Scientific name; lutjanus malabaricus (bloch & schneider)
Size: minimum gms. Maximum , gms per fish(dried)
Available stock tons per month.
Originality of fish; from malaysia south china sea.
Quality certificate for fish meal
Technical data sheet
Fullmeal fish meal (fish solubels added, protectec against bacteria)
Antioxidant added
ProductFish meal vapor dry
Protein 66-67%Minumun
Raw lipids 13% Maximun
Ashes 15% Maximun
Moisture 10% Maximun
Salt and sand5%Maximun
Sand 2%Maximun
Histamine500 ppm (parts per million) maximun
Total volatin nitrogene Tvn 250 mg. N/100 gr maximun
Digestibility90%Minimun en pepsine al .02%
Anti-oxidant250 ppm minimun
ColorLight brown
Granulation2%Maximun retein in #8 cieve
Phosphor3% maximun
PresentationPolyetilen bags
Weight per bag49-53 kilos
ShippingMetric ton
Hello Buyers,
Thank you for your inquiry. I can offer you the fish meal with the specifications and my monthly capacity is 100 tons. I can offer my best price and I am open for pricing and delivery conditions.
I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible!
With best regards
Protein:65% min
Moisture : 10 % max
Fat : 10% max
Salt : 3 % max
Sand : 3 % max
Ash : 17% max
Antioxidant : 150 ppm min at the time of loading
Free from salmonella, melamine, ecoli
High Protein
Quickly prmote heathy and Growth
Enhance Nutrition of poultry
Soft Powder and good texture
Free from any Rot odour
High content of natural color enhancers promote the development of rich, beautiful coloration in fish.
Higher-protein formulation supports fish's immune systemfor optimal health and long life.
Floating pellets are easy for fish to eat and digest.
Feeding a high-quality, highly digestible food creates less waste for clearer water.
Fortified with essential vitamins, amino acids and minerals for a balanced daily diet.
Fish Meal Specifications:
Protein Min 65%
Fat Max 10%
Moisture Max 10%
Salt and Sand Max 4%
Ash Max 1%
TVBN Max 20mg/100g
FFA Max 10%
Histamine Max 500 ppm
Antioxidant Max 200 ppm
Fish meal, or fishmeal, is a commercial product mostly made from fish that are not generally used for human consumption; a small portion is made from the bones and offal left over from processing fish used for human consumption, while the larger percentage is manufactured from wild-caught, small marine fish; either unmanaged by-catch or sometimes sustainable fish stocks. It is powder or cake obtained by drying the fish or fish trimmings, often after cooking, and then grinding it. If the fish used is a fatty fish it is first pressed to extract most of the fish oil.
Our product has analyzed by kjedhal destilation methods of analysis and Fish meal powder has a high crude protein content ranging from 50.5% to 60.2% protein
It is very helpful for livestock growth as well as adding fattening and stabilizing livestock production such as meat chicken. laying chicken. duck. goat. catfish.
For a very affordable price,
Packaging : 50 kg bulk