We are trading company from Thailand. We can supply you Urea 46-0-0 (Prilled / Granular) as your requirement. If you are looking for the serious supplier, please feel free to let us know your inquiries with target price and let us give you a competitive quote.
Cas no: 153719-23-4 Mode of action: Systemic insecticide, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists with contact and stomach poison, can be taken up quickly by seeds, roots, stems and foliage, and translocated acropetally in the xylem. Uses: Thiamethoxam is active against aphids, whitefly, thrips, ricehoppers, ricebugs, mealybugs, white grubs, colorado potato beetle, flea beetles, wireworms, ground beetles, leaf miners and some lepidopterous species. For foliar and soil treatments, thiamethoxam can protect cole crops, leafy and fruity vegetables, potatoes, rice, cotton, deciduous fruit, citrus, and soya beans for foliar and soil treatments. For seed treatment use, thiamethoxam is effective against the corn weevil on maize and sunflower, soil and foliar pests including chinch bug, greenbug, corn leaf aphid, seed corn maggot and yellow sugar cane aphid on sorghum. Other crops include cereals, sugar beet, oilseed rape, cotton, peas, beans, rice, potatoes and stored grain. Besides, thiamethoxam has function as plant growth regulator, activates plant resistance proteins to make plant with robust stem and root, and grow better. Formulation types: thiamethoxam 98% tc, thiamethoxam 75% wdg, thiamethoxam 25% wdg, thiamethoxam 35% fs
Cas no: 87392-12-9 Mode of action: Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed mainly via emerging shoot and partly through root. Belong to chloracetamide herbicide, inhibits mitosis and cell division. Contain only the s-isomer(herbicidal active isomer) compared to metolachlor which have two isomers of r and s, so better efficacy can be get from application of s-metolachlor compared to metolachlor at same rate and content. Uses: Control of annual grassy weeds and certain small-seeded broadleaves on many crops like corn, soybean, cotton, potato, sorghum, oilseed rape, sunflowers, sugar beet, watermelon and so on. Can be used pre-plant, pre-emergence or early post-emergence. Post-emergence applications should be made before grasses exceed the 2 leaf stage. The product provides 4-6 weeks residual activity against newly emerging weeds. Seed treatment with herbicide safener fluxofenim can protect sorghum from injury by s-metolachlor based product. Formulation types: S-metolachlor 97% tc, S-metolachlor 96% ec
Grow Bags: "Coir pith grow bags are manufactured by blending Coir pith with adequate quantity of short Coir fiber. This is then compressed and packed loosely in a UV stabilized Black and White Polythene bag.Coir grow bags are used for vegetable and flower cultivation, and the focus is on providing the correct mixture of the substrate to suit each individual crop. The bags are ready to use as planting containers. Simply transplant plants into the Coir pith grow bags during the planting season. Grow Bag are available in purely 100% Coco-Peat and also in a mixture of Husk-Chips and Coir Fiber."
Open Top Bags: Open top bag contains bag & block. The size of the block is customized. For eg (18x18x4 cm, 20x20x5 cm )
Nitrogen - 46% 1) Bulk 2) 50Kg Packing 3) 1 ton packing
Product name: ethyleneurea Synonyms: 1, 3-ethylene-ure;1, 3-ethyleneurea;2-oxoimidazolidine;2-oxomidazolidine;ethylenurea;imidazolid-2-one;imidazoliden-2-one;imidazolidin-2-on Cas: 120-93-4 Mf: c3h6n2o Mw: 86.09 Einecs: 204-436-4 Uses used as a formaldehyde capture agent, to remove residual formaldehyde in 2d-resin, kb resin, urea formaldehyde resin, melamine formaldehyde resin finishing fabric. The product is also used as a fine chemical intermediates for the manufacture of resins, plasticizers, painting, adhesives and so on. Use as a formaldehyde capture agent, fine chemicals intermediates, but also for resin and plasticizer, painting, adhesives, etc. Use for the synthesis of chiral microporous materials prepared from achiral precursors; for the preparation of aryl and heteroaryl n-acylureas by microwave-assisted palladium-catalyzed carbonylation reactions; for the synthesis of a human neutrophil- a highly water-soluble peptide of a cell-elastase inhibitor; formed by a cyanoacetylation reaction for the synthesis of an antibacterial heterocycle; for the pd-catalyzed reaction of a cn bond with a heteroaromatic tosylate; of the oxidative amidation reaction.
Urea N46 Fertilizer Urea N46% Prilled Granular Specifications: Nitrogen : 46% Min Biuret : 1.0%max Moisture : 0.5%max Particle Size : 0.85~2.80mm 90%min Appearance : White, Free Flowing, Free From Harmful Substances And Foreign Matters.
We sell all grade urea fertilizer 46%, DAP
Cas no:71751-41-2 Mode of action: Insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action. Has limited plant systemic activity, but exhibits translaminar movement. Uses control of motile stages of mites, leaf miners, suckers, colorado beetles, etc. On ornamentals, cotton, citrus fruit, pome fruit, nut crops, vegetables, potatoes, and other crops. Application rates are 5.6 to 28 g/ha for mite control, 11 to 22 g/ha for control of leaf miners. Also used for control of fire ants. Uses: Abamectin is used to control insect and mite pests of a range of agronomic, fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops, and it is used by homeowners for control of fire ants. Abamectin is also used as a veterinary antihelmintic. Resistance to abamectin based antihelmintics, although a growing problem, is not as common as to other classes of veterinary antihelmintics. Formulation types Abamectin 1.8%ec Abamectin 1.8%ew Abamectin 3.6%ec Abamectin 5%wp Abamectin 5%wdg Abamectin 5.4%ec
Cas no: 131860-33-8 Mode of action: Systemic broad-spectrum fungicide, with preventative, curative and translaminar properties and lasting residual activity. It can inhibit the mycelial growth and spore germination, thus block the energy production. As it is particularly effective at the early stages of fungal development, so it is an excellent preventative fungicide. Uses: Azoxystrobin is active against ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, deuteromycetes and oomycetes. Control of leaf spots, powdery mildew, rusts and mold over more than 100 crops including cereals, vegetables, fruites, ornamentals and some field crops. For example, mango anthracnose, cucumber downy mildew, rose powdery mildew, citrus scab and so on. Do not use azoxystrobin on apple cultivars with a genetic background which includes macintosh as they are extremely sensitive to azoxystron and may cause phytotoxicity if used. And as it belongs to strobilurin fungicide and this family have only one, specific biochemical site, it may result in fungicide-resistant strain. So it is suggested that azoxystrobin tank mixed with other kind of fungicide or used acrossly. Formulation types: azoxystrobin 99% tc, azoxystrobin 70% wdg, azoxystrobin 50% wdg, azoxystrobin 25% sc
CAS No: 70630-17-0 Mode of action: Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action, absorbed through the leaves, stems, and roots Uses: To control diseases caused by air-borne and soil-borne Peronosporales on a wide range of temperate, subtropical and tropical crops. Foliar sprays with mixtures of metalaxyl-M and protectant fungicides are recommended to control air-borne diseases caused by Pseudoperonospora humuli on hops, Phytophthora infestans on potatoes and tomatoes, Peronospora tabacina on tobacco, Plasmopara viticola on vines, downy mildews of vegetables, and Bremia lactucae on lettuce. Formulation types: Metalaxyl-M 90% TC, Metalaxyl-M 25% EC.
CAS No: 105512-06-9 Mode of action: Post-emergence, systemic grass herbicide. Phytotoxic symptoms appear within 1-3 weeks, affecting meristematic tissue. Uses: Used for post-emergence control of annual grasses, including Avena, Lolium, Setaria, Phalaris and Alopecurus, in cereals. Formulation types: Clodinafop-Propargyl 96% TC, Clodinafop-Propargyl 15% WP, Clodinafop-Propargyl 8% EC, Clodinafop-Propargyl 24% EC
Cas no: 148477-71-8 Mode of action: Contact insecticides. It mainly stops the fat synthesis of mites, blocking mites energy metabolism. It is effective on each growth stage of mites, including the eggs. Uses: Spirodiclofen is a broad spectrum acaricide which can be used to orange, grape, eggplant, pimiento, and tomato, specially against to all the spider. Control of mite pests such as panonychus spp., phyllocoptruta spp., brevipalpus spp., and aculus and tetranychus species, at 50-200 g/1000 l. For use in citrus, pome fruit, stone fruit, grapes and nuts. Formulation types: Spirodiclofen 98%tc, Spirodiclofen 240g/l sc.
Cas no: 120068-37-3 Mode of action: Broad-spectrum insecticide active by contact and ingestion. It disrupts the insect central nervous system by interfering with the gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) - regulated chlorine channel. It is systemic in plants. Uses: Fipronil can be used as seed treatment at the time of planting to control soil pests, be applied in-furrow or as narrow band. It requires thorough incorporation into soil. Granular formulation can be used in broadcast applications to paddy rice. As a foliar treatment, fipronil has both preventative and curative activity. Control of multiple species of thrips on a broad range of crops. Control of corn rootworm, wireworms and termites by soil treatment in maize. Control of boll weevil and plant bugs on cotton, diamond-back moth on crucifers, colorado potato beetle on potatoes by foliar application. Control of stem borers, leaf miners, planthoppers, leaf folder or rollers and weevils in rice. Foliar application rates is about 200g a.I./ha Fipronil 0.05% bait gel as cockroach-killer in interior environment: apply 0.5-1g/m2 product directly in the pest sites of cracks or corner of the wall and ground. Formulation types: Fipronil 95-99% tc, Fipronil 80% wdg, Fipronil 250/200/100/50g/l sc, Fipronil 0.05% gel(10g/tube, 30g/tube).
Cas no: 173584-44-6 Mode of action: Non-systemic insecticide with stomach poison and contact toxicity. It acts by blocking the sodium channels in nerve cells and keeps larvicidal and ovicidal effect. As the mode of action of indoxacard is special, so it can control pests resistant to existing insecticides and is safe to the predatory mites and beneficial. Uses: Control of insects in their larvae stage like budworm, bollworm, leafroller, beet armyworm, moth on many crops like cruciferous vegetables, fruit trees, rice, cotton, maize, horticultural crops and so on. It is very effective against cotton bollworm and cabbage looper larvae, etc. Besides, indoxacarb can be used as a public health insecticide against cockroach, red fireants and indoor ants. Formulation types: Indoxacarb 95% tc, Indoxacarb 30% wdg, Indoxacarb 150g/l sc, Indoxacarb 150g/l ec
CAS No: 35554-44-0 Mode of actionï¼? Systemic fungicide, with protective and curative action. Usesï¼? Control of a wide range of fungal diseases on fruit, vegetables, and ornamentals, e.g. powdery mildews on cucurbits and ornamentals; powdery mildew on roses; storage diseases (particularly Penicillium, Gloeosporium, Phomopsis, Phoma spp., etc.) of citrus fruit, pome fruit, bananas, and seed potatoes. Also used as a seed dressing, for control of diseases (particularly Fusarium and Helminthosporium spp.) of cereals. It is particularly active against benzimidazole-resistant strains of plant-pathogenic fungi. Formulation types: Imazalil 97% TC, Imazalil 50% EC, Imazalil 75% SP
CAS No: 20427-59-2 Mode of action: Its bactericidal effect mainly by copper ions, copper ions are absorbed spore germination, when it reaches a certain concentration, can kill spore cells, which play a bactericidal effect, but this effect is limited to prevent spore germination, that is the only protection effect. Uses: Used as broad spectrum foliar fungicide on fruits, vegetables and ornamentals. It has been cleared for use on alfalfa, almonds, apricots, beans, blackberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower, cantaloupes, honeydews, muskmelons, carrots, celery, cherry, cranberry, cucumbers, currants, gooseberry, grapes, filberts, peaches, nectarines, peanuts, pears, peas, peppers, potatoes, pumpkin, squash, strawberries, apples, eggplant, hops, lettuce, onion, sugar beets, sycamore, tomatoes, walnut, watermelon, wheat, and barley. For control of Peronosporaceae in vines, hops, and brassicas; Alternaria and Phytophthora in potatoes; Septoria in celery; and Septoria, Leptosphaeria, and Mycosphaerella in cereals, at 2-4 kg/ha or 300-400 g/100 l. Formulation types: Copper hydroxide 88% TC, Copper hydroxide 77% WP.
Cas no: 107534-96-3 Mode of action: Systemic fungicide, with preventative and curative activity. As an inhibitor of sterol synthesis, tebuconazole can be rapidly absorbed and translocated acropetally into the vegetative parts of plants. Uses: For foliar and seed treatment, it controls of a variety of diseases such as leaf spot on banana and peanut; powdery mildew on cucumber, wheat; smut, bunt, seed rot and seedling blight on barley, oats, wheat, rice and sorghum; scab, rot on apple and pear tree. Formulation types: Tebuconazole 97% tc, Tebuconazole 80% wp, Tebuconazole 430g/l sc, Tebuconazole 250g/l ew, Tebuconazole 60g/l fs
CAS No: 99607-70-2 Uses: Used as a herbicide safener in combination with clodinafop-propargyl for selective control of annual grasses (Alopecurus myosuroides, Avena spp., Lolium spp., Phalaris spp., Poa trivialis, Setaria spp.) in small grain cereals. Formulation types: Cloquintocet-mexyl 97%TC
Using fertilizer products, pesticides, and seeds is crucial in agriculture as quality input produces quality output, supports sustainable farming, and meets the ever-growing demand for quality food. This is because as the world looks for new and improved ways to boost agricultural production, farmers need to get their hands on good fertilizer manufacturers and pesticide suppliers for fertilizer products to continue growing quality produce. At go4WorldBusiness.com, we assist buyers in getting in touch with verified agrochemical manufacturers and seed suppliers and help them get the right fertilizer products they require for their farming needs.
Let’s look at some of the different types of fertilizer products that are used in agriculture to promote crop growth and improve soil conditions:
Using high-quality agrochemicals provides several advantages:
It has never been easier for businesses to search for agrochemical manufacturers and seed suppliers. Here’s why buyers and sellers trust go4WorldBusiness.com:
Take your farm to the next level by acquiring good quality fertilizer products, pesticides, and seeds and connect with reliable and trusted wholesale fertilizer suppliers only on go4WorldBusiness.com. Go through various available fertilizer products, compare them to find out which products suit your agricultural needs, and access the contact details of verified sellers.