Brewster window use the characteristics of total reflection property of the material. When the incident Angle (called brewster Angle of the material) is specified, the Polarization component of S in the incident light is partially reflected, while the P component is close to the full transmission.Sunday offers a variety of Brewster Windows based on UV-fused quartz for UV applications
The high-precision window is made of BK7 optical glass and UV fused quartz, the fused silica quartz window plate is suitable for high power laser that needs good thermal stability, and the window made of N-BK7 material is cheaper, which is suitable for laser applications that pay more attention to cost.Both fused quartz and N-BK7 laser window plates have precision grades of 1/10 lambda surface flatness and 10-5, 20-10 surface quality to ensure minimal interference to the transmitted beam.Sunday Optics is specialized in the processing of precision optical window,We have four-axis polishing machine, large-size ring polishing machine, two-axis machine to manufacture high precison windows for customers. we can offer 24 inch zygo flatness reports, full CA 600mm windows.Brewster window use the characteristics of total reflection property of the material. When the incident Angle (called brewster Angle of the material) is specified, the Polarization component of S in the incident light is partially reflected, while the P component is close to the full transmission.Sunday offers a variety of Brewster Windows based on uV-fused quartz for UV applications
Diameter 10mm to 127mm
Diameter Tol. +/-0.02mm
Material JGS1
Surface Quality 10-5 standard
Flatness 1/10 lambda