Kalamata Gold, extra virgin olive oil of superior quality, obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical methods. It is distinguished for its excellent quality, rich aroma and spicy taste. Acidity < 0,5%.; Packing 1 or 5 L metallic cans;
Kalamata Gold, extra virgin olive oil of superior quality, obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical methods. It is distinguished for its excellent quality, rich aroma and spicy taste. Acidity < 0,5%.
Sicilia Fredda is a supplier of cooking oils. We can provide:
This cooking pomace olive oil is the pomace oil that comes from our top extra virgin oil oil Stephanos. It is available in 1lt and 5lt.
Belfritto is a great cooking oil specially designed for frying. Available in 1lt and 10 lt.
We are Official and Exclusive Distributor of French brand of oil: Huilerie Croix Verte.
We are looking for buyers all over the world and we could grant you Exlusivity base on the products and purchase volumes.
Fig seed oil consists of jointly omega 3,6,9 fatty acids and totally it is about %87 meanwhile with approximately 404 milgram vitamin E, it takes on a task for cell renewal. The usage is available by applying and drinking. It supplies cell renewal on the applying part. When it is drunk such high values have been taken into body.
Product Description :Produced by means of mechanical operation using the method of the first cold pressing
This dietary delicious oil is made by special vitamins saving technology of the seeds of amaranth.
In the production of amaranth oil by the cold pressing method, alkali treatment and extraction method are not used, hexane fraction is not used, no chemical additives and dyes are used. Its molecules are kept “alive” and natural. The oils produced in this way are the most valuable for nutritional and medicinal properties, they retain all the necessary and useful elements and vitamins, which are very well perceived by alive cells.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
on request
Product origin :
Key Specifications/Special Features :
High-quality ecological edible oil
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
Packed in glass bottles 0.1L, 0.35L, 0.5L | MOQ 5000USD
Product Description :
Manufactured by means of mechanical operations using the method of the first cold pressing.
This unique delicacy vegetable oil is made according to the latest vitamin-preserving technology of cedar nut kernels.
Cedar nut oil is a unique natural product, having no analogues. Its synthesis is impossible.
Cedar nut oil has always been considered a delicacy. Its amazing taste and flavor will not leave you indifferent.
This gourmet and useful oil is used for dressing all sorts of salads, any vegetable dishes, soups and porridges, for cold and hot appetizers. It is also recommended to add to the rich dough to give a better taste.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
on request
Product origin :
Key Specifications/Special Features :
High-quality ecological edible oil
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
Packed in glass bottles 0.1L, 0.35L, 0.5L | MOQ 5000USD
Product Description :
Manufactured by means of mechanical operations using the method of the first cold pressing.
This wonderful and the most tasteful oil is produced with a use of the new vitamin preserving technology from pumpkin seed kernel.
Pumpkin seed oil is a wonderful dietetic product.
Pumpkin seed oil contains inexhaustible supplies of vital energy for human life. Due to its healing properties pumpkin seed oil is called “mini pharmacy” among the people.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
on request
Product origin :
Key Specifications/Special Features :
High-quality ecological edible oil
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
Packed in glass bottles 0.1L, 0.35L, 0.5L | MOQ 5000USD
Product Description :
This unique healing vegetable oil is made according to the latest vitamin-preserving technology of sea buckthorn berries gathered in the Carpathians.
Sea buckthorn oil has been known since ancient times and gained its fame due to its extraordinary healing properties. Unique properties of this oil are widely used in folk and in traditional medicine for treatment and prevention of a number of diseases.
Sea buckthorn oil has been successfully used in cooking. Pastries with the addition of sea buckthorn oil get nice golden colour and fine aroma. Added to salads, it gives a new unexpected taste and spicy flavor. Fish and meat seasoned with sea buckthorn oil has always been the favorite meal of Siberians, who were famous for their health and longevity.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
on request
Product origin :
Key Specifications/Special Features :
High-quality ecological edible oil
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
Packed in glass bottles 0.1L, 0.35L, 0.5L | MOQ 5000USD
Product Description :
Produced by means of mechanical operation using the method of the first cold pressing
This delicate unique vegetable oil is produced according to special vitamin-preserving technology using Australian macadamia nut kernels.
In the process of macadamia nut oil production by cold pressing method the oil is not processed with alkali, extraction method is not applied, and no hexane fraction is used; no chemical additives or pigments are used. Its molecules are preserved alive and natural. The oils produced by such method are valued for their nutritional and therapeutic properties. They contain all necessary and useful elements and vitamins that are perfectly perceived by living cells.
Food that is cooked with the help of unrefined oils is not only very delicious but at the same time is very useful as it doesn’t cause obesity and vascular occlusion. Such food may even help to work off excess weight.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
on request
Product origin :
Key Specifications/Special Features :
High-quality ecological edible oil
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
Packed in glass bottles 0.1L, 0.35L, 0.5L | MOQ 5000USD
Product Description :
Manufactured by means of mechanical operations using the method of the first cold pressing.
This delicious dietary oil is made under a special vitamin-preserving technology of corn germs.
Corn germ oil is considered a dietary product and is perfect for baby food. This oil is very useful in terms of balance composition and this balance is created by nature itself.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
on request
Product origin :
Key Specifications/Special Features :
High-quality ecological edible oil
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
Packed in glass bottles 0.1L, 0.35L, 0.5L | MOQ 5000USD
Product Description :
Mechanically made, by first cold-pressed method.
It is a unique food vegetable oil made according to high vitamin-conserving technology from milk thistle seeds.
Milk thistle oil has a pleasant peculiar odour and taste.
In cookery it is used for seasoning salads, vinegrets, different vegetable dishes, for seasoning porridges, for cold and hot dishes.
It is a unique dietary product for a person in terms of its value, it is also an effective means for preventing a number of diseases and it has been used in folk medicine for a long time.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
on request
Product origin :
Key Specifications/Special Features :
High-quality ecological edible oil
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
Packed in glass bottles 0.1L, 0.35L, 0.5L | MOQ 5000USD
Product Description :
Produced by means of mechanical operation using the method of the first cold pressing
This delicious, extraordinarily aromatic oil extract of black cumin is made by the method of infusion of the seeds of black cumin on unrefined sunflower oil.
In the production of black cumin oil by the cold pressing method, alkali treatment and extraction method are not used, hexane fraction is not used, no chemical additives and dyes are used. Its molecules are kept “alive” and natural. The oils produced in this way are the most valuable for nutritional and medicinal properties, they retain all the necessary and useful elements and vitamins, which are very well perceived by alive cells.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
on request
Product origin :
Key Specifications/Special Features :
High-quality ecological edible oil
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
Packed in glass bottles 0.1L, 0.35L, 0.5L | MOQ 5000USD
Product Description :
Manufactured by means of mechanical operations using the method of the first cold pressing.
This unique healing oil is manufactured with a use of the new vitamin preserving technology from rose hips growing in Carpathian Mountains.
It is easily assimilated by human organism and has a soft specific taste. It is recommended to be used for cooking any cold dishes, salads, beetroot salads, cabbage, sauces, for dressing cereals and and garnishes; it adds an inimitable taste and flavor to traditional dishes. It not only adds an unimmitable taste to traditional dishes but also improves their food value.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
on request
Product origin :
Key Specifications/Special Features :
High-quality ecological edible oil
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
Packed in glass bottles 0.1L, 0.35L, 0.5L | MOQ 5000USD
The castor seeds oil, we dole out, is acclaimed for its purity, rich taste, organic quality and high nutritional content. We avail the castor seeds oil from the selective vendors after great research and thorough screening. To lock its properties & keep adulterants at bay, stringent packaging criterion is adopted. For competitive prices, get in touch. We are the famed castor seeds oil exporter & supplier world-over.