Morinaga Hi-Chew Mango 55.2g
Morinaga Umai-Chew Green Apple 55.2g Morinaga Hi-Chew Suppai-Chew Lemon 55.2g Morinaga Hi-Chew Strawberry 55.2g Morinaga Hi-Chew Grape 55.2g
The price EXW Lithuania may vary due to Eur/USD exchange rate.
If you have any questions or would like to place an order, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help.
Description : candies group number 1 catalog is contain of 8 models . Price for per Kg in this category is same . Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names . You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Minimum Order Quantity for this group is :500 Kg
production :unlimited
standard : Swedish
sample available : costs with Buyer
packaging : different package amount
seller product group : Group number 1
key specification : Jelly , fruity , sweet, licorice , salty licorice , fudge, caramel, sour
key advantage : Pick and Mix
Candies Group number 3 is contain 66 models .
Price for this group per Kg is same.
Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names .
You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email .
If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group number 4 is contain 50 models .
Price for this group per Kg is same.
Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names .
You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email .
If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group number 5 is contain 23 models .
Price for this group per Kg is same.
Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names . You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group number 6 is contain 11 models .
Price for this group per Kg is same.
Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names . You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group number 7 is contain 17 models .
Price for this group per Kg is same.
Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names . You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group number 8 is contain 12 models .
Price for this group per Kg is same.
Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names . You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email .
If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group number 9 is contain 3 models .
Price for this group per Kg is same.
Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names .
You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email . If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group Number 10 contain 1 model
The packaging amount and is noted beside its name.
You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email .
If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Candies Group number 2 is contain 75 models .
Price for this group per Kg is same.
Each candy in this group comes with different packaging amount and number which is noted beside their names .
You can select your choices individually by the codes under each candy and send your inquiry to us by email .
If you have any question regarding the flavors , color and packaging amount we will help you gladly and can send you their individual photos in English.
Diablo was founded with the intentions of offering the 5 million and growing people suffering from Diabetes an alternative to sugar. In the process there has been a vast increase in the number of consumers looking to cut sugar out of their diet but still have those naughty treats. They really are guilt free.