We also offer a versatile gamut of medicinal seeds that are made by some of the reputed manufacturers. They have expert scientists and researchers who perform the stiff duty of cross research and make sure that the quality of the products matches with international standards. We then make sure that the products that we are exporting are best in quality and therefore we have a team of quality monitoring system assigned for this job. In a very short span of time we have blossomed into one of the revered medicinal herb seeds and medicinal plant seeds suppliers from India. As part of our Medicinal Seeds Range, we offer high quality Crataegus Oxyacantha, which is a herbal plant whose berries are used for its medicinal qualities in several natural medicinal formulations. Available in pure and natural form, the Crataegus Oxyacantha Supplied by us, is tested for quality and medicinal properties.
Neem cake powder is obtained as a residue while extracting Neem Oil from Neem Seeds by cold pressed extraction process Neem Cake is pure Neem organic manure manufactured by selecting best quality Neem fruit cleaning it to make it free from foreign matters Neem Cake is a natural fertiliser which not only acts as manure but also acts as soil conditioner by increasing soil porosity and water retaining capacity Neem Agros Neem Kernal cake is rich in NPK 621 as well as micronutrients They are very well compatible with the microbes present in the soil and improves its fertility It also reduces alkalinity in soil as it produces organic acids on decomposition which maintains the soil pH The high Azadirachtin content helps in protecting the crops against soil born insects parasitic nematodes and as best soil conditioner Neem cakes when it organically decomposes release fatty acids ketones aldehydes amino acids free sulphur and carbohydrates These affect the nematode population because the metabolites are nematoxic in nature Plus the byproducts of the Neem Cake decomposing will increase the microbes in the soil parasitic activity on nematodes The end result is a reduced population of nematodes and other soil borne diseases Today neem cake is used widely as soil conditioner by farmers all over the world It is found useful in horticultural crops like grapes banana mango and cash crops like sugar cane cotton vegetables etc It is ideal for organic farming green houses turfs and poly houses Soil conditioner Organic fertilizer Nitrogen saver Can be used in organic pesticides and insecticides It is active in increasing the growth leafage results in rich blossoming strengthening the roots and improving the general appearance quality of fruits vegetables When it is ploughed into the soil it also protects plant roots from nematodes white ants fungi bacteria and other soil insects Uses of Neem Cake Neem Agros Neem Kernal Cake is available in Powder form Neem Agros Neem Fruit Cake is available in both Cake and Pellet form Available in 1kg 5kg 10kg 20kg and 25kg Bags
Rubus idaeus, folia High quality raspberry leaf for wholesale.Raspberry leaves are a well of vitamins and other useful substances. Their number is even difficult to count. Yes, raspberry leaves contain vitamins A, B, C, K, E, PP, acids (salicylic, folic), trace elements (potassium, manganese, cobalt, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus, molybdenum, iodine, magnesium), carbohydrates , fiber, flavonoids, mineral salts, polysaccharides, tannins, as well as essential oils. Raspberry leaves can be used in cosmetology, medicine and for making tea. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine
Taraxacum officinale, folia High quality dried organic or conventional Common dandelion leaf for wholesale Dandelion leaves, flowers, and roots are all edible. Dandelion leaves are rich in phosphorus, calcium and iron, contain many proteins, which increases their nutritional value. All parts of the dandelion can be used in cosmetology: stems, leaves, petals and roots.And of course is used in medicine. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances Country of origin - Ukraine
Rumex confertus, radices High quality horse dock root, herb for wholesale Dishes made from horse sorrel leaves are very popular. Not fresh leaves are used, but dried ones - during drying, fermentation occurs, and they acquire a pleasant taste, and the characteristic bitterness disappears. Extract from the roots and rhizomes gives a yellow dye; leaves and stems give a green dye. The rhizome can be used to tan leather. In veterinary medicine, the roots are used for intestinal and skin diseases. The roots are used in the tanning industry and as a dye. All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes, separately - leaves with petioles, fruits in panicles, root (lat. Radix Rumicis conferti) We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine
Anethum graveolens, semen High quality dill seeds for wholesale. Dill seeds are the fruits of this herb, which taste like caraway seeds. The product has a rich chemical composition: vitamins B, vitamin C, A, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, polyunsaturated acids. Is used in medicine and culinary. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine
Organic or conventional Dried Horse Chestnuts in 3 forms: whole, crushed, powder Medicinal properties of horse chestnut are determined by chemical composition. It contains coumarin glycosides esculin and fraxin, glycosides quercetin and kaempferol, triterpene saponins (escin), tannins, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B1. Biologically active substances contained in horse chestnut reduce the permeability of blood capillaries, reduce the viscosity of blood and increase the blood pressure of veins and their tone, especially if venous permeability is impaired. Decoctions from chestnuts are recommended for disorders of the separation of bile, chronic digestive disorders, coughs of various origins and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Horse chestnuts are harvested when fully ripe. Dry in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of 25 degrees C or in dryers at a temperature of heating the fruits not higher than 50 degrees C Ecologically clean Odessa region in Ukraine allows us to collect wild plants with a high content of nutrients. Contact us for seasonal custom collection. We will provide any additional information upon your request. Fito-Export, medicinal plant supply partner for your business.
Robinia pseudoacacia is used as a laxative, antispasmodic and diuretic. Black Locust flowers contain robinin glycoside. There are 3.6% of robinin in dried petals at the bud stage. In addition, bicrobin, biquercetin, as well as fatty and essential oils containing anthranilic acid methyl ester, indole, heliotropin, benzyl alcohol, linalool, �?�±-terpineol, salicylic acid esters, methyl anthranilate, vitamins, minerals, tannins, sugars, organic acids, glycosides were found in the flowers of Robinia pseudoacacia. In the food industry, acacia flowers are added to teas, pancake dough and jam. Ecologically clean Odessa region in Ukraine allows us to collect wild plants with a high content of nutrients. At your request, we will provide a photo and any information about a particular batch. Fito-Export, medicinal herbs supply partner for your business.
Other names for wild garlic: cowleekes, cows's leek, cowleek, buckrams, broad-leaved garlic, wood garlic, bear leek, Eurasian wild garlic, bear's garlic or bear's onion. Leaves, stems and bulbs have a strong garlic smell due to the content of alliin glycoside and essential oil. The plant has a lot of ascorbic acid, in the leaves up to 0.73% Bear onion increases appetite, increases the secretion of digestive glands, enhances the motor function of the intestine. In addition, the plant has a bactericidal, antihelminthic, fungicidal and antiscorbutic effect. Ramson prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, stimulates cardiac activity, lowers blood pressure and contributes to the normalization of metabolism. Ecologically clean Odessa region in Ukraine allows us to collect wild plants with a high content of nutrients. At your request, we will provide a photo and any information about a particular batch. Fito-Export, medicinal herbs supply partner for your business.
In scientific medicine, Motherwort is used as a sedative similar to valerian preparations, as well as an effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Motherwort is also used to treat epilepsy, Graves' disease, thrombosis, gastrointestinal diseases, menstrual irregularities, neuroses, arterial hypertension and other diseases. Motherwort has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate and fat metabolism, reduces the level of glucose, lactic and pyruvic acids, cholesterol, total lipids in the blood, and normalizes protein metabolism. The price may vary depending on the volume and season. Ecologically clean Odessa region in Ukraine allows us to collect wild plants with a high content of nutrients. At your request, we will provide a photo and any information about a particular batch. Fito-Export, medicinal herbs supply partner for your business.
PRODUCT INFO Yanang or Botanical name Tiliacora triandra (Diels) is one type of herb native to the South East Asian mainland. In traditional Southeast Asian medicine, Yanang has been used as food and medicine for a long time. In the Northeast of Thailand, people call this plant "Never get old for a thousand years" USES Yanang contains many health benefits that go along with its cooling affect. Yanang contains Vitamin A, B-carotene, Phosphorus, Polyphenols, Flavonoids, alkaloids, and minerals such as calcium and iron. SEASONS Yanang Leaves is available year-round.
Pure hand made cold pressed herbal soaps, herbal hair oil, skin care oils, pure herbs powder.