We are Polish company who sells fresh, chilled chanterelles! A beautiful delicacy from nature's gifts! We only sell starting from a full car! All other nuances in the form of conversations with potential customers! We are open for discussions and successful cooperation! P.S. We also offer fresh frozen Strawberries and Raspberries, we also sell only in bulk!
Kellogg's Corn Flakes Cereal 400gr
Kellogg's Coco Pops Chocolate Toasted Rice 200gr
Yellow peas polished 1st grade
Yellow corn food
Yellow corn feed for animals
Whole yellow peas polished
Pearl barley (double polished)
Yellow millet
Glassiness - 80-85% Protein - 16% Gluten - 27% Trash - 0,5-1% Moisture - 10,5%
Millet gluten free Ukraine origin
Wheat (food grade, for human) origin Ukraine high protein protein not less 13% clean in pp bags 25/50/1000 kg
Sunflower seeds for making oil origin Ukraine high fat content 55,7 % Humidity % not more 6.5 Oil admixture% not more 7.0 Trash admixture % not more 2.8 Mass fraction of oil in terms of dry matter % no less than 55.91 Acid number of oil mg KOH/g % not more 2.51 packed in pp bags 25/50/1000 kg
Rape seeds origin Ukraine In bulk /25/50 kg