The company offers several leather goods: Briefcase, handbags, travel goods and gifts, small leather goods and belts, note books and folios, conference folders and desk sets. The leather is carefully selected from the finest Italian sources. In fact it has been vegetable tanned in the traditional manner, using water and tree bark extracts which highlight the individual graining characteristics and colour variations, thereby adding beauty to the natural leather. The Company wishes to get in touch with importers/wholesalers as well as representatives/agents from target countries which could be interested in importing and distributing the above products. Target Countries: Russia, China, Japan.
Stock of natural leather made in Italy quality I.For manufacture of bags, belts, shoes, etc. Quantity available approx. 2000 kg. Price per kg 6 euro + VAT. We also have stock of belts and purses. Contact me for details.
Italian Design Leather Shoes
Italian Design Leather Shoes
Italian Design Leather Shoes
Italian Design Leather Shoes
Italian Design Leather Shoes
Italian Design Leather Shoes
Italian Design Leather Shoes
Italian leather.
Italian leather.
Genuine italian leather handbag.
Sofa, living room sofa, sectional sofa, corner sofa, 321sofa, genuine sofa, bonded sofa, u-shaped sofa, l-shaped sofa, OEM sofa, chaise longue sofa, chesterfield sofa, Italian leather sofa and sofa cover.
Italian leather jacket.
Premium italian leather scrap & off cut, heat exchanger.
Italian leather belts, wallets and men purses.
Leather sofa Elegant design made with italian top grain leather. Ideal for contemporary and modern home decor. Soft seating brings you ultimate comfort. Latest model has benn shown in shanghai furniture fair 2007. Attractive style and prices are now availabl! 125cm*90cm*70cm, 1+2+3: 143kg
All kinds of leather.
Dried oregano, thyme,sage, daphne, etc. spice mixtures : italian seasoning, sausage and ham seasonings, provesan, meatball seasoning, sujuk seasoning, doner kebap seasoning etc.....
All Types Of Leather.Shipping