e equipment was manufactured by Jeffrey Rader AB, Sweden in 1995 and it is in very good operational condition. It consist of two heavy duty rolls with removable profilied surfaces which rotate towards each other and presses overzised wood chips between the profiles. Roll drives 2 x 110 kW / 1500 rpm connected with two gearboxes. Hydraulic pump 7.5 kW, capacity 220 m3/h wood chips.
The equipment was manufactured by Jeffrey Rader Inc, Sweden in year 1995, manufacturers type is DynaYield 80-300 and it is in good operational condition. The Chip Conditioner consists of two heavy duty rolls with removable profiled surfaces. They rotate towards each other and pull the oversize chips between them. The profiled surfaces are aligned so that the pyramid apexes on one roll travel in the valleys of the apexes on the adjacent roll. With normal oversize wood, the Conditioner typically generates less than 1% fines and 3% pins
The normal application for the Chip Conditioner is in a chemical pulping process, processing the oversize materials by fissuring the wood chips parallel with the grain to allow the cooking liquors to penetrate the chip, and allow the oversize chip to cook as an acceptable size chip. Another application is in a thermo-mechanical pulping process (TMP), as a preconditioning
An important feature of this machine is its ability to handle small portions of tramp without going off-line. With the so called Dynagage Conditioner, the dynamic roll is allowed to move away from the static roll, and once the tramp is through the unit, the roll automatically moves back to the proper set point without shutting down the flow and together with slow rotation speed enable were low down time and maintenance costs. Roll distance movements are made with a hydraulic system build on the equipment and controlled by 3 position sensors
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Technical data:
Model: RDY 80-300
Manufacturing year: 1995
Capacity (throughput): 220 m3/h loose wood chips
Press roll diameter: 915 mm
Roll length: 2440 mm
Roll motors: 2 x 110 kW / 1500 rpm / 690 V – 50Hz
Press distance between the rolls: 2.2 mm
Gearboxes: 2 x Kipo Benzler TV 512
Hydraulic pump: Rexroth 200 bar with Mecman syliders
Electric motor for hydraulic pump: ASEA 7.5 kW
Weight: 33 000 kg
Length: 5083 mm
Width: 2550 mm
Height: 2400 mm.
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