So many words to say one thing, handbags are important. Besides, useful or not, it's certainly a very versatile accessory you can use to effortlessly play up your outfit. But hold on to that thought, how in the world are you going to shop for bags if you don't really know what your options are? I mean, sure, you CAN do it, but being armed with knowledge about every kind you can invest in, sounds like an important step to building an impressive bag collection, no? If you're aggressively nodding in response to that question, we're here with just what you need. You no longer need to vaguely describe to your friends, how the purse you spotted in your favourite store looked. Because there exists a word for it, and here's the inventory of all types of handbags that will help you find it!
Our Indonesian decorative resin cukli rattan bags.
We developed a creation in the form of an mdf board printed with various interesting resin-coated images, then woven with the cukli technique so that it becomes one as a bag. Lots of our customers order this bag for merchandise for various events.
The pictures can be customized as you like, may vary from one another, only with a small minimum order quantity.
We produce beautiful natural fiber handmade bags, handcrafted by skilled local craftsmen in Java Island, Indonesia. We accept custom orders by your design, with a small minimum order quantity.
Our products use selected rattan, inner batik cloth and a long leather bag strap that can be shortened (maximum 120 cm). Various shapes and motifs are available, for example round, square, hexagon, and others.
You can also order with a design from you, with a relatively small minimum order quantity.