Our pure sea salt is one of natures greatest gifts and undergoes no processing or refinement. Our experienced salt masters take what nature provides and simply release the minerals from the sea by hand-harvesting salt flakes from Greece�¢??s crystal Aegean seawaters. Thanks to this minimal procedure, the end product is flakes with a distinctive and unique saltiness that are soft and crunchy and retain an authentic taste and aroma of the sea. The pyramid-shaped crystals maintain their perfect balance of natural minerals and release their rich flavour when crushed between the fingers to create a fine seasoning that is an exceptional enhancement to any dish.
Natural Sea Salt Flakes, Edible Olives and By-Products.
Our olive range is harvested from the Chalkidiki, Kalamata and Amfissa areas in Greece widely regarded as the home of the worlds best olives. Taking what nature has blessed the Greek soil with, we nurture black and green olives that stand out for their unique varieties and highly-rated health properties. The groves are tended with care and without additives or chemical processes for a superior, natural product that retains all its distinctive qualities and authentic flavour whilst being nutritionally superb and contributing to a heart-healthy diet. Whilst the olive groves are a tribute to heritage, our production methods are highly advanced and carried out by a specialist team at our proprietary 7,500-square metre facilities with state-of-the-art equipment.