It is characterized by a woody stem at the base and reaching up to 3 m in height. It has ovate leaves ranging from 5 to 13 cm in length and 3 to 9 cm in width, with petioles 1 to 6 cm in length
A. sessilis is a perennial herb with prostrate stems, often rooting at the nodes, 10 to 100 cm long. Leaves are obovate, occasionally linear-lanceolate, 1-15 cm long, 0.3-3 cm wide, and petioles are 1-5 mm long. Flowers in sessile spikes, 0.7-1.5 mm long. Fruits are utricles 1.83 mm long and 1.32 mm wide.
Mimosa pudica is an herbaceous to woody plant, often spread on the ground but somtimes erect, reaching 20 to 50 cm, sometimes up to 1 m high. It is hairy to glabrous, with scattered curved spines. The leaves are compound, alternate, on the top of a petiole, 2 to 6 cm long.
Satuwa ( Paris Polyphylla ) ¾, has been used by Nepali locals since the old days and this is one of the traditional
medicinal herbs used by people of Nepal. This herb is Traditionally used for fevers, headaches, burns, wounds and veterinary purpose to neutralize poisons in Nepal. The Satwa herb is considered as business herb or traded herb which is one of the rare plant species due to deforestation. This herb is harvested in the month of October before it expires by the locale people. Generally, there is a saying that the plant harvested on Tuesdays of the middle of April is considered as a gifted herb in compared to others. The Satuwa herbs are traded in large volume in Pokhara and Kathmandu city. Himalayan Alpine Herbal and Agriculture farm are only the Nations authorized commercial Satuwa production and nursery distribution agriculture company to all over the Nepal Himalaya region.
Satuwa Herb is an Asian species of plant which is originated in China and India generally known as Indochina origin. The Satuwa plant looks like a flower that throws out long yellow-green petals during summer and autumn. The plant looks like small berries during winter and this herb survives in moist soil in either complete or partial shade. The plant of Satuwa Herb grows up to the high of 90cm and width of 30cm. The Satuwa Herb is a medicinal herbs plant species mentioned as vulnerable to extension by IUCN as the seeds of the Satuwa Herb is generally an ornamental plant for outdoor gardens and is meant for planting under the big herb is found to be low and didnâ??t germinate in the laboratory conditions. The general policy for conservation of this herb is the raise an awareness campaign among the people in the places where these herbs can be cultivated and propagate. Himalayan Alpine Herbal and Agriculture farm are capable of supplying 10,00kgs of the Satuwa products from the own farmland every year
Manufacturing process
Raw Shilajit it is dissolved in warm water/Herbal decoration. When the dust particles settle in bottom, the solution is filtered in another vessel with muslin. After filtration, the solution is kept under the sun for drying. After drying, the pure Shilajit is collected and packed in desired sizes for the paste.
Origin: Jumla, Humla and Dolpa districts of Nepal.
Reduces Stress, Fatigue, and Muscle Weakness
Increases Strength, and Endurance
Powerful Antioxidant Counteracts Free-Radical Activity
Strengthens Digestion and Supports Absorption of Nutrients into the Body
Enhances Memory
Helps Decrease Body Fat and Increase Lean Muscle Mass
Enhances Skin Health
Adaptogenic Properties Helps the Body Adapt to Stress
Ayurvedic Energetics:
Rasa (taste): bitter, salty, pungent, astringent
Virya (action): heating
Vipaka (post-digestive effect): pungent
Doshas (constitutions): Balancing for kapha, may aggravate pitta in excess
500 mg- 1.0 gm twice daily after meals, preferably with milk.
In cooperation with our Austrian based company we developed this fantastic herb flavor which we have implemented into the drink. With this came the Ameras which is now available.
Developers background comes to long years of history manufacturing and developing mainly wine and liqueurs at local area.
Ameras is suitable for pubs or bars, but its many different package design makes it also wonderful present or gift.