages from unprocessed, organic, carefully handled honey are currently being developed to decrease wound healing time. This is said to help calm inflammation and irritation of the stomach lining and help with other digestive conditions. Acacia honey is also said to support liver function.
This all-natural, raw acacia honey has a very light color and mild flavor with just a hint of vanilla. Moldavian acacia honey is prized for its color and flavor. Do not hesitate to ask us about availabilities!
Characteristics: CLB Organic Acacia Honey is original honey from Jambi which is one of the largest and first honey producing areas in Sumatra. Honey derived from Geographical Indications of peat forest as a distinctive color and taste of acacia honey, has a unique, sweet, and sour taste. The color is dark red black.
Characteristics: CLB Organic Acacia Honey is original honey from Jambi which is one of the largest and first honey producing areas in Sumatra. Honey derived from Geographical Indications of peat forest as a distinctive color and taste of acacia honey, has a unique, sweet, and sour taste. The color is dark red black.
Characteristics: CLB Organic Acacia Honey is original honey from Jambi which is one of the largest and first honey producing areas in Sumatra. Honey derived from Geographical Indications of peat forest as a distinctive color and taste of acacia honey, has a unique, sweet, and sour taste. The color is dark red black.
Characteristics: CLB Organic Acacia Honey is original honey from Jambi which is one of the largest and first honey producing areas in Sumatra. Honey derived from Geographical Indications of peat forest as a distinctive color and taste of acacia honey, has a unique, sweet, and sour taste. The color is dark red black.
There is a variety of honey available for our customers like Multi Floral Honey, Acacia Honey, Eucalyptus Honey, Mustard Honey, Forest Honey, Sidr Honey, Lychee Honey, And Sunflower Honey.
Mountain herb composition:
sage, clover, sage, thyme, leuzea sophora, sainfoin, sainfoin, clover, dandelion, goldenrod, willowherb, Bogorodska grass, sage, mint, oregano, St. John's wort, and many other mountain plants.
The mountain air is filled with the aromas of lush herbs. Honey is very useful because the herbs that make it up have useful properties and have medicinal power.
It is the most fragrant variety of honey because the summer flowers have strong aromas.
* - Price depends on quantity and shipping requirements. Please contact us for exact pricing.
100% natural premium sainfoin white honey from Kara-Kulja apiaries. For several years in a row, the best beekeepers have recognized this variety of honey from Kyrgyzstan as the best in the world at prestigious world exhibitions. Kara-Kulja Honey won a bronze medal for quality
* - Price depends on quantity and shipping requirements. Please contact us for exact pricing.
Honey and royal Jelly 250Grams/FOB Beirut port.
Authentic honey with added Royal Jelly for increased health and wellbeing.
This Honey has added Royal Jelly which is a highly nutritious food rich in nutritients to support health and vitality.
This honey comes from hives in pristine and remote areas of Lebanon, and is fully traceable from beekeeper to shelf.
Minimum order quantity of 300 pieces, season in May/June for bulk quantity availability
Invoicing from UAE and payment to an Emirati Bank