Frozen red tilapia fish refers to tilapia that has been cleaned, processed, and frozen to preserve its freshness and extend its shelf life. Tilapia is a popular freshwater fish known for its mild flavor and firm texture. The "red" in the name might refer to the reddish coloration that some tilapia species exhibit, particularly on their fins. Frozen red tilapia fish can be found in various forms, such as whole fish, fillets, or steaks. They can be prepared using different cooking methods, including grilling, baking, pan-frying, or even steaming. The freezing process helps retain the fish's flavor and nutritional content, making it a convenient option for enjoying tilapia throughout the year. Whether used in traditional dishes or innovative culinary creations, frozen red tilapia offers a versatile and accessible seafood choice.
Frozen mackerel fish refers to mackerel that has been cleaned, processed, and frozen to maintain its freshness and extend its shelf life. Mackerel is a popular saltwater fish known for its rich flavor and high oil content. Freezing the fish helps to lock in its taste and nutritional value. Frozen mackerel is versatile and can be used in various culinary preparations, such as grilling, baking, pan-frying, or even making fish stews and curries. It's a convenient option for those who want to enjoy the benefits of mackerel without the need for immediate consumption, making it a handy ingredient to have in the freezer for quick and nutritious meals.
Seer Fish (Spanish King Mackerel) Having the name of Spanish King Mackerel the Seer Fish is a migratory species which can be found in the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Worldwide it is famous for both recreation and commercial purposes. Usually, it is considered to be a medium fish and its size varies from 5 to 14 kgs. In certain cases, though they have been found to exceed 40 kg weight too. Its first dorsal fin is colourless and you can see it folded back like in a body grove. Colour of the fish is olive on the behind with some fading seen on both belly and the back. Small fishes like those less than 5 kg weight are also seen with yellow brownish spots, especially on its flanks. The teeth are sharp and lined uniformly side by side with very less space in between. The Seer Fish is carnivorous and leaves no opportunity to eat fish voraciously. Their prey would depend on their size. Normally they do not attack any humans but if they feel any kind of threat they cannot be stopped. From North Carolina to Texas the seer fish is considered to be an optimum gaming fish. For commercial purposes, they are trapped using run-around gill nets. PACKING IF 1x20Kg GRADE 500/1000, 1000/2000, 2000/3000
King Fish (scomberomorus Guttatus) Also famous as the Indopacific king mackerel, this fish is a subspecies among the mackerel variety. You can find it abundantly occupying the Indian Ocean and areas around it. A very popular game fish the average weight it can grow up to is around 45 kg. It is also considered to be a very strong fighter. To avoid being caught it can jump out of the water and surprise the catcher too. The Kingfish is silvery white on the sides and it has multiple rows of brown spots all along its body. The size of the spots is smaller than the diameter of its eyes. Malaysia, India and Thailand have commercial fisheries which deal in handling the kingfish. In India areas around Sunder bans, West Bengal and Chennai is where the fish is abundantly found. Most of the countries of the Indian subcontinent i.e. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are regulars when it comes to eating this fish. It is eaten fresh or cooked and also used to make fish pickle. Sometimes the same is eaten with freshly cooked rice. Even though Thailand has less availability of the fish the demand to eat is quite high. PACKING : Ruunnig weight IF GRADE : 3/5Kg, 5/10Kg, 10/15Kg, 15Kg Ups
Red Snapper (lutjanus Malabaricus) A subspecies of the snapper the red snapper is a regular inhabitant of western Atlantic Ocean including the Gulf of Mexico. You find red snapper in areas where reefs are common. Its body shape is quite similar to the other snapper fishes. It has a sloped profile, medium scales, spiny dorsal fin and a compressed body. By the time the red snapper matures it reaches a length of around 39 cm or 15 inches. Adulthood you would find them at a length of 60 cm going up to 100 cm in some cases. So far its maximum weight that has been recorded is around 38 kg. The colour as the name indicates is red and intense pigmentation can be seen on the back of the fish. The red snapper is a prized catch and people catch it for both commercial and recreational purposes. In Continental USA the red snapper is around 50% of the fish that is caught. Red snappers can themselves eat anything however the preference is mostly for crustaceans and small fishes. These fish are soft eaters and if you are trying to catch them they would nibble on the bait and escape from your clutches hence multiple hooked baits are used. PACKING IF 1x20Kg GRADE 500/700, 700/1000, 1000/2000, 2000/3000, 3000 Up
Silver Croaker (Pennahia argentata) The silver croaker or Pennahia argentata I avidly found in the Northwest Pacific region from Japan, Hong Kong to North Korea and Yellow sea. Its length at maturity remains around 14 cm but there have been instances where fishes of high length like 40 cm have also been found. With regards to its dorsal rays, they are around 11 in number while dorsal soft rays can be anywhere from 25-28. The Silver croaker has 2 anal spines and 7-8 anal soft rays with close to 25 vertebrae to give support to the body. Posterior end of its pectoral fin extends along the posterior end of its spinous dorsal fin and is a remarkable feature of its body. There are no markings seen inside the lower jaw teeth and the length of its second anal spine is almost equal to the diameter of its eye. Silver Croaker is mostly seen in muddy and shallow waters and you have to delve deep to bring them out. Mostly you find these little fish preying and eating other small fishes and invertebrates that they find easily available. When it comes to marketing the Silver Croaker they are used fresh and dried and are quite tasty to consume. PACKING 1x10Kg, 2x10Kg Shutter Packing GRADE 50/100, 100/200, 200/300, 300/500, 500Up