Green coffee beans species Arabica HG (High Grown, altitude 900-1200 m), creen 13-17, Wet type of processing SHG (Strictly High Grown, altitude 1200-1550 m), screen 14-17, Wet type of processing SHG EP (Strictly High Grown European preparation, altitude 1200-1550 m), 5-8 defects per pound, screen 16-18 PV: altitude 700-900 m, screen 13-16, wet type of processing Neter: altitude 700-900 m, screen 13-16, type of processing - unwashed All coffee: crop of 2022 year packed in GrainPro bags and jute sacks, each is 69 kg Coffee has certificate of origin, phytosanitary certificate and report from the government laboratory.
Chicken & beef parts, cereals, snack foods, pasta, cooking oil, canned food, automotive parts and tires, medical supplies, heavy duty construction equipment & supplies.
Fish meal made from by-products associated (skin, bones, scales and blood. The main species of tuna used as raw material for fishmeal are: thunnus albacares, thuunnus obesus and katsuwonus pelamis. Free of salmonella, fungi and parasites.Humidity 6-8%, proteins 60%, fat 9 -10%, ashes 20-22%. 50 kg polypropylene bag
Honey or natural coffee processed 100 pound bags