Plantozyme is a bio stimulant manufactured by fermentation and blending process of Biomass and Herbs. It is biologically derived protein hydrolysate containing plant growth promoting substances microbes, Amino acids, enzyme precursors, activated micronutrients and energy stimulants. Plantozyme is flower dropping controller and growth regulator, Plantozyme is a biochemical developed to meet all the nutritional requirements of plants to ensure complete utilization of nutrients of improved growth, higher flowering, controlled flower dropping and crop tolerance to stress adverse seasonal conditions, pests and diseases. Plantozyme is recommended for cotton, chillies, paddy, grapes, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, sugarcane, citrus and other horticultural crops, vegetables, flower crops and plantation crops.
Plantozyme -Biostimulant Liquid
Biocontrol Organism: Amino Acids, Carbohydraes and Microbes
Prescription: Flower dropping controller and growth regulator
Crop: cotton, chillies, paddy, grapes, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, sugarcane, citrus and other horticultural crops, vegetables, flower crops and plantation crops
Application Method: Spray or through irrigation system
Packing : 100m
Gromax a group of prokaryotic, photosynthetic microbes variously named as Myxophyceane, Cyanophyceae and Cyanobacteria. During the course of evolution, some of these organisms have continued to retain the primitive character of utilizing molecular nitrogen from air at the expense of solar energy. This process is known as Nitrogen fixation.
Gromax - Biofertiliser
Biocontrol Organism : Prokaryotic, Photosynthetic microbes such as Myxophyceane, Cyanophyceae and Cyanobacteria.
Prescription : Nitrogen fixation alternate for UREA, Ideal for wet lands
Application Method: Sprinkle by hand
Packing : 5 kg Trilaminated Foil bags
Gromax is an effective alternative for the high-cost and atmosphere polluting nitrogen fertilisers, inspite of heavy subsidy, and the widening gap between supply and demand makes imperative to use this input. Cyanobacterium increases the soilmicroflora to accelerate the process of mineralisation of gaseous nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus present in the soil. Gromax improves disease resistance in the crops simultaneously increasing the yield considerably. It gives excellent results on wetlands for paddy, sugarcane and wheat cultivation.
It gives extra tillering and equal growth in paddy, sugarcane, wheat, cotton, chillies, grapes, vegetables, mango, citrus and Bengal gram, Gromax is a soil application, which can give Nitrogen, Phosphate, potash, calcium and other nutrients to crops.
Vamplus (Organic Fungicide Powder)
Vamplus is a bio-fungicide produced through fermentation of Blomass of sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta, Vamplus is an effective protection fom fungai and viral infection of crops. Vamplus is an effective solution for the prevention and cure of Rust, Blight, rot, Spot, Damping off, Anthracnose and Pythium on paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Grapes, Vegetables, Chillies, Plantation, Pulses, Flower and Ornamental crops.
Vamplus - Myco-Fungicide
Biocontrol Agent: Sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta
Target Pathogen / Disease : Fungai and Viral infection of crops. Cure of Rust, Blight, rot, Spot, Damping Off, anthracnose and Pythium
Crops : Paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Grapes, Vegetables, Chillies, Plantation, Pulses, Flower and Ornamental crops.
Formulation : Powder
Application:Mix 2.5Gm to 5Gm Vamplus Powder in 1 liter of water and spray over plants / trees
Packing: 100gm, 250gm, 500gm and 1000gm.
Worms is a bio-fungicide produced through fermentation of Blomass of sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta, Worms is an effective protection fom fungai and viral infection of crops. Worms is an effective solution for the prevention and cure of Rust, Blight, rot, Spot, Damping off, Anthracnose and Pythium on paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Grapes, Vegetables, Chillies, Plantation, Pulses, Flower and Ornamental crops.
Worms - Myco-Fungicide
Biocontrol Agent: Sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta
Target Pathogen / Disease : Fungai and Viral infection of crops. Cure of Rust, Blight, rot, Spot, Damping Off, anthracnose and Pythium
Crops : Paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Grapes, Vegetables, Chillies, Plantation, Pulses, Flower and Ornamental crops.
Formulation : Liquid
Application:Mix 5ml to 10 ml Worms Liquid in water and spray over plants / trees
Packing: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1000 ml HDPE bottle
Ecomite is a excellent Bio-Acaricide/Bio-Miticide made from herbal extracts. Ecomite is used to control sucking insects like aphides, jassid and mites on Cotton, Chillies, Vegetables, Tea, Grapes and Fruit crops.
Ecomite – Bio – Acaricide
Biocontrol Agent: Custard Apple Seeds
Target Pathogen / Disease : Aphides, jassid and mites Crops: Paddy, Cotton, Chillies, Red gram, Groundnut, Bengal gram, Vegetables and other Orchid crops.
Crops:Paddy, Cotton, Chillies, Red gram, Groundnut, Bengal gram, Vegetables and other Orchid crops.
Formulation: Liquid
Application: Mix 2.5 ml to 5 ml Ecomite in 1 liter of water and spray over plants / trees
Packing : 250ml, 500ml, and 1000 ml pet bottle.
Ecotox is a Bio-Pesticide made from fermented biomass of Strychna seeds and Neem seeds. Ecotox is an effective remedy against Bollworms, leaf roller and leafhoppers on paddy, cotton, chillies, Red gram, groundnut, Bengal gram, vegetables and other orchid crops. Ecotox is non-toxic and non hazardous to bees and other natural enemies of pests.
BIOTOX(WSL) – Bio pesticide Biocontrol Agent : Strychna seeds and Neem seeds Target Pathogen / Disease : Bollworms, leaf roller and leafhoppers Crops: Paddy, Cotton, Chillies, Red gram, Groundnut, Bengal gram, Vegetables and other Orchid crops. Formulation: Liquid Application : Spray system Packing : 250 ml, 500ml, and 100 ml pet bottle Ecotox (WSL) – Bio pesticide
Biocontrol Agent: Strychna seeds and Neem seeds
Target Pathogen / Disease : Bollworms, leaf roller and leafhoppers
Crops:Paddy, Cotton, Chillies, Red gram, Groundnut, Bengal gram, Vegetables and other Orchid crops. Formulation: Liquid
Application: 1 ML/ 1 Liter of water.
Packing : 100ml.
Ecomycine is an antibiotic feed supplement for Agri culture. Natural shield against pathogens. Ecomycine a well researched, non-chemical product with the goodness of nature’s antifungal and antibiotic properties to combat effectively against the wide range of gram +ve and gram -ve bacteria and fungi common in Aquatic eco systems. Ecomycine is made from fermented concentrates of Pongamia Pinnata and sacred Basil, it protects and prevents diseases in the natural way, it comes in powder form as fed supplement for fish and shrimp.
Ecomycine Antibiotic Powder for Agri
Biocontrol Agent:Pongamia Pinnata and sacred Basil
Target Pathogen / Disease :Gra +ve & Gram -ve bacteria & Fungi
Formulation Powder
Application: 50g/acre
Orgozem is a biofertiliser made from fermented biomass concentrates consisting of Herbal extracts and compounds with Ash as the medium of carrier. It is the best alternative for complex chemical fertilisers (NPK), wherein farmers can save upto 40% on fertilisers and gain 25% additional yield. Orgozem can be used on Paddy, cotton, grapes, vegetables, sugarcane, turmeric crops in addition to all flower and fruit crops. This product has excellent results in wet & dry land farming as well. The bio technological aspect of ORGAN makes it non-hazardous for animals as well as environment. Orgozem improves the percentage of Organic Carbon and soil fertility.
ORGAN – Biofertiliser
Biocontrol Organism: Biomass Concentrated and Fermented
Prescription : Provides Natural N P K Ideal for Dry and wet lands
Formulation: Oil Cake & Sugar Mud
Application Method: 50 kgs / Acre, sprinkle by hand
Packing : 50 kg HDPE bags
Maxstim is a bio stimulant manufactured by fermentation and blending process of Biomass and Herbs. It is biologically derived protein hydrolysate containing plant growth promoting substances microbes, Amino acids, enzyme precursors, activated micronutrients and energy stimulants. Maxstim is flower dropping controller and growth regulator, Maxstim is a biochemical developed to meet all the nutritional requirements of plants to ensure complete utilization of nutrients of improved growth, higher flowering, controlled flower dropping and crop tolerance to stress adverse seasonal conditions, pests and diseases. Maxstim is recommended for cotton, chillies, paddy, grapes, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, sugarcane, citrus and other horticultural crops, vegetables, flower crops and plantation crops.
Maxstim –S.P. Powder
Prescription : Flower dropping controller and growth regulator
Crop: cotton, chillies, paddy, grapes, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, sugarcane, citrus and other horticultural crops, vegetables, flower crops and plantation crops.
Formulation: Powder
Application Method: Foliar Spray
Packing : 150/acre
Wamp is a specially researched fungicide and growth regulator for mango farmers.
Wamp - Myco-Fungicide & Growth Regulator
Biocontrol Agent: Sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta
Target Pathogen / Disease : Fungai and mildew.
Crops : Special Researched fungicide for mango crop.
Formulation : Powder
Application: 1 gr/1litre of Water
Common name: Tralkoxydim
Chemical name(IUPAC): 2-[1-(ethoxyimino)propyl]-3-hydroxy-5-mesitylcyclohex-2-enone
Molecular formula: C20H27NO3
Molecular weight: 329.4
Physical chemistry: Form Slight white powder,M.p.106(tech.,99-104)V.p 3.7¨¬¡§|10-4mpa(20) S.g./density 1.16(25).Solubility In water 6(pH5), 6.7(Ph6.5), 9800(pH9).In hexane 18,methanol 25,acetone 89,ethyl acetate 110,toluene 213,dichloromethane>500(all in g/l,24).Stability Stable>12w(15-25),4w(50).DT50(25) 6d(Ph5) ,113d(Ph7);after 28d.87%unchanged(Ph9).
Use: Post-emergence control of Avena spp.and other grass weeds(including Lolium spp.,Setaria viridis,Phalaris spp.,Alopecurus myosuroides and Apera spica-venti)in wheat and barley.Applied at 150-400g/ha.
Physical chemistry:Form pale yellow solid,M.p 63-68&(tech), V.p.0.213mPa(25&). Solubility In water 142mg/l(25&) Soluble in common organic solvents, e.g.ketones, ester4s,alcohols and aromatic hydrocarbons,all 50-100g/l. Insoluble in aliphatic hydrocarbons. Stability Stable under normal storage conditions Aqueous solutions decompose on exposure to light.DT50 222d(sterile water),0.8d(sensitised sterile water),25d(pond water);no hydrolysis(28&)in 28d(Ph 5,7 and 9).
Use:Control of Ascomycetes.Fungi Imperfecti,and Basidiomycetes on a wide variety of crops.For example,used as a foliar treatment for control of scab and powdery mildew in apples and pears;powdery mildew,shot-hole,blossom blight,and rust in stone fruit; powdery mildew in vines and cucurbits;powdery mildew and rusts on ornamentals;rusts on perennial grasses grown for seed;and various diseases of wheat;as a seed treatment for control of seed-and soil-borne diseases in barley,maize,cotton,rice and wheat;and as a post-harvest drench or dip.
12.5% ,25% Myclobutanil EC:200L/ Iron drum, 97% Myclobutanil TECH:25Kg/Fiber drum.
Common name: Metalaxyl
Chemical name: Methyl N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-N-(methoxyacetyl)-DL-alaninate
Molecular formula: C15H21NO4
Molecular weight: 279.3.
Physical chemistry: Form similar white crystals.M.p Tech 63.5-72.3,S.g./density 1.20(20). V.p0.75mPa(25),Solubility In water 8.4g/l(22).In ethanol 400,acetone 450,toluene 340,n-hexane 11,n-octanol 68(all in g/l,25).Stability stable up to 300. Stable in neutral and acidic media at room temperature;on hydrolysis DT50(calc.)(20) >200d(Ph1),115d(Ph9),12d(Ph10).
Use:To control diseases caused by air-and soil borne Peronosporales on a wide range of temperate,subtropical and tropical crops.Foliar sprays with mixtures of metalaxyl and protectant fungigides are recommended to control air-borne diseases caused by Pseudoperonospora humuli on hops,phytophthora infestats on potatoes and tomatoes, peronospora tabacina on tobacco,Plasmopara viticola on vines,Bremia lactucae on lettuce and downy mildews on various vegetable,at 200-300g/ha.Soil applications of metalaxyl alone are used to control soil-borne pathogens causing root and lower stem rots on avocado and citrus,at 500-1500g/ha,Seed treatments control systemic Peronosporaceae on, maize peas,sorghum and sunflowers,as well as damping-off(Pythium spp.)of various crops.
Common name: difenoconazole
Chemical name: Cis-trans-3-chloro-4-[4-methyl-2,(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)1-,3-dioxolan-2-yl]phenyl 4-chlorophenyl ether
Molecular formula: C19H17C12N3O3
Molecular weight: 406.3
Physical chemistry:Form pale yellow crystals. S.g./density 1.40(20) M.p.78.6 V.p.3.3¡¨¢10-5mPa(25) Solubility In water 15mg/l(25).In ethanol 330, acetone 610, toluene 490 n-hexane3.4, n-octanol 95(all in g/l,25).Stability stable up to 150. Hydrolytically stable.
Use: Systemic fungicide with a novel broad-rang activity protecting the yield and crop qulaity by foliar application or seed treatment.Provides long-lasting preventive and curative activity aganist Ascomycetes. Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes. including Alternaria,Ascochyta.Cercospora, Cercosporidium, Colletotrichum. Guignardia, Mycosphaerella, Phoma,Rhizoctonia.Ramularia, Septoria,Uncinula,Venturia spp., Erysiphaceae, Uredinales and several seed-borne pathogens.Used against disease complexes in grapes.pome fruit,stone sugar beet, banana,oilseed rape cereals,rice,soya beans.ornamentals and various vegetable crops, at 30-125g/ha. Used as a seed treatmetn against a range of pathogens in wheat and barley,at 3-24g/100kg see.d
25% EC:200L/ Iron drum, 10% WDG,96%TC:25Kg/Fiber drum.
Name Propamocarb hydrochloride
Synonyms Propyl [3-(dimethylamino)propyl]carbamate hydrochloride
Molecular Formula C9H20N2O2.HCl
Molecular Weight 224.73
Use: Specific control of Phycomycetes. As a foliar spray, at 0.5-2.2 kg/ha against Phytophthora infestans on tomatoes and potatoes, at 1.1-2.2 kg/ha against Bremia lactucae on lettuce, at 0.75-3.6 kg/ha against Peronospora spp. on cabbages, and at 7-11 kg/ha against Pythium aphanidermatum on turf; as a foliar spray or by drip irrigation, at 1.1-2.7 kg/ha against Pythium spp. and Phytophthora spp. on ornamentals, and at 0.7-3.6 kg/ha against Pythium spp. and Phytophthora spp. on fruiting vegetables (cucurbits, tomatoes, peppers, ect); and as a drench, at 22-43 kg/ha against Pythium spp. and Phytophthora spp. on vegetable seedbeds.
Chemical name: 2-Chrolo-trifluoro-p-totyl-3-ethoxy-4-nitrophenyl ethyl
Molecular formula: C15H11CIF3NO4
Molecular Weight: 361.7
Physical chemistry: Form slight yellow powder, S.g./density 1.35(73¡æ), M.p.85-90¡æ; (tech,.65-84¡æ) V.p.(pure a.i)0.0267 mPa(25¡æ). Solubility In water 0.116mg/l(25¡æ). Readily soluble in most organi solvents,e.g.acetone 72.5,cyclohexanone,isophorone 61.5,dimethylformamide>50,chloroform 50-55,mesityl oxide 40-50(all in g/100g,25¡æ), Decomposed rapidly by u.v.Irradiation.Control of annual
used on broad-leaved weeds and grasses in a variety of tropical and subtropical crops,by pre- or post-emergence application at rates in the range0.25-2.0kg a.i./ha.Particular crops include tree fruit(including citrus), vines, nuts, cereals, maize, soya beans, peanuts, rice,cotton,bananas,peppermint,onions,garlic,ornamental trees and shrubs,and conifer seedbeds.When it is used in the field of fruit it can be mixed with Glyphosate to strengthen the efficiency
Chemical name: 2-Chrolo-|¨¢,|¨¢,|¨¢-trifluoro-p-totyl-3-ethoxy-4-nitrophenyl ethyl
Molecular formula: C15H11CIF3NO4
Molecular Weight: 361.7.
Physical chemistry: Form slight yellow powder, S.g./density 1.35(73), M.p.85-90; (tech,.65-84) V.p.(pure a.i)0.0267 mPa(25). Solubility In water 0.116mg/l(25). Readily soluble in most organi solvents,e.g.acetone 72.5,cyclohexanone,isophorone 61.5,dimethylformamide>50,chloroform 50-55,mesityl oxide 40-50(all in g/100g,25), Decomposed rapidly by u.v.Irradiation.
Use: Control of annual broad-leaved weeds and grasses in a variety of tropical and subtropical crops,by pre- or post-emergence application at rates in the range0.25-2.0kg a.i./ha.Particular crops include tree fruit(including citrus), vines, nuts, cereals, maize, soya beans, peanuts, rice,cotton,bananas,peppermint,onions,garlic,ornamental trees and shrubs,and conifer seedbeds.When it is used in the field of fruit it can be mixed with Glyphosate to strengthen the efficiency.
Common name: Bromacil
Chemical name: 5-bromo-3-sec-butyl-6-methyluracil(l)
Molecular formula: C9H13BrN2O2
Molecular weight: 261.1
Physical chemistry: Form similar white crystals. M.p. 157.5-160. V.p.4.1¨¢10-2mPa(25) M.p.157.5-160. Solubility In water 807(Ph5),700(Ph 7),1287(Ph9)(all in mg/l 25).In ethanol 134,acetone 167,acetonitrile 71,xylene32.3%,aqueous sodium hydroxide 88(all in g/l,25). Stability Thermally stable up to the melting point.Stable in aqueous bases.Slowly decomposed by concentrated acids.
Use Totel weed and brush control on non-crop land at 5-15kg a.i./ha.Also for selective control of annual and perennial weeds and grasses in citrus and pineapple plantations at rates in the range 1.5-8kg/ha.
Common Name: Tebuthiuron
Chemical Name: N-[5-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl]-N,N'-dimethylurea
Molecular Formula: C9H16N4OS
Molecular Weight: 228.3
Physical Chemistry:
Form Colourless, odourless solid. M.p. 162.85. B.p. decomp.c.275. V.p. 0.04mPa(25, gas saturation method). Kow logP=1.82(20). Henry 3.0¨¢10-5 Pa m3mol-1(calc.). Solubility in water 2.57g/l(20). In benzene 3.7, hexane 6.1, 2-methoxyethanol 60, acetonitrile 60, acetone 70, methanol 170, chloroform 250(all in g/l, 25). Stability Stable at 52(highest storage temperature tested). Stable in aqueous media between pH 5 and 9. On hydrolysis, DT50(25)>64d (pH 3, 6 and 9).
Broad-spectrum herbicide for control of herbaceous and woody plants (0.6-4.5kg/ha), annual weeds (1.3-4.5kg/ha), many perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds (2.2-6.8kg/ha). Uses include total control of vegetation in non-crop areas, undesirable woody plants in pastrues and rangeland, and grass and broad-leaved weeds in sugar cane.
Common name: Benalaxyl
Chemical name: N-(phenylacety)-N--(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-DL-alanine methyl ester
Molecular formula: C20H23NO3
Molecular eight: 325.4.
Physical chemistry:Form similar white crystals,M.p.78-80,V.p.0.66mPa(25). S.g./density: .181(20).Solubility:In water 28.6mg/l(20).In acetone,methanol,ethyl 1,2-dichloroethane acetate,and xylene>250,n-heptane<20(all in g/kg,22),Stability Hydrolysed in concentrated alkaline media,Stable in aqueous solutins at Ph 4-9.DT50 86d(Ph 9,25).Thermally stable up to 250under nitrogen,Stable to sunlight in aqueous solution.
Use:Control of Oomycetes,parrticularly fungi of the family Peronosporaceae,Phytophthora, plasmopara, Pseudoperonospora, Sclerospora, Bremia, and Pythium spp.Particular used include control of late blights of potatoes and tomatoes;downy mildews of hops,vines,lettuce,onions.soya beans,tobacco,and other crops;diseases caused by phytophthora strawberries;many diseases of flowers and ornamentals;and pythium spp.on turf.Ofen used in combination with other fungicides.Applied at 100-240g/ha.
Common name: lmazalil
Chemical name: 1-[2,(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(2-propenyloxy)ethyl]-1H-imidazole
Molecular formula: C14H14CI2N2O
Molecular weight: 297.2
Physical chemistry:Form Slightly yellow to brown crystalline mass.M.p.52.7 B.p.>340 V.P.0.158mPa. S.g./density 1.348g/ml(26).Solubility In water 0.18g/l(Ph7.6 20).In acetone dichloromethane, ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, xylene, toluene.benzene>500,hexane 19(all in g/l, 20).Also soluble in heptane and petroleum ether.
Use: Control of a wide range of fungal diseases on fruit,vegetables,and ornamentals. e.g.powdery mildews on cucurbits and ornamentals;powdery mildew on roses;storage diseases(particularly Penicillum,Gloeosporium,Phomopsis,Phoma spp.,etc)of citrus frut,pome fruit,bananas,and seed potatos.Also used as a seed dressing,for control of diseases(particularly Fusarium and Helminthosporium spp.)of cereals.It is particularly active against benzimidazole-resistant strains of plant-pathogenic fungi.Typical use rate are:for seed treatment 4-5g a.i./100kg seed;for ornamentals and vegetables 5-30g/hl;and for post-havest treatment 2-4g/t fruit.
50% EC:200L/ Iron drum, 75% SP,97% TECH:25Kg/Fiber drum.
Chemical 2,4-D
Structure Formula
Common Name 2,4-D (BSI, E-ISO, (m) F-ISO, WSSA); 2,4-PA (JMAF)
CAS No. 94-75-7
CAS Name (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid
Molecular Formula C8H6Cl2O3
Agrochemical Type Herbicide,phenoxycarboxylic acids
Mode of Action Selective systemic herbicide. Salts are readily absorbed by the roots, whilst esters are readily absorbed by the foliage. Translocation occurs, with accumulation principally at the meristematic regions of shoots and roots. Acts as a growth inhibitor.
Characteristics and Uses Post-emergence control of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds in cereals, maize, sorghum, grassland, established turf, grass seed crops, orchards (pome fruit and stone fruit), cranberries, asparagus, sugar cane, rice, forestry, and on non-crop land (including areas adjacent to water), at 0.28-2.3 kg/ha. Control of broad-leaved aquatic weeds. The isopropyl ester can also be used as a plant growth regulator to prevent premature fruit fall in citrus fruit.
2,4-D 98% TC
Items Standards
Appearance White loose powder, free from visible extraneous matter
Content of a.i. 98 %
Loss on drying 1.5%
Triethanolamine insolubles 0.5%
Free phenol(as 2,4-dichlorophenol) 0.3%
2,4-D 72% SL
Appearance Brown transparent liquid free from visible extraneous material.
Content of a.i. 720g/L
Free phenol 0.3%
pH 7.0~9.0
Persistent foam(1 min) 60ml
Solution stability
(as 5% aqueous solution)
No color change;
Sediment maxium: trace;
Solid particles: pass throug 45m sieve.
Stability at 0 The volume of solid and/or liquid which separates shall not be more than 0.3 ml.
2,4-D 860g/LSL
Appearance Brown transparent liquid free from visible extraneous material.
Content of a.i. 860g/L
Free phenol 0.3%
pH 7.0~9.0
Persistent foam(1 min) 60ml
Solution stability
(as 5% aqueous solution)
No color change;
Sediment maxium: trace;
Solid particles: pass throug 45m sieve.
Stability at 0 The volume of solid and/or liquid which separates shall not be more than 0.3 ml.
2,4-D 340 g/L+Dicamba 120 g/L SL
Appearance Brown transparent liquid free from visible extraneous material.
Content of 2,4-D 340g/L
Content of Dicamba 120 g/L
pH 7.0~9.0
Persistent foam(1 min) 60ml
Solution stability
(as 5% aqueous solution)
No color change;
Sediment maxium: trace;
Solid particles: pass throug 45m sieve.
Stability at 0 The volume of solid and/or liquid which separates shall not be more than 0.3 ml.
1L bottle, 250mL bottle, 500mL bottle,200L barrel.
25kg bags, etc.
Urea serves an important role in the metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds by animals and is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals. Urea is solid, colorless, and odorless (although the ammonia that it gives off in the presence of water, including water vapor in the air, has a strong odor). Urea is highly soluble in water and practically non-toxic (LD50 is 15 g/kg for rat). Dissolved in water, it is neither acidic nor alkaline. The body uses Urea in many processes, the most notable one being nitrogen excretion. Urea is widely used in fertilizers as a convenient source of nitrogen. Urea is also an important raw material for the chemical industry.
Specification: Item
Prilled Urea
Granular Urea
Appearance : White free flowing
White granular
Usage :
0.85-2.80mm: 90%min
46.0% min
0.5% max
1.0% max
2.7-4.75mm: 90%min
46.0% min
0.5% max
1.0% max
In the past decade Urea has surpassed and nearly replaced ammonium nitrate as a nitrogen fertilizer. Urea is also widely used in the agricultural industry as an animal feed additive.
Urea fertilizer can be coated with certain materials, such as sulfur, to reduce the rate at which the nitrogen becomes available to plants. Under certain conditions these slow-release materials result in more efficient use by growing plants. Urea in a slow-release form is popular for use on golf courses, parks, and other special lawn situations.
Urea is neither combustible nor explosive. It can be stored safely with no loss of quality under normal circumstances. Small or fast-moving augers should not be used to move granular Urea.
Urea particles are generally soft and abrasion can break the granules. Belt conveyers should be used whenever possible.
Urea should not be stored with ammonium nitrate. These materials, when in contact, rapidly absorb water when the relative humidity is above 18%.
Packing and Storage:
20kg, 25kg, 50Kg PP woven bag with PE inner bag or composite plastic woven bag.1MT
(1000kg) or 1.1MT (1100kg) jumbo bag. Shrink-wrapped with pallet is available.
Kept in dry and place, avoid moisture, water, rain and fire, normal transportation.
Physical and chemical characteristic:this product is a greyish-black garlinky powder with specific gravity of 4.72.Affected by acid, it decomposes and releases severely toxic combustible phosphine gas.
Formulation:90% raw medicine, 80% powder, 60% powder, 20% powder.
Grain size(passing through 100mesh screen) 99.5.
Using fertilizer products, pesticides, and seeds is crucial in agriculture as quality input produces quality output, supports sustainable farming, and meets the ever-growing demand for quality food. This is because as the world looks for new and improved ways to boost agricultural production, farmers need to get their hands on good fertilizer manufacturers and pesticide suppliers for fertilizer products to continue growing quality produce. At, we assist buyers in getting in touch with verified agrochemical manufacturers and seed suppliers and help them get the right fertilizer products they require for their farming needs.
Types of Agriculture Fertilizers Manufacturers
Let’s look at some of the different types of fertilizer products that are used in agriculture to promote crop growth and improve soil conditions:
NPK Fertilizer: NPK Fertilizer is a balanced nutrient mix that can be used to provide most crops with all the necessary nutrients.
Urea 46 Fertilizer: Urea 46 Fertilizer is rich in nitrogen, promoting plant growth and making plants look greener.
Liquid Fertilizer: These are easy to apply and ensure that nutrients are distributed evenly across the farm in equal proportion.
Organomineral fertilizer: This is a combination of organic and mineral fertilizers that improves the soil's efficiency.
MAP Fertilizer (Monoammonium Phosphate): This product is mainly used in phosphorus-stunted soils since it contains high phosphorus.
Nitrogen Fertilizer: Nitrogen Fertilizer enhances crop yield by adding nitrogen to the soil.
Vermicompost Fertilizer: Vermicompost is a natural soil conditioning manure that enhances the soil structure.
Seaweed Extract Powder is a natural product containing several micro-nutrients that enhance plant growth and ensure plant health and disease resistance.
Features and Benefits of Agrochemical Manufacturers
Using high-quality agrochemicals provides several advantages:
Improved Efficiency: This will reduce manual effort while helping you make more advanced formulations to keep your crops weed and disease-free.
Faster Production: Increase crop yields within shorter timelines to match the ever-growing demand.
Minimized Waste: Ensure optimal use of resources, reducing excess application.
Why Choose
It has never been easier for businesses to search for agrochemical manufacturers and seed suppliers. Here’s why buyers and sellers trust
Verified Suppliers: ensures that you connect with verified and trusted fertilizer manufacturers and pesticide suppliers who are reliable and trustworthy.
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Take your farm to the next level by acquiring good quality fertilizer products, pesticides, and seeds and connect with reliable and trusted wholesale fertilizer suppliers only on Go through various available fertilizer products, compare them to find out which products suit your agricultural needs, and access the contact details of verified sellers.