Our Broccoli is grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! The highlands of Guatemala offer ideal conditions for Broccoli growing.
Our Cabbages are grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! The highlands of Guatemala offer ideal conditions for Cabbages growing.
Our Carrots are grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! The highlands of Guatemala offer ideal conditions for Carrots growing.
Our Cauliflower is grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! The highlands of Guatemala offer ideal conditions for Cauliflower growing.
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Our Ginger is grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! The highlands of Guatemala offer ideal conditions for Ginger growing.
The Persian lime is often preferred by producers because the tree is almost thornless and hardier, produces larger, seedless fruits, and has a longer shelf life than the key lime.
Our Potatoes are grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! The highlands of central and western Guatemala offer often ideal conditions for potato growing. At altitudes of between 1 500 and 2 800 m, where average temperatures range from 7 C to 25 C, farmers can harvest potatoes within 100 days of planting, and in frost-free irrigated areas, tubers are cultivated throughout the year..
Sweet The sweet potato or sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, Convolvulaceae. Its large, starchy, sweet-tasting (like pumpkin), tuberous roots are used as a root vegetable Potato
(Solanum Lycopersicon), flowering plant of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), cultivated extensively for its edible fruits. Labelled as a vegetable for nutritional purposes, tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and the phytochemical lycopene. The fertile lands of Guatemala
Our Breadfruits are grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! Unripe, firm breadfruits taste similar to potatoes and can be used as such. they are commonly prepared as a cooked vegetable in numerous dishes and form an essential part of Asian curries. Fruits are also roasted, baked, stuffed, or mashed. Ripe, sweet tasting breadfruits are used in desserts.
Our Mangosteens are grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! The mangosteen is sometimes called the queen of tropical fruits because of its exquisite, subacid to sweet mild flavor. The fruits are primarily consumed fresh but are also sold frozen and canned. Seedless segments are used as a topping for ice cream and sherbets. Fresh fruits are used to prepare fruit juices and jellies. seeds are sometimes eaten boiled or roasted.
Our Rambutans are grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! Rambutan Fruits are commonly eaten out of hand. They are sold fresh or canned. Rambutans are used for fruit salads and in the preparation of jams and jellies or preserves but are also used as an ingredient in savory dishes, especially in Southeast Asia. The seeds contain up to 40% fat, which is extracted and used in making soap and for industrial purposes. Rambutan flowers are an excellent source of pollen for honey bees.
Our Cantaloupes are grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! Ripe fruits are seeded and eaten as fresh fruit or used in fruit salads or desserts. Unripe, green fruits of some varieties can be preserved by pickling. they are also eaten raw in salads or boiled as a vegetable.
Okra crops are grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! Okra is an annual herbaceous plant with partly woody stems, 1.5â??2 m (5â??7 ft) tall. Okra is a vegetable low in calories but a good source of vitamin C, provitamin A, and the minerals calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The high content of mucilaginous sap makes the fruit ideal for people with stomach ailments.e seeds contain a greenish-yellow oil high in unsaturated fats.The high quality oil, called ambretta, is used in the food and perfume industry and as a therapeutic oil. In times when coffee wasn't readily available, the seeds were roasted, ground, and used as a coffee substitute.
Extract Made 100% Natural Hibiscus Flower from Mexico. No Artficial Falvors, No Temperature or Heat Added during Process, Zero Sugar, Handcrafted and FDA Authorized Registered Facility.
Extract Made 100% Natural Hibiscus Flower from Mexico. No Artficial Falvors, No Temperature or Heat Added during Process, Zero Sugar, Handcrafted and FDA Authorized Registered Facility.