Pure Odisha Kandhamala Turmeric Finger Gi Tag Certified
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SKU: 364115376135191
Green okra has a torpedo-shaped pod ranging in length of five to six inches when harvested mature. The pods are pale lime to lime green color, their exterior has furrowed lengthwise grooves. The skin can often be fuzzy to prickly, which can cause an allergic reaction to sensitive skin. The flesh bears a tender spongy membrane with many small white seeds. Okra is known less for its lean flavor and more for its sticky sap that creates the flesh's gelatinous texture.
Green Okra is a member of the mallow family along with cotton, cocoa and hibiscus. The okra plant produces broad oak-shaped leaves with bold yellow and white hibiscus-like blossoms. The fruits sprout in vertical patterns from the plant's stems. The sign of a plant flowering indicates fruits will develop quickly within 3-5 days. Young fruits must be harvested daily as the fruits are known to grow so fast you can almost see them growing in front of your eyes. One plant can produce up to 100 okra. Okra left on the stem too long will become tough and essentially unfit for use. Okra is grown for fresh-eating but it also has many other purposes. Okra plants are grown commercially for pickling and canning alone or as a canned soup ingredient, while the seeds are also harvested for making oil and in some cultures are ground and used as a coffee substitute or supplement.
With okra, harvesting young tender fruits and knowledge of how to cook it are two key ingredients. Okra is historically not eaten alone, rather paired in a multitude of recipes alongside ingredients with bold, complex flavors and varying textures. Okra is most often used as a soup or stew ingredient, though its textures and flavors are truly enhanced when fried and grilled. Okra pairs well with basil, bacon, beet greens, butter, cream, garlic, ham, lemon, kale, onions, parsley, olive oil, pickled vegetables, chile peppers and peppercorns, paprika, tomatoes and turnips.
Okra is available year-round
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SKU: 364215375135191
Turmeric is the rhizome, or root stem, of a tropical blade-leafed plant. The rhizome has an abstract finger-like shape with a rough skin marked with knobs and rings. Turmeric rhizomes often grow up to 3-4 inches long and one-half to one inch in diameter. Its skin's color is a combination of pale earth and orange. The flesh is a vibrant carrot orange color and its flavor warm and peppery with very distinct bitter undertones. It is most often boiled and then dried for powdered form, in which it turns its trademark color.
Turmeric, scientifically known as Curcuma longa, is a tropical flowering perennial that falls within the same family as ginger and is one of two rhizomes with an appearance similar to the spicy root. It's cultivated and harvested for its roots, though its leaves are also used in some cultures.
Fresh Turmeric's gentle carrot/ginger-like flavor lends itself well to both sweet and savory applications. It adds freshness to curries and soups, and can be pickled or fried. Its vibrant color is a wonderful addition to any dish, but can also stain clothing and porous surfaces.
Finger grass is a branching herb comprised of straight, hollow stems and elongated lanceolate to elliptical leaves that grow in an opposite formation around the cylindrical stems. The leaves are slender, tapering to a point, and average 2 to 6 centimeters in length and .5 to 1 centimeter in width. The grey-green leaves are also smooth to the touch, thin, and pliable with finely serrated edges. The stems are thick in appearance but have a hollow center, creating a smooth, crisp, and watery texture. The pale green stems also have a light, succulent, and spongy consistency, lightly coated in fine hairs. Finger grass emits a refreshing, citrus, and herbal aroma and the stems and leaves have a vegetal, citrusy, and earthy, spice-filled flavor. Some consumers recognize the leaves as having a bright and acidic quality, filled with undertones of sweet cumin and curry flavor mixed with notes of lemon and dill. In addition to the leaves and stems, Finger grass seasonally produces tubular flowers that showcase pale pink, purple, to light blue hues.
Finger grass has a bright, complex flavoring mainly used as a fresh finishing element on savory main dishes. The leaves should be washed and gently torn, chopped, or crushed to release their flavor, and they can be sprinkled into salads, minced into dips and marinades, or used as an edible garnish for roasted meats, light sauces, or grain dishes. In Southeast Asia, finger grass is frequently used in Vietnamese cuisine and Cambodian and Thai cuisine on a smaller scale. The leaves are traditionally served fresh in the center of the dinner table, along with other herbs and raw vegetables. These accompaniments are added to curries, stews, and soups such as pho, and each guest can determine how much of each herb is incorporated into their dish for custom flavor combinations. Finger grass can also be sauteed or steamed as a simple side dish or the stems can be roughly chopped and added to stir-fries. While more untraditional, some mixologists in Southeast Asia have begun muddling finger grass into a refreshing cocktail to modernize the herb. In Cambodia, finger grass is placed on the roof of houses and dehydrated for extended use as a dried herb. Finger grass pairs well with meats including poultry, beef, pork, and fish, other herbs such as lemongrass, basil, and mint, steamed rice, lemon, lime, bell peppers, peas, broccoli, water spinach, carrots, and peanuts. Whole, unwashed Finger grass is highly perishable and will only keep for a few days in the refrigerator when loosely wrapped in plastic or a damp paper towel. The herb should be used immediately for the best quality and flavor.
Finger grass are available year-round in Southeast Asia.
Green Thai papayas widely vary in size, ranging from 15-50 centimeters in length and 10-20 centimeters in diameter, and are oval and elongated in shape. The thin skin is smooth, slightly waxy, firm, and green. Underneath the surface, the flesh is crisp, white with pale green edging, and dense with a central seed cavity filled with white pith and many inedible seeds. When raw, Green Thai papayas are crunchy with a very mild and neutral taste similar to the flavor of jicama or cucumber. Green Thai papayas are a good source of vitamins A and C and also contain folate, magnesium, manganese, and potassium. Green Thai papayas are best suited for both raw and cooked applications such as boiling or sauteing. The fruits are most well-known for their use in som tan, which is a Thai salad that mixes Green Thai papaya with fish sauce, lime, chile, garlic, and varying vegetables. Green Thai papaya can also be added to stews, pickled for extended use, grated, fried, and mixed with small shrimp to make okoy, or cooked into sour curries such as gaeng som. In Thailand, Green papaya is also blended into soups and is heavily spiced with chiles as the fruit has minimal flavor and showcases other spices. Green Thai papaya pairs well with long beans, carrots, daikon radish, chiles, cherry tomatoes, cilantro, green onions, shallots, turmeric, and peanuts. The unripe fruits will keep for a couple of days at room temperature but will then begin to ripen. Once ripe, papayas will keep up to one week when stored in the refrigerator.
In Thailand, papaya is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and is used medicinally to help cleanse the digestive system. The leaves and sap are also used in traditional medicine to reduce the itchiness of insect bites and general swelling in the body. In addition to topical use, dried leaves are commonly steeped into a tea and are believed to stimulate digestion. Elongated papaya varieties are often seen in markets sold in slender pieces, stored over ice, so locals can buy the pieces daily as needed. Many Thai families also grow papaya in their home gardens to utilize the fruits, leaves, and sap year-round in medicinal and culinary applications.
Green Thai papayas are available year-round in tropical climates.
Garden peas have a large bright green pod which encases plump, round peas or berries. The pods grow on vines and unlike snow and sugar snap peas are too fibrous to be edible. Pods must be shelled first by snapping off the end and pulling the fibrous string along the length of the pod. Each pod contains five to eight emerald hued peas. Peas have a tender yet slightly crunchy texture and a sweet pea flavor. For best flavor prepare or freeze peas soon after they are harvested, the high sugar content of the peas begin to convert to starch as soon as the peas are picked from the vine.Fresh garden peas are rich in vitamin A and vitamin B (particularly folic acid), calcium, iron, zinc, and potassium. In addition they contain protein and fiber as well as lutein which has been shown to promote healthy vision. They also contain phytonutrients which have anti-inflammatory properties and can aid in the prevention of diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. To best preserve nutrients use peas raw or prepare steamed or stir-fried.
A versatile vegetable, fresh garden peas are sweet and tender enough to be eaten raw but may also be prepared cooked. Shelled peas can be blanched and pureed to make a spread or dip. Add raw peas to green and grain salads. Their sweet, fresh flavor will complement rich pasta and risotto as well as spicy curries and soups. The shells of garden peas can be used to add flavor to vegetable stock. For best flavor and texture wait to shell peas till you are ready to use them. Peas can also be shelled and frozen, dried or canned for future use.
A peak season in spring through early summer, garden pea are available year-round with sporadic gaps in availability throughout the year.
Melon Cucumber Laithai are used as fresh vegetables as well as cucumbers. It is commonly eaten fresh as a dipping vegetable. It tastes like cucumber but has a firmer texture (less water). It is also used in salads and curries as well as cucumbers. Including being able to pickle as a pickled melon as well, preferably pickled to have a sweet and slightly salty taste than pickled sour.
Ripe Melon Cucumber Laithai are eaten in desserts or eaten as a fruit by blending melons into a drink. Thai melon blended or mixed with coconut milk. Besides making sweets Ripe melons can also be eaten directly like watermelons, but they are not as popular as watermelons because they are not as sweet. Including not as popular as melon (cantaloupe) because the taste is not as sweet and the meat is more messy.As usual, we usually eat melons cooked with coconut milk and called Thai melons. Or eat it with white sugar, it's delicious, but no matter how you eat it, melon has outstanding properties to treat disease. such as coughing from tuberculosis, constipation, and urinary tract infections, thus helping to alleviate such symptoms and diseases and have the opportunity to eventually recoverThe smell and taste of fresh Thai melon is also suitable for making Thai melon juice because it is easy to make, good smell and taste, beautiful color, high nutritional value. Because it is very high in vitamin A, it also contains a lot of vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, etc.
Melon Cucumber Laithai produces a good yield during From July to September, Thai melons can be planted in all regions of Thailand.
Young tamarind is a local tree. The pods are spherical, straight, curved, and the bark is thin green with a brownish tint. Juicy flesh, light green juice. Adjacent to the rind there are young seeds inside the flesh. Sour taste. Young tamarind pods have a thin, brown rind. The flesh is attached to the rind. and no hard seeds, firm flesh, chewy, slightly acidic and astringent taste. Can be eaten fresh by dipping with chili paste, salt chili or shrimp paste.
The menu that cannot be lacking in young tamarind is Tamarind and Tom Klong The young tamarind must be scraped off the brown husks completely. leaving only the flesh in the fresh green therefore gradually used But the trick is easier than that. Bring the young tamarind to boil water for about 5 minutes before it can easily scrape off the skin.
Young tamarind is available between Feb - Apr.
Young kratin can be classified as vegetables, herbs, and economic plants. Because the tops, flowers and pods can be eaten as food. used in medicinal used as a feed ingredient including wood that can be used as a raw material for paper production in the industry Making crutches, used wood, and used as fuel
Young kratin, young pods and seeds are edible as vegetables. The top leaves are eaten with chili paste, papaya salad or oyster salad. The young Isan seeds are used to mix in papaya salad or eat with papaya salad. Southerners use young seeds and young leaves to eat with oysters.
Baby corn (also known as young corn, cornlets or baby sweetcorn) is a cereal grain taken from corn (maize) harvested early while the stalks are still small and immature. It typically is eaten whole - cob included - in contrast to mature corn, whose cob is too tough for human consumption. It is eaten both raw and cooked. Baby corn is common in stir fry dishes.
Chilli is a fruit which belongs to Capsicum genus. It has many varieties which are differentiated on its pungency measured on Scoville Scale. Chilli fruit when ripened and dried becomes red chilli, which is further grounded to form red chilli powder. These are categorized as hot pepper. Red chilli became famous all around the world because of its characteristics like pungency, taste and flavor matched black pepper, which was very expensive during old times and thus it became one of the most important and integral spices.
They are an excellent source of vitamin C but excess use of red chillies may cause indigestion and heartburn. Capsaisin, the chemical that makes chillies hot is known to reduce the risk of skin and stomach cancer. They contain more vitamin C than an orange. It also acts as a remedy for cold and sinus symptoms. It does not contain any cholesterol.
Red chili's are usually grounded into a powder and used as a spice. Red chili's are dried or pickled in order to store them for a long period of time. It is a popular ingredient in most Indian dishes and curries.
Red chili's are also used extensively for making sauces which are used to add spice to other dishes.
Kaffir lime leaves are small to medium in size and oblong in shape, averaging 3-5 centimeters in diameter and 8-12 centimeters in length. The top of the thick leaves is glossy and deep green, while the underside of the leaves is porous and a pale, matte green. Kaffir lime leaves grow in pairs and grow in a double leaf formation, which means two leaves grow on either side of the stem and appear to mirror each other. There is a prominent central midrib or vein and the tips of the leaves can be slightly rounded or very pointed. Kaffir lime leaves have a strong citrus taste and aroma that is said to be a blend of mandarin orange, lemon, and lime.
Kaffir lime leaves, botanically classified as Citrus hystrix, grow on a thorny bush that can grow to be 1-10 meters in height and belong to the Rutaceae, or citrus family along with oranges, lemons, pomelos, and grapefruit. The kaffir lime plant is valued for its fragrant leaves and its fruit's peel and is popularly used in culinary and medicinal applications in Southeast Asia. Also known as the Kieffer lime, Bai Magrood, Thai lime, Limau Puru, and Makrut limes, Kaffir limes have been given new names in various cultures to respect and avoid the use of derogatory words. In South Africa, kaffir is an offensive slang word used in racist connotations, so many retailers have taken to calling the fruit by its scientific name, while others prefer the Thai word for the fruit, Makrut lime.
Kaffir lime leaves can be used in both raw and cooked preparations such as boiling, steaming. They can be used fresh, dried, or from a frozen state and the thick leaves are never consumed whole, but rather steeped and later removed, or sliced very thinly. Kaffir lime leaves can be sliced and used in salads or shredded and used in fish cakes. They are also widely used in soups such as tom yum and hot and sour shrimp, curries, fried rice, pastes, and stir-fries. Their herbal citrus flavor can be used to infuse desserts such as custard and ice cream. Kaffir lime leaves pair well with lemongrass, basil, cardamom, curry leaves, mint, tamarind, turmeric, cumin, galangal, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, jasmine rice, meats such as lamb, chicken and pork, mussels, and coconut milk. They will keep up to two weeks when stored fresh in the refrigerator and up to one year when stored in a sealed container in the freezer.
Kaffir lime leaves are available year-round.
- Native to the Mediterranean region and cultivated over three thousand years, celery is a biennial, herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae, botanically named Apium graveolens. A member of the carrot family and related to anise, parsley and parsnips, celery was first recorded as a food plant in France in 1623.
- Baby celery is hydroponically grown, with long, thin stalks and mature, full leaves. Similar in size to cilantro or parsley, baby celery has an intense celery flavor that is much stronger than that mature celery heads. The strong celery flavor is concentrated in the leaves, though the entire plant is edible.
- Baby celery is not typically used as a substitute for mature celery because the stalks are small and thin. Use celery leaves in pestos, sauces, soups, salads or as an herb. Pair with carrots, mushrooms, asian vegetables, citrus, tomatoes, garlic and onion. Baby celery stalks may be used as an aromatic or chopped and combined with the leaves in cooked preparations. Refrigerate baby celery, keeping dry and well wrapped until ready to use.
- Hydroponically grown baby celery is harvested year-round.
Young pepper (Prik Thai On) (scientific name: Piper nigrum) is a plant recognized as the king of pungent spices. and is a spice that gives it a spicy flavor Can be used to make dried pepper as a condiment. If the whole husk is dried, black pepper will be obtained because the rind will be black when dried. The white pepper is obtained by peeling off the bark first. It was found that both dried and fresh fruits were used for cooking. or dried and ground into a powder called ground pepper which pepper is a different plant species from chili (Chilli).
In Asia, we use pepper in all its stages of development. Sprigs of very aromatic, young green berries appear in stir-fried dishes, curries, soups and dipping sauces. As pepper berries mature, they change from light green to dark green and then begin to turn red. Picked before fully matured, the peppercorns are dried, the outer peel turning black and shriveled, and this is the form most popular in the west. Fully ripened red berries are allowed to ferment briefly in a warm place, then their peel is rubbed off, revealing irregularly white seeds. For a refreshingly aromatic peppery taste, grind your own pepper when you need it. Use a pepper mill, mortar and pestle, or if you are grinding a large amount, a clean coffee grinder designated solely for grinding dry spices. Pre-ground pepper loses aroma and flavor over time.
Young peppercorn will bloom in May during the harvest season. will be around January.
Turmeric is the rhizome, or root stem, of a tropical blade-leafed plant. The rhizome has an abstract finger-like shape with a rough skin marked with knobs and rings. Turmeric rhizomes often grow up to 3-4 inches long and one-half to one inch in diameter. Its skin's color is a combination of pale earth and orange. The flesh is a vibrant carrot orange color and its flavor warm and peppery with very distinct bitter undertones. It is most often boiled and then dried for powdered form, in which it turns its trademark color.
Turmeric, scientifically known as Curcuma longa, is a tropical flowering perennial that falls within the same family as ginger and is one of two rhizomes with an appearance similar to the spicy root. It's cultivated and harvested for its roots, though its leaves are also used in some cultures.
Fresh Turmeric's gentle carrot/ginger-like flavor lends itself well to both sweet and savory applications. It adds freshness to curries and soups, and can be pickled or fried. Its vibrant color is a wonderful addition to any dish, but can also stain clothing and porous surfaces.
Madan Fruit avant-garde
Madan fruit is high in vitamin C, beta-carotene, as well as important minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc.
Madan fruits are very rich in vitamin A and calcium. Since the fruits taste quite sour, so it is not easy to eat these fresh. So these are used in side dishes, salads and made into sauces. The fruit of madan is also processed to make preserved fruit in syrup, pickled fruit and dried fruit. Fermented fruit is stuffed with minced pork to make a soup, or it can be made into a sweet.
Madan will produce a yield for about 2-3 years, will produce and have offspring according to species.
Star Gooseberry is a type of fruit. There are both sour and sweet varieties. They are often pickled, welded or preserved.
Star Gooseberry is eaten fresh, and is occasionally used as flavoring for other dishes. It is candied in sugar or pickled in salt or preserves. it is used to make vinegar as well as eaten raw, soaked in salt or vinegar-salt solution.
Star Gooseberry is available between June-August.
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