Cow and sheep hides, skins, rabbir hides.
Raw cowhides and finshed cowhides.
Hides an skins.
Animal skins: moose, elk, widboar, beaver.
Wet blue and pickled sheep skins.
Wet salted cattle head pieces, wet salted hides and skins from cows, wet salted skins from cow heads.
Cow Hide.
Feathers and downs.
Wet Salted Cow Skin.
Raw salted cow hides.
Kudu horns.
Raw skins and hides (cow, bull, calfskin, lamb, head pieces).
Crushed Hoof And Horns.
Sheep skins, horns .
Cow skin.
Donkey skins.
Cow hides.
Cow head skin.
Sheep skins, leather, gotland sheep skins, nutria skins, fur, decorative skins.