English name/Latin name/Germany name/ "Oak Bark/Quercus cortex/Eichenrinde" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
English name/Latin name/Germany name/ "Willow Bark/Salicis cortex/Weidenrinde" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
English name/Latin name/Germany name/ "Corn Silk/Maydis stigma/Maisbart" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
English name/Latin name/Germany name/ "Buckthorn Bark/Frangulae cortex/Faulbaumrinde" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Common Sage Herb/Salvia officinalis herba/Salbeibl�¤tter" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Silverweed Herb/Potentilla anserina/G�¤nsefingerkraut" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products. F
"Wormwood Herb/Absinthii herba/Wermutkraut" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Common Nettle Herb/Urticae herba/Brennnesselkraut" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Horsetail Herb/Equiseti herba/Ackerschachtelhalm" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Goat's Rue Herb/Galegae herba/GeiÃ??rautenkraut" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Chamomile Herb/Matricaria chamomilla herba/Kamillenblten" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Marshmallow Herb/Althaea herba/Eibischkraut" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Spring pheasant's eye/Adonidis vernalis herba/Adoniskraut" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Purple Coneflower Herb/Echinacea purpurea herba/Echinacea Kraut" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Mistletoe Herb/Visci herba/Mistelkraut" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products
"White Dead-Nettle Herb/Lamium album herba/Weie Taubnessel" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Greater Celandine Herb/Chelidonium majus herba/Sch�¶llkraut" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Black Crowberry Herb/Empetrum nigrum herba/Kr�¤henbeeren Kraut" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Marsh Labrador Tea Herb/Rhododendron tomentosum herba/Sumpfporst Kraut" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.
"Rose Hip Skin/Rosa canina/Hagebuttenschalen" HERBEX TRADE GROUP For more than five years we have been collecting, purchasing and wholesale of raw materials of medicinal plants to European countries. We unite more than 15 private entrepreneurs, farmers and collectors from the western, Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This allows us to ensure the best quality of our products.