Product Specification Botanical Name:- Pimpinella Anisum Part used: Seed and Ripe fruits Aroma-Fruity sweet Aroma Description Anise seed oil scientifically also known as Pimpinella Anisum is the herb that grows approximately 2 feet. Anise seed is comely used by Romans in the form of spicy cake. Anise seed oil is native to the Middle East but now it is cultivated in USA, North Africa, and Europe. Plant of Anise seed oil grows in the warm spring season and need fertile well-drained soil to grow best. Extraction: Anise oil is extracted by the process known as steam distillation and CO2 Extraction. Uses: Anise oil is used for flatulence, indigestion, hangover & Catarrh. Anise oil is very useful for the treatment of muscular pain. Anise oil is used to cure scabies & psoriasis. Anise oil is used in the manufacturing of toothpaste. It is also used as a Flavoring agent. Safety Measure: Wash eyes immediately with plenty of water if oil comes in contact with eye. If anise oil inhaled then keep affected a person in the fresh air, in case of serious condition seed medical attention. Avoid in content with skin, seek doctor for medical attention. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Anise Oil Manufacturers Anise Oil Suppliers Anise Oil at affordable cost Essential Oils Anise Oil Exporters Anise Oil wholesaler 100% Pure Anise Oil
Description It is also known as wild celery amd master wort,It is soft oil and is steam distilled from the dried roots, rhizome and seeds of Angelica. It has as spicy aroma. It is used in treatment of various ailments and as well as aromatherapy. Properties It is a yellow liquid with warm gentle aroma. Components Its main components are velaric acid, methyl ethyl acetic acid and hydroxyl misristc acid. Blending It blends well with basil, chamomile and clary sage oil. Uses Owing to its carminative properties, it eases in gastric problems. Owing to its anticoagulant properties, It provides relief in cold, congestion and fever. It is provides relief in high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. It is also used as ingredient in medicines. It is also used as flavours. It is also used as ingredient in Cosmetics. A.G Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Angelica Root Oil Suppliers Angelica Root Oil Manufacturers Angelica Root Oil Wholesaler Angelica Root Oil Exporters Pure Angelica Root Oil Organic Angelica Root
Description It is well known for its aroma and medicinal benefits. It is an evergreen shrub and has bright yellow flowers just like Hisbiscus and it grows well in India. It is also known as musk dana. It is used in aromatherapy as well as for many other medicinal benefits. Botanical name of Ambrette is Abelmoschus moschatus Medik Extraction It is obtained by steam distillation of its fully grown kidney shaped musky seed. Properties It has a rich sweet, floral- musky like odor. Composition Its main components are franesyl acetate, decyl acetate, oxacycloheptadec-8-en-2-one etc. Blending It blends well with bergamot, clary sage, carrot seed, frankincense oil and other oils as well. Uses It is used as a stimulant. It is used for treatment of various illnesses. It could not be synthetic that’s why it is used in ayurvedic medicines. It is used as boosters in perfume and hence is used as fixator by perfumery industry. It is used to treat Dyspesia, lucoderma and itching. It is useful against intestinal problems and heart related problems. It is beneficial to treat anxiety, cramps, fatigue, stress and headaches. It is used in massages and bath oil for relaxation. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Ambrette Seed Oil Suppliers Ambrette Seed Oil Manufacturers Organic Ambrette Seed Oil Ambrette Seed Oil Exporters Pure Ambrette Seed Oil
Description- Ajwain oil is derived from the herb scientifically known as Trachyspermum ammi, or Caram copticum. Ajwain oil belongs to Apiaceae family, originated from Egypt and spread throughout South West Asia such as in India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The plant of Ajwain oil grows approximately up to 2 feet, predominate winter crop. Ajwain is annual shrub with small, soft hairs and its fruits are grayish in color and oval in shape. Ajwain oil is used in the preparation of medicines. Properties- Ajwain oil is pale yellowish in color, burning taste with characteristic thyme odor. Chemical Composition- Ajwain oil is chemically composed of thymol, -pinene, -terpinene, carvacrol, dipentene, and p-cymene. Uses Ajwain oil is a key ingredient in the manufacturing of toothpaste and mouthwashes Ajwain oil is also used in aromatherapy, in body oil Ajwain oil is very useful for the treatment of cholera and diarrhea. It provides aid in healing painful throat. Ajwain oil used to ease stuffy nose, sinus congestion, cold, and coughs. Ajwain oil is very helpful for the treatment of kidney stone as its property has ability to dissolves stone and treats urinary infections It is also used in wound cleaning Ajwain oil is used for treating skin infection as it has antiseptic property. It has the antifungal component which helps to get rid of molds, yeasts and other fungi. It is used for the treatment of a migraine and rheumatic pain. Safety and Prevention- If any person is on diet, avoid using ajowain oil. Consult to doctor first before using while pregnant or breastfeeding. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Essential Oils Ajwain oil health benefits Ajwain oil manufacturers Ajwain oil Suppliers Ajwain oil Wholesaler Pure Ajwain Oil Ajwain oil Exporters
Description Agarwood tree is native to India and is one of the expensive oil and is obtained from heartwood of agarwood tree. Agarwood oil is also called as oud oil. Agarwood when healthy is light in colour once it is infected, in response it makes a very aromatic resin and it is from these resins that oil is obtained by process of steam distillation. Extraction It is obtained by process of steam distillation of resin. Properties It has deep, complex and woody aroma. Composition It is very complex and contains atleast 150 Chemical compounds. Blending It blends well with Jojoba, coconut oil and other carrier oils. Uses Owing to its mind blowing fragrance it helps focus the mind and reduces the negativity. It can help in treatment of Insomnia due to presence of valerian content in it. It is helps in pain and rheumatism. It is great relieving pain massage oil. Owing to its aphrodisiac properties it enhances sex drive. It has diuretic properties thus helps in detoxifying the body. It provides relieve in indigestion and Bloating. It can improve tone of skin and helps in repair of the damaged skin. It has anaesthetic and sedative effect as well. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Agarwood Oil Suppliers Agarwood Oil Manufacturers Agarwood Oil Wholesaler Agarwood Oil Exporters Pure Agarwood Oil
Description: Cypriol is also called as Nagarmoth and it belongs to Cyperaceae family Extraction: It is obtained from its root by process of steam distillation. Composition: Its main components are Cyperene, alpha-copaene and caryophyllene oxide etc. Properties: It smells woody, earthy and is dark brown to transparent green in colour. Uses: It can cure cold and coughs mucus It helps in avoiding diarrhea as well as loose stools. It is used as ingredient in skin care creams It enhances beauty. It is hydrating thus it decreases skin dryness, redness, irritation and also control flare ups. It has a refreshing aroma, thus is used as ingredient in fragrance industry. It can also treat acne. It also provides relief in respiratory problems like congestion. It is a used in aromatherapy as it relieves stress, reduce tension, tone system. It is also a healthy tonic. It aids in curing diabetes as it decreases blood sugar. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Cypriol Oil Suppliers Cypriol Oil Manufacturers Cypriol Oil Wholesaler Cypriol Oil Exporters Pure Cypriol Oil
Description:- Cypress trees are evergreen coniferus tree and it belongs to family cupressaceae. These are 25 meters tall & are pyramidal in shape, their bark separates into thin plates’ or strips that shed from tree. Leaves are spreading & usually aromatic. Cones are small in size. Extraction:- The oil is obtained by steam distillation of bark. Properties:- It is pale yellow in color and aroma is woody & sharp. Components:- Its main components are alpha pinene, cedrol, limonene mycrene. Blending:- Its blend well with the woody oils like cedar wood oil & pine oil also or essential oils such as lavender rosemary & citrus like orange & grape. Uses:- Owing to its astringent properties it shrinks skin giving it a tighter skin. It reduces inflammation. It prevents bacterial infection. It helps in hemorrhoids by shrinking blood vessel. It prevents spasms. Cypress oil stops bleeding in open wounds. It has tranquilizing effect. It promotes sweating. The oil improves blood circulation. It improves memory function. It alleviates heavy period. It alleviates edema. It helps to curb acne. It can reduce bags under eyes. Cypress oil can use in aromatherapy products such as aroma candles, soaps & incense sticks. Safety & Precautions:- If under medication consult doctor before its use. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential Oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Cypress Oil Suppliers Cypress Oil Manufacturers Cypress Oil Wholesaler Cypress Oil Exporters 100% Pure Cypress Oil
Description:- The curry tree ( Murrya Koenigii) is native to India & Sri Lanka. It is a small tree & grows up to 20 Ft tall, leaves are pinnate; flowers are white which self pollinate. Leaves are highly valued for seasoning in southern & Indian cooking. The leaves of murraya are used as an herb in ayurvedic medicines. Extraction:- Curry leaf oil is extracted from the leaves of Curry leaf plant by steam distillation. Properties:- Curry leaf oil is pale yellow in colour and gives a natural and good smell. Composition:- Owing Its monoterpene hydrocarbon (pinene, camphene, limonene, myrcene) or monoterpene-derived alcohols (linalool, terpinene-4-ol, nerol, geraniol also their acetates) Uses:- Curry leaf oil has a great value in medical sciences. Curry leaf oil is the chief herbs used to heal several diseases which take in some serious disorders like poverty, nausea, astringent, lower blood pressure, dysentery, fever, vision, night blindness, etc. If taken with coconut milk and salt, it can help in serious illness like hepatitis. It is used against diabetes, hair loss, and as a remedy of helping the skin maintain its natural pigmentation. It is used in maintaining health, heart, long hairs, and control deficiency of iron in our body. It is used as Anti-inflammatory, Hepetoprotecctive, Antidiabitic, Antimicrobial, Antiovident, Antihypercholestrolemic. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential Oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Curry Leaf Oil Suppliers Curry Leaf Oil Manufacturers Curry Leaf Oil Wholesaler Curry Leaf Oil Exporters 100% Pure Curry Leaf Oil
Botanical Name :- Cuminum Cyminum Description:- Cumin oil is obtained from the dried seeds of cumin. It is originally from the Mediterranean area plant of cumin is a small annual herb about 50cm ( 20 inches) high, with deep green, narrow feathery leaves with tiny white flowers, followed by small oblong seeds. Cumin oil mostly used for its digestive properties. The Egyptians used cumin oil for headaches .Cumin is a very important in Indian curries and in Mexican national dishes. Extraction:- Cumin oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction from the dried seeds cumin. Properties:- It is very powerful, green spicy, but not sharps more of a soft and mellow scent. It is Yellow to light brown liquid and Powerful, green spicy, but not sharp odor Constituents:- Main components are Volatile oil, cuminic, cymene, dipentene, limonene Blending:- It easily blends with other oils. Uses:- Owing to its antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, aphrodisiac, anti-oxidant, depurative, digestive, and diuretic, properties it is very beneficial and is also used as tonic. It is also useful for warming oil that helps relieve muscular pains and osteoarthritis. Cumin oil is also very good for digestive system. Cumin oil is a stimulant that helps with colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, bloating and indigestion. Cumin oil is a tonic with helpful effect on headaches, migraine pain and nervous exhaustion. It is good for exhaustion and works well in blends for that purpose. Cumin oil is a stimulant that helps with colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, bloating and indigestion. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Cumin Oil Suppliers Cumin Oil Manufacturers Cumin Oil Wholesaler Cumin Oil Exporters 100% Pure Cumin Oil
Description Coriander oil is obtained from the seeds of cilantro plant. It is small plant grows about 1 meter. The leaves of the plant are sparse, fine and feathery with beautiful pinkish/white flowers. The leaves, when trodden, give off a repulsive odor like squashed bugs which is use to flavor. Extraction Coriander oil is obtained from the dried seeds of coriander plant by the method of steam distillation. Properties It has a sweet, spicy and warm aroma with colorless to pale yellow in color. Blending Coriander oil blends well with most of oils like Cinnamon oil, ginger oil, lemon oil, neroli oil, orange oil and grapefruit oil. Uses It can be useful refresh your mind, mental fatigue, tension and nervous weakness. Coriander oil is used to help in absorption as well as joint pain. It is a craving refreshment and aids in the emission of gastric juices. Coriander oil is use to making pain oil for relieving headaches, muscle pain, stiffness and arthritis. It has antiseptic properties. Coriander oil is good for increasing hunger, and relieving vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence and acidity. It is use in making food and salads for flavoring. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Coriander Oil Suppliers Coriander Oil Manufacturers Coriander Oil Wholesaler Coriander Oil Exporters 100% Pure Coriander Oil
Botanical Name: Syzygium aromaticum. Description:- Clove oil is obtained by the method of steam distillation from the leaves, stem and bud of clove. Clove is originated from Indonesia & Malacca islands. It is obtained by the leaves and bud of clove. it is red brown in color. Its Botanical name is Syzygium aromaticum. Clove is a evergreen tree that can grow up to 8-12 m tall. Clove Oil is useful for its disinfecting properties, relieving of pain, especially rheumatism, arthritis and toothache. It is used as massage oil in cream and lotion. Extraction:- Clove oil is extracted by the method of steam and water distillation from the leaves, stem and bud of clove. Constituents:- The chemical composition of clove oil is iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, vitamin A & C, hydrolic acid. Blending:- Clove oil blends with benzoin, lavender, ginger, sandalwood, basil and clary sage. Uses:- Clove oil is used in dental problems toothache and mouth sore. Using clove oil is good for digestion as it is very effective against vomiting & diarrhea. Clove oil is used to treat against flatulence, bronchitis, asthma & tuberculosis. It could be used to reduce mental exhaustion, fatigue & tension, anxiety. Clove oil is good to used as massage oil in cream and lotion. Clove oil is use is insect and mosquito repellent. Due to its soothing effect and powerful aroma clove oil is used in making soap. Safety Precaution:- Clove oil is likely unsafe for children and pregnant lady. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Clove Oil Suppliers Clove Oil Manufacturers Clove Oil Wholesaler Clove Oil Exporters 100% Pure Clove Oil
Botanical Name: Salvia sclarea Description: Clary Sage is a perennial herb. Its flowers are bluish-purple and has hairy leaves. Its leaves have been used as a vegetable in cookery, It is also used in preparing mucilage which is a special adhesive composed of a solution of a sticky vegetable product used primarily to seal paper. Extraction: Clary sage oil is extracted by process of steam distillation of flowers and leaves. Properties: A clear to pale yellow essential oil, Clary sage has a sweet, nutty fragrance. Blending: It has good blending property and its blends with Roman chamomile oil, Frankincense and bergamot oil. Uses: It gives relief in problems like Asthma, depression, digestive problem, exhaustion, muscle cramps, spasm and respiratory problem. It is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic and sedative. The oil is also used for depression,nervousness,sorethroat,minor aches and pain. It is used in massage oil or diluted in the bath. It is used in a cream or lotion. It is used as dietary supplement. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Clary Sage Oil Suppliers Clary Sage Oil Manufacturers Clary Sage Oil Wholesaler Clary Sage Oil Exporters 100% Pure Clary Sage Oil
Citronella Oil Citronella oil is extracted using steam distillation process. The Botanical name is Cymbopogon nardus. It is native to insular Southeast Asia, Queensland, and islands of the western Pacific and tropical regions of South and Central America,. Citronella Essential Oil has a woody-sweet, fresh, lemon ascent, colorless to pale-yellow in color. Citronella certified oil is credited the several therapeutic properties listed as deodorant, insecticide, antiseptic, parasitic, tonic and as a stimulant. Extraction Citronella oil is extracted using steam distillation process. USES Citronella is credited with having therapeutic properties Citronella is used in the manufacture of product natural insect repellent with pleasant smell. Citronella oil is used in soaps. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Citronella Oil Manufacturers Citronella Oil Suppliers Citronella Oil Wholesaler Citronella Oil Exporters 100% Pure Citronella Oil
Botanical Name: CinnamomumZeylanicum Description:- Cinnamon is a spice obtained from leaf of tree of genus cinnamomum. Cinnamon is cultivated by growing the tree for two years, and then cutting stems at ground level, next year about a dozen new shoots will form from the roots, replacing those that were cut.. Flavor of cinnamon is due to an aromatic essential oil. Cinnamon is widely used as spice; it is used as a condiment & flavoring agent. Cinnamon is popular flavoring in alcoholic beverages. Extraction:- Cinnamon leaf oil is obtained by steam distillation of cinnamon leaf. Properties:- It is yellow in color with characteristic odor of cinnamon & very hot aromatic taste. Blending:- It blends well with lemon essential oil, rosemary oil, geranium & cardamom etc. Uses:- It is most popular herb for flavoring & medicinal uses. It boosts activity of the brain. It is great for treatment of pimples because it is a good blood purifier. It has anti-inflammatory properties thus it helps in removing stiffness of muscles & joints. It helps in removing headaches that are caused by cold. It can help in controlling blood sugar. It helps in destroying germs in the gall bladder & bacteria present in staph infections. It acts as coagulant & helps to stop excess bleeding. It can prevent coronary heart disease & high BP. It reduces risk of colon cancer. It is used in chewing gum as it is a good mouth freshener. It helps in cold, sore throat & congestion. It provides Relief from menstrual discomfort & cramping. It helps in the secretion & discharge of urine. It has various applications in Aromatherapy. Safety & Precautions:- It should be avoided for internal consumption. It can have adverse effect on skin if used in concentrated form. It should be diluted before applying topically and one should do a patch test before applying. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Cinnamon Leaf Oil Suppliers Cinnamon Leaf Oil Manufacturers Cinnamon Leaf Oil Wholesaler Cinnamon Leaf Oil Exporters 100% Pure Cinnamon Leaf Oil
Description: Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark tree known as Cinnamomum. Cinnamon is cultivated by growing the tree for two years, and then cutting stems at ground level, next year about a dozen new shoots will form from the roots, replacing those that were cut. The important thing about the plant is the processed of extracting oil must be immediately started after harvesting. Flavor of cinnamon oil comes because of an aromatic essential oil. Cinnamon is popular flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages. Extraction:- Pure Cinnamon oil is prepared by pounding the bark & quickly distilling the whole. Blending:- Cinnamon oil can nicely blend with an essential oil such as rosemary oil, lemon oil geranium & cardamom etc. Uses:- Cinnamon Bark Oil is most popular herb used for flavoring. Cinnamon Bark Oil has the ability to cure a pimple as it helps to purify the blood. It helps in removing headaches that are caused by cold. Daily intake of Cinnamon Bark Oil helps to control blood sugar level. Cinnamon Bark Oil helps for the treatment of internal as well as external infection. Daily intake of cinnamon oil helps to reduce risk of colon cancer. It is used in chewing gum as it is a good mouth freshener. It has very effective while application of Aromatherapy therapy. It is a great mosquito repellant. Safety & Precautions Best use of Cinnamon oil is for physical use only It should be diluted before applying topically and one should do a patch test before applying. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Cinnamon Bark Oil Suppliers 100% Pure Cinnamon Bark Oil Cinnamon Bark Oil Exporters Cinnamon Bark Oil Manufacturers Cinnamon Bark Oil Wholesaler
Description: It is a very prominently used in Asian cuisine and is mostly used in Chinese and south and east Asian cuisine. It is used in cooked dishes as well as condiment. Extraction: Chilli oil is obtained by infused method, where the chilli is infused with base oil like seasame oil, sunflower oil and even olive oil. Properties: It is red in colour. Uses: It is used as warming oil during winters or if required, by applying on the skin it causes stinging and then swelling and thus makes skin insensitive and thus increases the blood circulation and resulting of warming of skin. It is also very beneficial for hair growth as by applying it on scalp it causes burning sensation and thus increasing the blood circulation resulting in the hair growth. It acts as cure for many skin problems starting from psoriasis to knee pain and any other joint pain. By massaging by chilli oil it provides instant relief. It also provides relief in neuralgia. It also fights cancer cells. It also improves body immunization and strengthens the body and prevents from germs and infections. It not only provides relief from ulcer also it prevents type 2 diabetes and it also acts as blood thinner. It also increases metabolism than can be helpful to those who want to tone down their body. Chilli oil contains lots of vitamins and minerals thus it lowers the cholesterol level thus lowering the heart diseases. It contains good amount of vitamin D and thus strengthens bones and marrows. It can also treat Alzheimer diseases. A.G Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Chilli Oil Suppliers Chilli Oil Manufacturers Chilli Oil Wholesaler Chilli Oil Exporters Pure Chilli Oil Organic Chilli Oil
Davana Oil Availability : In Stock Botanical Name: Artemisia pallens Plant Part: Stems and Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Origin: India Description Its botanical name is Artemisia Pallens. It is annual aromatic herb and is known for its delicate Fragrance. Its flowers are yellow in color but they appear white in color due to its outer covering. The crop can be grown in various ranges of soil, like it can grow well in sandy loam as well as in Black soil, only thing is that soil should have good drainage & rich organic matter is required. This plant grows best when sown in winter season. These are xerophytic in nature and are used in India for religious purposes too. Extraction Davana oil is obtained by steam Distillation of flowers of Davana Plant. Properties It has rich, sweet, fruity, slightly woody, camphorous note, consistency is thick and color is bunt orange. Components Its main components are ketone called davanone, linalool, And davana ether. Blending It blends well with woody essential oils like neroli, geranium, grapefruit, cedarwood, caraway etc. Uses It is used in Aromatherapy, Perfumery, and Cosmetics It is used as a flavoring agent in pastries & Beverages. Owing to its Therapeutic properties it has many Health benefits It provides protection against viral attacks. It fights depression through relaxation. It reduces Blood pressure. It fights infections, protects against Tetanus. It should be applied in mild concentrations in cases of cuts & wounds. It fights infections from bacteria, microbes, fungi & viruses. It opens up blocked menstruation & makes period regular. It loosens up tough coughs & relieves congestions, Headaches & pain in joints. Relax contractions in muscles & blood vessels. It helps to heal wounds faster & protects from infections. It act as insect repellent. Safety & Precautions It is non toxic but can cause irritati A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Davana Oil Suppliers Davana Oil Manufacturers Davana Oil Wholesaler Davana Oil Exporters 100% Pure Davana Oil
Dill Seed Oil Availability : In Stock Dill Seed essential oil extracted from the Anethum Sowa - also known as the Indian Dill, belongs to the family of Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) family. The Dill Seed oil is squeezed by the process known as steam distillation process. Dill Seed oil is used to cure aromatherapy and useful external applications. Extraction: Dill seed oil is squeezed from the steam distillation of dried seeds Chemical Composition:- Chemical composition of Dill oil is D-Carvone, dill apiole, limonene and p-cymene etc. Uses: Dill oil has antispasmodic activity. It relaxes on nerves, muscles and respiratory system. It cures the infection in the colon, kidney, genital and urinary tract. Dill oil helps to enhance the secretion of digestive enzyme Daily intakes of Dill oil can help in the treatment of constipation and piles. Dill oil improved the quantity and quality of breast milk. Dill oil is used for healing stomach ulcer. Dill oil relives in depression and hypertension. Safety & Precaution:- Do not use Dill oil while pregnancy If dill oil comes in contact with skin or eyes then wash your eyes immediately with plenty of water A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Organic Dill Seed oil Dill Seed oil Manufacturers Dill Seed Oil Suppliers Pure Dill Seed Oil Dill Seed Oil Exporters Dill Seed Oil IP/BP/USP
Elemi Oil Availability : In Stock Description Its scientific name is Canarium Luzonicum whose resin is harvested which is pale yellow substance with consistency of honey. Elemi oil is obtained by steam distillation of resin. Extraction Elemi oil is obtained by steam distillation of gum obtained from Elemi Tree. Properties Elemi oil is colorless to pale yellow in colour and fragranceis like pine & lemon. Components It consist of limonene, elemol, elemicin,lcarvone & terpinolene etc. Blending It is known to blends with franckincense, lavender, rosemary, myrrh & sage. Uses It is used in manufacturing of soaps. It is ingredient in manufacturing of cosmetics & perfumes. Elemi Essential Oil is used in paint industries. Owing to its antiseptic properties it protects against infection. It protects wounds from infections. It is effective in cutting down pain related to cold, fever & sprains. It cures headaches, migraines & muscular pain. It also clears congestion & makes breathing easier. It stimulates circulation, secretion of hormones & enzymes. Elemi Oil also boosts the immune system of body. It tones up all the organic systems functioning in body. It is useful in treating sinusitis, joint pain, digestive disorders, mumps & chill. Safety and Precautions It may cause irritations to people with sensitive skin. It should not be applied on skin of babies. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Elemi Oil Suppliers Elemi Oil Manufacturers Elemi Oil Wholesaler Elemi Oil Exporters 100% Pure Elemi Oil
Fennel oil Availability : In Stock Fennel essential oil extracted from the seeds of fennel. Pure Fennel oil is used as a flavoring agent for some natural toothpaste. Fennel seeds essential oil are used in sweet desserts and mostly in cookery etc. Product Specification:- Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare Extraction:- Fennel oil is extracted by the process known as Steam distillation from the crushed seeds. Composition:- Chemically fennel essential oil made the ingredient such as fenchone, myrcene, alpha-pinene, i-8 cineole etc. Blending:- Fennel essential oil is nicely blended with an essential oil such as lavender, Geranium oil and rose or sandalwood etc. Uses:- Fennel oil is very helpful for the people suffering from obesity as it gives the full feeling. Fennel oil act as a makeup cleanser Fennel oil is helpful for fighting against wrinkles It acts as a toner for spleen & liver. Fennel oil is very helpful for increasing milk in nursing mothers. In Aromatherapy, it is used as blended massage oil . Storage & Handling of Seeds fennel oil :- Keep away from sun heat. Keep container tightly closed. Do not breathe dust. Keep container in an amazing cool zone. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Fennel Oil Suppliers Fennel Oil Manufacturers Fennel Oil Exporters 100% Pure Fennel Oil Fennel Oil Wholesaler