Product Description : Best quality Red Groundnut Kernel for home, commercial and export purposes. Suitable for oil extraction, peanut cake, chikki making, frying & salting.Buy the best quality red peanut only at Temple Mart Traders, chennai. In-store pickup and delivery available across India. Packaging details : 50 Kg, as per customer requirements. Normally in Jute bags
Indian peanuts are cultivated over an average of 31 million hectares - Indian peanuts are consumed in over 50 countries. Indian peanuts are the only source that are available all round the year. Crops are planted in two cycles and harvested in March and October.
Pure Cold pressed Groundnut Oil
Groundnut Oil
Groundnut Oil
Groundnut Oil
Groundnut oil
Ajmera Naturals is edible oil manufacturer and retailer who are aimed to provide customers with healthy and nutritional oil options based at Surat, Gujarat, India. We strive hard and take the utmost care to get all the ingredients sourced from the best farms in Gujarat. Brings 100% pure and natural groundnut oil. Packed in 15 kg. Tin Also Available in 15 Ltr. Tin This oil helps you to reduce cancer risk, relieves joint pains, delay in ageing process and also prevents Heart related disease
Ajmera Naturals is edible oil manufacturer and retailer who are aimed to provide customers with healthy and nutritional oil options based at Surat, Gujarat, India. We strive hard and take the utmost care to get all the ingredients sourced from the best farms in Gujarat. Brings 100% pure and natural groundnut oil. Packed in 1 Ltr. Bottle. This oil helps you to reduce cancer risk, relieves joint pains, delay in ageing process and also prevents Heart related disease
Groundnut Oil
Ajmera Naturals is edible oil manufacturer and retailer who are aimed to provide customers with healthy and nutritional oil options based at Surat, Gujarat, India. We strive hard and take the utmost care to get all the ingredients sourced from the best farms in Gujarat. Brings 100% pure and natural groundnut oil. Packed in 15 kg. plastic jar with dispenser system. This oil helps you to reduce cancer risk, relieves joint pains, delay in ageing process and also prevents Heart related disease
We Provide Best Qquality Qrounutoil Where the health benefits of peanut oil include skin care, lower cholesterol levels, improved heart health, and nervous system. It also helps reduce the risk of cancer, boosts cognitive function, strengthens the immune system, and lowers blood pressure.
Ground Nuts.
Groundnut seed.