People living on diabetes diet or would like to keep their figure - in general like the sweet things. We'd like to grant them a solution to consume made with Stevia FRUTTA MAX BUBBLE12 "LIGHT" sugar-free syrups with 60% real fruit content, having delicious fruity flavours!
Big advantage from the end-users' point of view: from one bottle can be made 12 litres of still or fizzy drink. It's also an environment saving solution, as we use less plastic packaging material.
Dosage is very simple by the help of the added measuring cup.
The syrups can be used also for soda machines.
On the plastic bottles there are label texts in the following languages: HU,GB,D,HR,RO,SRB,SLO,RUS. Of course in case of Your other market demands we can serve too.
Size: 500 ml
Frutta Max "LIGHT" (sugarfree) syrups are available in the following tastes: apricot, blueberry, cherry, elder-lime-mint, lemon-green tea (50%), lemon-lime, mango, orange, raspberry, strawberry. The newest develeopment: Lemon beer flavoured Radler syrup (50%).
Size: 500 ml
Grains of paradise are native to the coastal areas of Africa;s Gulf of Guinea which includes today's countries of Liberia, Ivory Coast, Togo, Nigeria, and Cameroon where grains of paradise have a long-standing record of ethnobotanical use. Before the spice trade routes from Western Europe to the East Indies were established, a lively trade of grains of paradise, cubeb, and long peppers existed. Oceanic travels to the Spice Islands by the Portuguese, Dutch, and English in the 17th century diminished the value and importance of grains of paradise in face of competition of black pepper, clove, mace, and nutmeg.
Outside West Africa, grains of paradise are only a minor spice commodity, finding use as a flavoring in alcoholic beverages such as beer, ale, and gin. It is an ingredient in raz al hanoutâ a Moroccan spice mixture.