VaiWa is a key element of Pleass Global Limited (PGL) development on the international market. VaiWai is PGL's response to some of the challenges faced by the bottling industry. We believe VaiWai packaging is among the best in the world of bottled water packaging but recycling is still best. VaiWa is a combination of two words from the Pacific Vai is a Polynesian word meaning water while Wai is the Fijian word for water too. To be pronounced Vye Wye, where the in each sounds like the hy in why.
Works with all dispenser types. Cost includes one-off bottle deposit of $25. Refills cost $15.85 each
They say great things come in small packages and our compact 330ml bottle of VaiWai is the perfect companion when you are on the go.
Our 500ml bottles of VaiWai are perfect for quenching your thirst while you are out and about.
Our big kahuna bottle of VaiWai contains 1.5 litres of pure artesian water from Fiji. It's great to keep you hydrated at home, at the office, or while you are out on life's adventures.
Enquire about our exquisite still and sparkling VaiWai 750ml now in a glass bottle.
Sugarcane Molasses
Crude Coconut Oil: Coconut Oil is extracted from the kernel or meat of matured coconut harvested from the coconut palm. Throughout the tropical world, it has provided the primary source of fat in the diets of millions of people for generations. It has various applications in food, medicine and industry. What make coconut oil different from most other dietary are the basic building blocks or fatty acids making up the oil. Coconut oil is composed predominately of a special group of fat molecules knowns as medium chain fatty acids(MCFA). The majority of fats in human diet are composed almost entirely of long chain fatty acids(LCFA) The coconut palm is and integral part of pacific identity;its is also the source of one of our greatest natural products - Virgin Coconut oil. Virgin Coconut Oil is becoming recognised both locally and internationally for its wonderful natural health benefits and its ability to generate meaningful employment for our rural island communities.
Virgin Coconut Oil: Virgin Coconut is the most natural form of coconut oil;its is extracted from the coconut flesh with the minimal amount of processing i.e. no high heat or pressure and no harsh chemical solvents, bleaching agents, etc. Virgin Coconut oil is completely unrefined; this ensures that the oil retains all the natural goodness of the coconut itself.
Savusavu Waka (Grog).
Kava powder.
Kava powder.
Kava Powder.
Kava Powder.
Kava powder.
Kava Powder.
Kava powder.
Kava powder.
Leaf mahogany.