Lemons (Citrus limon) are among the world's most popular citrus fruits. They grow on lemon trees and are a hybrid of the original citron and lime. There are many ways to enjoy lemons, but they taste very sour and are usually not eaten alone or as a whole fruit.
The lemon (Citrus limon) is a species of small evergreen trees in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, native to Asia, primarily Northeast India (Assam), Northern Myanmar or China.
The origin of the lemon is unknown, though lemons are thought to have first grown in Assam (a region in northeast India), northern Myanmar or China. A genomic study of the lemon indicated it was a hybrid between bitter orange (sour orange) and citron.
Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C, providing 64% of the Daily Value in a 100 g reference amount . Other essential nutrients are low in content.
Lemons contain numerous phytochemicals, including polyphenols, terpenes, and tannins.[16] Lemon juice contains slightly more citric acid than lime juice , nearly twice the citric acid of grapefruit juice, and about five times the amount of citric acid found in orange juice.
Lemons contain a high amount of vitamin C, soluble fiber, and plant compounds that give them a number of health benefits. Lemons may aid weight loss and reduce your risk of heart disease, anemia, kidney stones, digestive issues, and cancer.
India is a leading producer & consumer of Lemonsin the world.
The State contributes about 21% to the total production of lemon in the country.
Rainfall and humidity are quite less particularly in Maharashtra and also to some extent in Gujarat state, resulting in lesser incidence of insects, pests and diseases compared to Central and South America and South East Asian countries.
A superior cultivar namely Grand Naine, well accepted in international market is being cultivated in sizeable area in Andhra Pradesh.
Our Lemons bunch can weigh upto 100kg
Origin: our farms Egypt
Product: Fresh lemons
Variety: Citrus lemon (Adalian Eureka 1 Verna )
Availability : most of the year
Colour: Natural Green Yellow
SIZES: 80,88,100,125,113,135,165 in box of 15 kg
Packing: 8,15 kg (telescopic /open top) cartons
Container capacity Details:
Number of Tons per container : 25 tons
Number of Pallets per container :21 pallets
Number of Cartons per container: 1664 cartons of 15 kg carton
Number of Cartons per container : 3125 cartons 8 kg
Number of Cartons per pallets : 148 Carton