Natural mineral water 6 bottles of 500ml
We have 40 diferent beverage products please contact us. Six pak, pallet.
Natural water out of the austrian mountains. All chemical certificates are available. 0.5 ltr 1 ltr.
The water temperature year-round 7 degrees Celsius, pH 7.46. One liter of water containing - Calcium Ca + + 20:44 mg / l - Magnesium Mg + + 3.64 mg / l - Sodium Na + + 0.79 mg / l - K Potassium 0.27 mg / l - Bicarbonates HCO 3 - 79.30 mg / l - Nitrate NO3 4.28 mg / l - Sulphates SO4 8:52 mg / l - Cl - 3:45 Chlorides mg / l - Ph value - 7:46 - Dry residues at 180oC 67.00 mg / l. 0,5 l - 1,5 l plastic bottle 0,25 l - 0,75 l - 1 l glass bottle.
Natrium : 13,0 mg/l Calcium : 56,0 mg/l Magnesium : 18,0 mg/l Kalium : 0,7 mg/l Chloride : 3,0 mg/l Sulfate : 7,0 mg/l Fluorides : 0,18 mg/l Hydrogen-carbonate : 293,0 mg/l. 1,5 L PET bottle, 504 bottles on one pallet, 33 pallet in one lorry.
We produce 0, 33 LT, 0, 5 LT, 1, 5 LT, 5 LT, 10 LT, 19 LT. Per package contain 12.
Sparkling water 1,5 l Weight of 1 bottle 1.5l = 1.58 kg Six pack= 6 bottles in one package
Mineral water.
Natural spring water, low in sodium and nitrates, suitable for small babies. 12 glass bottles of 1 litre per carton 24 glass bottles of 0,25 l per carton.
Natural mineral water and spring water (incl. carbonated) in any quantities, from Bulgaria; PET bottles from 0.330 up to 10.0L; private labeling without additional costs; certain terms and prices under kimgroup.ks via gm ailcom for fast negotiations and order execution. 0.330 up to 10.0L.
First knowledge of the Lithuanian mineral waters was found in medieval chronicles. There are mentioned mineral water sources of Druskininkai, Birstonas and Stakliskes. As a result, in 1794 was established the resort of Druskininkai (Lithuania), famous throughout Europe for its natural and various concentrations of sodium chloride, calcium, magnesium, mineral waters. "Hermis" - the Greek olympian gods envoy named natural weak mineralization -1355 mg/l of a unique anion (chlorine, hydrogen and sulphate) and cations (sodium, calcium, magnesium) a constant chemical composition of mineral water produced in druskininkai from 150 meters deep borehole Nr. 25311 (2477). "Hermis" is made free of iron by a special original technology, without using any additives, preservatives or condiments and without contact with air at bottling. Therefore, it is called natural. "Hermis" has excellent properties resulting from poor mineralization of water and it contains a unique anion - cation ratio. As a result, mineral water "Hermis" is used efficiency in sporting activities, or to revitalize prevention is much more promising than many similar mineral waters. In addition, this mineral water is widely used as table water and refreshing cocktails with the production of various juices and ice cream. Characteristics and taste of natural, weak salinity water "Hermis" comparable to the best analogy to other European union countries for mineral waters. Already, you can choose the water-saturated and unsaturated carbon, plain or with lemon flavor.
Pirmosios pinios apie lietuvos mineralinio vandens buvo rastas viduram¦i kronikose. Yra minimas mineralinio vandens =altinius, druskininkuose, bir=tone ir stakli=ki. Kaip rezultatas, 1794 m. Buvo ßsteigta druskinink kurorto "(lietuva), garsus visoje europoje natvralaus ir ßvairios koncentracijos natrio chlorido, kalcio, magnio, mineralini vanden. "hermis" - graik olimpo diev pasiuntinio vardu fizinis silpnos mineralizacijos -1.355 mg / l unikalaus anijonas (chloras, vandenilio ir sulfato) ir katijon (natrio, kalcio, magnio) palyginamosiomis cheminds suddties mineralinis vanduo gaminamas druskininkai i= 150 metr gylio grµ¦inio nr. 25311 (2477). "hermis" yra pagamintas be gele¦ies ypatinga originalia technologija, nenaudojant joki pried, konservant ar prieskoni ir be salyeio su oru iopilstymo. Toddl vadinamos natvraliomis. "hermis" turi puiki savybi, patiriam del prastos mineralizacijos vandens ir jis yra unikalus anijonas - katijon santykio. Kaip rezultatas, mineralinis vanduo "hermis" vartojama efektyvuma ir sportind veikla, ar siekiant aktyvinti prevencija yra gerokai daugiau ¦adanti nei daugelis pana=i mineralini vanden. Be to, =is mineralinis vanduo yra plaFiai naudojamas kaip stalo vandens ir gaivij kokteiliai su ßvairi sulFi ir led. Rodikliai ir skonio gamtos, silpnos mineralizacijos vanduo "hermis" pana=us ß geriausius analogija su kitomis europos sajungos oalimis del mineralinio vandens. Jau galite pasirinkti vandens sotieji ir nesotieji anglies, paprasti arba citrin skonio.
Mineral water sparkling
Water The place of origin water is italy and to be exacte the nord-west alps. The source of sparea is 750 mtr on sea-level on the mountain alpes The source of monviso is 950 mtr on sea-level on the mountain alps. The mountain source water is very different from the other purified waters ; they are clear and microbiologically pure when they pour from the source. Inside there are a minimum quantity of mineral salts ; for this reason is suitable for low-sodium diets. These two kinds of water is considered among the lighter in europe. They very agreable to the taste and appreciate at the table. Sparea Fixed residual at 180 centigrade are 22.5 mg/l (hardness of the water) Is forecasted only in glass May be sparkling or straight (natural) In packing of 0.75 liter or 0.50 liter Monviso Fixed residual at 180 centigrade are 22.5 mg/l (hardness of the water) Is forecasted only in pet. May be sparkling or straight (natural) In packing of 1.50 liter or 0.50 liter The labels on the bottles are in italian-franch-english . Franco balestra Ceo & sales manager Fbagent
Mineral water
Bottled mineral water pet 1.5 lt 1.5 lt
Drinking water We are trading company called ilker, located in izmir, turkey. Our naturel mineral water and soft drinks brand like ice tea and flavoured waters. Bottled at source under ultra-hygienic conditions and untouched from source to bottle leaving it as pure as nature intended, ideal for helping replenish the minerals lost throughout the day. We are exporting water mostly to european countries, which are united kingdom, germany, denmark, holland, belgium and malta. We have to bottle 0.33it, 0.5lt, 1.5it or 0.5it*6, 1.5it*6 packet We are searching strong distributor partners
Natural mineral water Natural mineral water with the following specialities: in 200ml or in 500ml glass bottle Sodium :7.22 mg / lt Calcium :226.45 mg / lt Magnesium :164.84 mg/ lt Sulfate :112.22 mg/ lt Fluoride :0.03 mg/ lt Nitrate :1.00 mg/ lt 1) 500 ml. glass bottle. One sheathing contains 12 units. It weights 9.5 kg 2 ) 200 ml. glass bottle. One sheathing contains 24 units (glass bottle). It weights 8.5 kg
Water In 0.5lt, 1.5lt and 5lt sizes
Still pH 5.4-7.3 Bromine (Br) 0-0.014 Calcium (Ca) 3.7-12